Were the 1990s really as good as old people claim it was? I was born in 2001 and I'm 18, so I never experienced the 1990s
Were the 1990s really as good as old people claim it was? I was born in 2001 and I'm 18...
I was born in 1987 and am about to go to sleep, but I'll just say that I have little nostalgia for the 90s and more people need to appreciate the good points of the modern day. Medical advancements being one. Remote health monitoring will become a thing throughout the 2020s and allow people to detect health problems at their very earliest stages. That certainly didn't exist in the 1990s.
What do you consider to be old, you stupid teenager?
I was born in 1991 and I mostly remember just specific things about the 90's like video games (Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Crash Bandicoot) and some cartoons but it was all experienced through the filter of an undeveloped, infantile mind. You really need to have been born in the mid 80's or earlier to have gotten a clear picture of the 90's.
I don't really remember it. I was born in 89
same here. a lot of the memories i thought i had about the 90s are mostly early 2000s.
No people are just nostalgic about their youth.
Boomer detected.
Consider that any age is always described through heart shaped glasses.
things were more real in a sense
no internet, social media or mobile phones even
people had to deal with what was available locally
i had stacy neighbours that would hang out with me regulary since they had no better option really
these days fat autists like me probably have no chance and girls rather substitute contact on social media than be seen with one
also feel like in age before social media took over people cared a bit less about their social status
feel like it was easier to be a looser
rose tinted glass obviously play a role as well
>I was born in 1987
let me tell you what was good and what was bad
>you were subject to the whims of networks
you had to catch shows at certain times or not see them at all and alt news sources were hard to come by.
>anime was scarce
Bootleg fansubs were hard to come by and you had to pay like 30 bucks a pop. Nowadays you can go on a streaming site or get torrents no problem!
>Internet sucked
was slow and the culture of the web didn't exist as we know it today,
meeting people was impossible
>GPS didn't exist
I remember my parents had to use actual maps on road trips
>computers were shit
>video games cost $79
>people were less tolerant of gay folks I remember
not gay, but I hate seeing people get bashed
>bible thumpers were louder and tried to get everything banned
>music was generally better
> people barely talked about politics
>Sjws and alt-right dudes were non-existent
>liberals were still mellow hippies and those who cared about the environment
>game industry was smaller and easy to enter
>games in general seemed to have much more care put into them and were easier to keep track of
>blockbuster video for games you can finish in 4 hours
we have roms now but, it was nice
I'd say it's better now than in the 90s
I think now is better if you're an adult, but I would kill to have grown up in a time before social media.
>I think now is better if you're an adult, but I would kill to have grown up in a time before social media.
Social media really didn't pick up until like 08ish
not everyone even used myspace.
I was in my junior year in high school when a few people started using it, and it was only those were tech savvy.
Facebook was college exclusive until 09' even then people really didn't use it that much as it didn't have any messenger
I wish we had it sooner, I many artstic people on forums way back in 04' who I still talk to today.
That brings up another few things that were worse
>3D tutorials were nearly impossible to find before youtube
>2D art tutorials were few and far between
What level is that? I don't recognize it.
83 fag here pretty much all of this I liked it better then because there was no social media and cell phones
>Medical advancements being one. Remote health monitoring will become a thing throughout the 2020s and allow people to detect health problems at their very earliest stages
What good is that when people can't afford good health care?
One of the options will be a $1000 consumer device that can serve as an at-home cancer screening tool (which is good since cancer is treatable 90 percent of the time if caught early). Trust me, I'm well aware of how stupidly expensive healthcare is in the US.
1990 born here. no it wasnt. the 90s had terrible computers and they were expensive. internet was slow as hell. college was the peak since internet didnt work well. nowdays degrees mean nothing but 90s culture of college degree to get rich is still existsnt when u can teach yourself everything or publish on the intenet. pokemon was the only thing that was cool but even then red and blue was short and gold and silver didnt come out until later
born in 1990. i think my favorite part about growing up back then was being able to do pretty much what we wanted as kids. we rode our bikes all around the neighborhood and even through bits of the city without supervision most of the time. we would play flashlight tag all night during the summer, never really having a curfew as far as how dark it was. i even remember having the offspring americana album on cassette, played it everyday on my walkman for months. games were fun as well, still have a soft spot for the first age of empires. played the shit out of the demo before my dad was able to get a burned copy from a friend.
i guess there was more of a sense of trust in the community and safety. at least where i live(d). things only got worse after 9/11 and when immigrants started pouring in. the bads ones i mean. lots of thugs and gangs here now. i dont see many kids outside anymore, not like it used to be.
cant even remember the last time i saw anybody playing at the parks around here. makes me pretty sad honestly.
Born in 1989. Rode bikes around the neighborhood, woods, etc. Made miniature cities out of dirt, bricks and hot wheels cars. People actually played at parks, etc.
Sucked dick with the bros behind trees
> first age of empires.
> when immigrants started pouring in
you in the UK or something?
True, but idk. Rare media was hard to get a hold of like
Lupin series or imported games .
Also now i can have Japanese lessons via skype. when in 1996 that would have been impossible
It was the last decade before the internet really settled in and ruined society
Sure there was internet from 1995-1999, but the people who did have it were not loud lesbian man cows who hate white men. It was computer geeks who had money for a $2000 computer, a 33.8 or 56k modem connection and a phone line they were going to plug up.
2001 brought about Internet to the masses, but at least you again had to be at a computer.
2007 brought up lazy cunts on the couch and children in their bed on their iphone.
The 90s were perfect even on an internet level.
How is society ruined? Because girls don't want to have sex with you?
>Because girls don't want to have sex with you?
See what you did right there? It was possible to have a real conversation without all this knee jerk bullshit.
what anime is this?
golden boy, my good man
>Were the 1990s really as good as old people claim it was?
I'm old and I decline that claim. I'd rank the decades like this:
1980s > 2000s > 1970s > 1990s > 2010s
The best thing in the 90s were the Rave music and rave parties.
You started with your muh society is ruined meme.
It really is though. Just because something is repeated it doesn't make it untrue.
1992 here OP. I think life was a lot more simple back then but "better", no.
thank you brudduh
>pic related
I know those.
>What level is that?
How is society ruined and why?
>Because girls don't want to have sex with you?
holy f*ckin epic reddit xD
when it comes to the internet, vidya and that kind of stuff i don't see why anyone would want to live past or before 1995-2009
>>video games cost $79
In Canadian funny money. I don't remember what SNES and Genesis games cost, but PS1 games were for sure $40 usd with Greatest Hits being $20.
t. 86er
It's primarily nostalgia fagging.
Growing up with the birth of the internet was amazing though, that's something you zoomer fucks will never get to understand
SNES ones, go back and look at a catalog
Holy fuck. Now I'm sad that my single mother who was a waitress bought me all those games.
Cost of living was a LOT lower back then though
Fuck no bruh. I can play video games, watch anime for free, jerk off to anything you can imagine, and make money all without leaving my room. Fuck the 90s nigga
Unorinically, one of the best things about the 90s was that multiplayer games were getting big but you couldn't really play them online yet. This meant that if you were the weird, anti-social gamer kid you tended to find and make friends with the one or two other kids who were like you so you could game together. Even though you were an outcast, you still formed basic social skills because of this and were forced to spend some amount of time in the real world.
Nowadays kids do the same completely online without ever having face to face human contact.
Partially it was a relatively peaceful and prosperous time for america. But also partially it's nostalgia fagging.
I mean, now on the internet, zoomers are posting nostalgia for the LATE 00s-early 10s, when they used to be universally considered the "era where everything went to shit" by ranters at the time. So this is all a cycle.
It's just being young that's nice in some ways, the world just doesn't seems so fucked up and hopelessly broken when you're young and that makes it feel like things were better back then. Zoomers do seem really jaded at a weirdly young age though so maybe there really was something special about the atmosphere and additudes of the period that did have an impact but I still think it's mostly just nostalgia for a more carefree time.
Kids still do that retard
>not old
Nigger you talk like you're 14 or some shit lowl. You aren't a kid anymore. You're an adult.
I just got ridiculously good at multiplayer games in practice mode and cleared a bunch of thematic and high difficulty playthroughs of single player games ie cleared resident evil 4 only using one weapon with every regular weapon in the game, plus knife only runs, speed runs, kill every enemy runs, 100% hit ratio runs and so on.
I was unplayable in most multiplayer games because of this too. If anyone ever played, say, melee against me there was no comparison. Some casual kid vs someone whos got thousands of hours in practice mode is just gonna frustrate himself.
Autists will always autist.
Hey, what's wrong with Diary of a wimpy kid, DSs, wiis, and minecraft? The rest of it I barely got to experience. I remember watching flipnotes on the bus with one of my friends a ton in fifth grade. My parents were really strict, so getting to experience pop culture was really rare for me, which made the few experiences I had seem almost magical. I remember listening to mad world on his slide phone (so much cooler than a mere flip phone!) during recess. He would just talk about playing whatever vidya was popular and about watching stuff like family guy, and I'd listen and we ended up being pretty good friends. I haven't seen him since middle school, but I bumped into him at an SAT thing a couple years back and got his discord, but never really messaged him.
I guess I played angry birds back then, but I wasn't hard into it. I remember my third/fourth grade teacher acting like it was some cool problem solving/physics game, probably to justify to her soccer mom morality the fact that she let her kids play it all the time. She did the same with coolmathgames. She was kind of a meme, but not that bad, I guess.
I did thar back in the early 2000s as a kid, but I don't see kids doing stuff like that as much nowadays. It could just be that I'm an adult now and don't really know what the kids are doing, though. God, I'm only 18, but I'm talking like I'm old.
>didn't grow up playing sega genesis and nes/snes
not gonna make it
Nah, 18 is a still a kid unless he's growing up in the middle east or some shit hole in south america. Low to mid 20's are still children.
I don't think so. I mean guess in some sense 18 year old's are a "kid" in someone's eyes, in the same way that a 30 year old is a "kid" to a 40 year old, but they're basically grownups at that point.
>he's homophobic too
Why am I not surprised?
Is that an actual SM64 level? I dont remember it, looks like a glitch.
It wasn't that bad back then. Since video games were dedicated solely to a specific console or computer system typically the games were just starting to look better than pixels, you didn't have to play with the casuals they cater to so it was a little more interesting to play through a game while it was actually kinda cool to hang out with friends and play since stuff was typically a little more complex before they had to start dumbing it down for the plebs bucks.
Everyone dressed kinda like a dork, like if you just seen a casual 90's person today you'd think they were kinda funny looking and not very stylish.
People are humongous pussies these days, if you had a problem with someone you'd just settle it with a fist fight and be somewhat okay with one another after generally. Although it was way more common for a group of people trying to jump you, I've use to have to run away from an angry mob quite a often back then.
It's so weird when I look around now everybodies just staring at a phone screen all the time. Back then people use to interact a lot more and talk about shit. Use to be pretty common to make bets about shit nobody knew for sure and talking things over instead of "google it" kinda shit dweebs say ad nauseam about everything now.
Meeting girls was easy as fuck and they had practically no standards at all. It was practically impossible to not get laid or find a girlfriend. You could easily meet a few during the day and hang out with new ones every night.
It was way easier to make money or find a job.
Movies were alright, practical effects were badass and cgi was fairly rare. Most of the best movies didn't really come out till 1999 though that was easily the best year for awesome movies getting made having come out.
Mass shootings were extremely rare, and mostly just happened in office jobs because corporations are run by psychopaths.
I really don't know how so many people managed to turn into bitchy faggots now a days.
The economy was great and it was a pre-9/11 America so people werent so paranoid about terrorism, and school shootings didnt really start happening often until 1999 with Columbine. You could say it was a more innocent country.
Plus it was an era before smartphones and the internet took over people's lives. No social media or everyone having a camera in their pockets to record every embarrassing thing you do.
It really was a better time. I feel bad for today's kids desu.
1997-2005 was the best time to be a kid. In other words, 1993 is probably the best year to be born.
It's from the fanmade mod "Super Mario Star Road"
Ironically not from the 90's
>Angry Birds is now nostalgia
I want off this ride.
I am 28 and I used MySpace at its peak in 2006. I think 2006 and 2007 were the most fun years to be a teenager.
No youtube, slow shitty Internet, forums with power tripping mods, IRC chat with power tripping Ops, music was only easy to find in shitty quality for a few years, online piracy was still shit, computers were shit, TVs were tiny, games were like $100+, the media you were exposed to was corporate bullshit...
It was shit.
>I think 2006 and 2007 were the most fun years to be a teenager.
I was a teen in 2006/2007 (18 and 19 respectively). Didnt find it that fun desu. And everyone kept bitching in school about why they werent in someone's Top 5 on MySpace. Shit was retarded.
I think that is part of what made MySpace fun. I remember shitposting on the MySpace forums when I was high on weed. Also there was Jow Forums at its peak and early YouTube.
The thing I miss the most about the 90s is that there weren't cameras everywhere so you could go outside and just walk around like a normal human being even if you were ugly.
9/11 changed EVERYTHING.
once an attack happened on US mainland it shook people.
there aren't cameras everywhere in the country side
the 2010s is like the most boring decade since the 50s. feel sorry for the poor sods who had to grow during that.
true, only refugees
Unfortunately I'm European so there's no country side like in America, there's just villages right next to one another.
Culture kind of had the advantage that it wasn't fully sucked into a time-loop of 80s nostalgia yet, and game/computer technology hadn't yet surpassed our ability to manage projects efficiently, so those were good.
On the other hand, stuff like the economy being great in the 90s was mostly a meme, especially if you're not an American. It wasn't as terrible as in the 70s-80s, but wages were still pretty stagnant, unemployment rates weren't great and in most countries haven't returned to their pre-1970s lows, and the quality of public services was often in decline.
>especially if you're not an American
Dude I had a war in my country in the 90s and everything went to shit for the next 20 years, and I still think the 90s were the best decade of my life.
How old were you then dude?
I am this dude btw
>People are humongous pussies these days, if you had a problem with someone you'd just settle it with a fist fight
I was like 3-12 in the 90s, how old were you?
I remember the fights. However I don't remember the jumping.
>Meeting girls was easy as fuck and they had practically no standards at all.
I remember in the early 00's before facebook girls still had standards but I grew up in a musical town and if you didn't play any instruments or weren't into various bands, you weren't getting any play.
Yes, the degree of freedom which people had during communism in Yugoslavia, and during the 90s, is incomparable to everything that came post-transition. The combination of technology development and all the bullshit EU rules and regulations and other stuff made it so that people really can't live real authentic lives anymore, I guess it's the same in the west now, but at least you have shitloads of money.
>>People are humongous pussies these days, if you had a problem with someone you'd just settle it with a fist fight
Not just a fist fight, people actually used to settle private matters privately, through conversation, fighting, bribery, flattery, diplomacy, you know, all the possible RPG options. Now it's just "call the big daddy to sort things out" at every single hurdle, it's fucking pathetic.
if you are an outdoor guy, it was cool as fuck. If you where a full robot it was hard. No comunications except for a landline. internet was really weird before 2000. Having a conection in your house was for really specialized people from the tech area.
I had a lot of fun when i was a kid, i think we used our imagination a lot more than now, that everything is made in a screen.
Boardgames, climbing trees... was great. I remember only having 3 channels on the tv and the first time i had a cellphone i was 19 y/o.
Famicom was amazing.
yeah, I am tired of the pussy whipped bitches americans have become. wtf happened
>If you where a full robot it was hard.
It really wasn't. It was much better than now, since you could actually find likeminded people everywhere, every nerd hobby actually had nerds instead of SJWs and queen bees, everything online catered to nerds, and so on.
>Having a conection in your house was for really specialized people from the tech area
What? You could just call up a local BBS.
I never lived in the 90s either but anything is better then this imagine having friends or having a car or going outside and "hanging out" or having a girlfriend I can't even fathom any of these things happening modern day. I try to go out and drink or talk with people on occasion but alas most people who are outside are Indian's now and no white people are down to hang with me other then the homeless even then they only like me because I give them free beer and cigarettes. It truly is hopeless lads I think I'll just ask one of my homeless buddy's to hook me up with heroin and forget about any aspirations I once had.