Realistically what would you do if your mom came onto you?
Realistically what would you do if your mom came onto you?
Wake up from this nightmare since my mom divorced my dad to go be a lesbian in Mexico.
Leave the country and change my name. Then drink three bottles of tequila and pass out in my own vomit.
>Based tacomunching mom
If she looked like that I would cum inside of her daily, but my mom is a frumpy old boomer so I would tell her to get therapy
oh mommy you are perfect
Can't find anything about her, sauce?
London Andrews senpai
I knew I would regret it, but thanks user
I know the feel, I threw her a bone.
Slay the necromancer
Why would she when there's Chadson?
That would be terrifying, she's a spooky skellington and the idea of some horny motherly skeleton trying to come onto me is an irrational fear I never knew existed.
She's fat and really fucking ugly, so probably vomit
can we get a story, user? this sounds very interesting.
Will literally never happen, fuck off Freud
This tbqhwyall
fuck the absolute shit out of her
I'd nut so hard she's fly off my dick like a balloon
I've been grooming her for years and I only grt as far as heavy petting playing with her big boobies
She's thick as fuck too literally perfect massive ass voluptuous short intelligent
I would probably black out and/or beat the ever loving shit out of her
>He didn't get to go all the way
You're missing out bro
>mfw even my own mother won't fuck me
I don't give a shit if it's taboo mooom reeee
Tapped mine, happens to some few of us.
god i love london
Fuck the shit out of her and go to sleep with her milkers in my mouth every night. She's really cute, the only thing stopping me from making a move on her is that I'm scared of ruining our relationship. If she initiated it, it'd be fine.
well it's a SHAME she'd only go for Chadson, eh?
>Realistically what would you do if your mom came onto you?
Unironically go for it. She's got the body type like the woman you posted and an adorable personality to boot.
I fully admit I've got issues.
Push her the fuck away. I don't even like her touching me normally on the shoulder or anything. I always pull away when she tries to hug or kiss me or anything, because I'm a sperg and physical contact makes me feel uncomfortable fsr. I also don't feel any kind of love for her really, not even the mother-son kind of love whatever that's meant to feel like (though I'm getting better lately at faking that I care)
I'm unapologetically gay, so probably call the cops on her homophobic, hick ass who now wants to have incestual sex.
Why do I have a mommy fetish but the thought of fucking my mom is horrifying? Am I repressed or too beta to go all the way?
Have her checked for going senile.
She already has.
I would push her off and get the fuck away from her, like i already have.
>imagine the feel of those thighs wrapped around your butt as you shoot a load into her
Good god, I need to take a break from this place.
>my mom divorced my dad to go be a lesbian in Mexico.
Ouch, I bet that hurt.
She's fat and almost 60 so...act like it was a very bad joke and then leave to go cry hidden innawoods or something.
I'd fuck her. My mother's pretty hot.
Why not make the push?
Don't forget Chadson would never go for it since he has morals as opposed to Betabastard.
As Chad would say; "Pussy's pussy"
Throw up, bathe in bleach, move to another country
I would punch her in the face
I've been holding this up for so long
I would tell her to fuck off and get help.
As desperate men would say*
attack her violently and live on my own
simple, i would move out and never make any contact with her ever again, and also tell about it to my dad because hes the one who has always been there for me
Like I said, I don't want things to be awkward if I tried anything. It'd be perfect if I could fuck her and she'd forget about it somehow. How would I even start with this?
Because we have a solid relationship that I don't want to risk ruining. She's already giving me enough fap material lmao.
realistically i'd fuck her until i was too sore to go on
>All these guys who want to fuck their mom...
I just hope my son doesnt grow attracted to me.
This is about her doing the coming on. I didn't want to do mine but she came onto me. But sure there are guys who just want it anyway.
Well unless my son grows into a mega hunk I can't see myself 'coming onto him'.
And even then I likely wouldn't.
>having a kid
>still posting on r9k
Throw up and call child services to get my little bro out of there
I've spooned with my mom before so I probably wouldn't be too against fucking her.
I have a huge attraction towards her but I feel like actually having sex with her would be too awkward. I'd probably do it anyways and feel like a degenerate afterwards.
I would tell her I'm never talking to her again and I would cut all contacts. I will keep my parents' IDs blank in all forms/applications. I would make it known that I have no parents.
Sooner kill myself
Cringe so hard I'd collapse into a black hole commiting within myself for eternity