Is it possible to escape this place? Does "You're here forever" truly mean that you're here forever? I've tried leaving multiple times but have never made it past 4 days, and even then I felt reality slipping away from me. I need to get out of here. I cant stand seeing my life trajectory unfold in real time. Any hopeful stories?
The big question
You cannot escape, serkku.
i don't know user, I don't know. It should get better
To me the phrase "You are here forever is true". This place is like how when smokers quit smoking, but some bad shit happens in their life and they go back to smoking because that was what comforted them. This is where I go when shit gets bad, because I dunno where else I would go. What else I would do.
Humans feel the need to share information and be sociable. They want to be understood by someone.
And all you can find in social media is a bunch of giganormalniggers so you come back here
The only times when I hadn't visited this place for weeks at a time was when I either:
1. Simply didn't have time to mindlessly browse Jow Forums
2. Blocked Jow Forums in my router
I just wish I was one of these anons that do cool, unusual things while browsing Jow Forums on the side, or at least had some niche hobbies that I could passionately chat about with other anons here.
Instead I'm here in this catch-all shithole of a board that requires literally no effort to involve yourself in.
>Blocked Jow Forums in my router
how to do this?
Look up how to blacklist sites on YouTube or something. We arent your IT crew. It isnt hard either, its normie tier.
Maybe you can leave if you have something to replace it with. I don't have anything else so my loneliness always drags me back here eventually.
my first day here in 2019
never been on here for at least a year
the people who successfully left, wont tell you their success story, because there not here (they left remember?)
I find blocking doesn't help. I tried to do that when I was studying for my exams but I just ended up unblocking it all... You need mental strength.
>hopeful stories
I'm sure there are some, but they wouldn't be posting here man.
You never leave this place. Trust me, youll always be back. Mental strength wont even work.
Honestly, this is it. I can't deal with normalfags, but I want someone to talk to. I end up back here out of loneliness
i got a gf, made it and quit Jow Forums for ages. then i started using it again after i broke up with her kek.
though op, quitting Jow Forums without improving your life is like going to rehab for a heroin problem. it doesn't fucking work 97% of the time because you haven't fixed the underlying issues driving you to use
Honestly, I love this place.
Its the only socialization I get due to my autism, so I really cherish all the silly shit that goes on here.
Don't think of this as a place your confined to, but more like an underground fight club of words and ideas. Its mentally stimulating in ways that normal conversations just aren't.
I dont know. I guess that's a better way to frame this board but I have a hard time seeing it that way.
You gotta make that change in your life first.
Its possible, you'll grow out of this stage eventually once stronger beliefs take hold of your heart.
A part of your soul will belong to this place forever, but you can be free.
Thanks user. I hope your optimism is correct.
It's just a habit. If you want to do something else, find meaningful habits. You're here because your life is boring.
if you like me started coming here at life defining age - i was maybe 15 in 2006, then you truly are in, forever.
Pretty much this. I keep coming back (after like 13 years) because in a lot of ways I have nowhere else to go and never did. I'm an introvert constantly burnt out from Working For A Living, and most people on the outside really just seem like empty noisemakers. Even introverts need social interaction. This is the only place where I can really get it.
If you try to just leave without anywhere to go, you'll inevitably fall back. You have to have stuff on the outside. I've got hobbies and interests, even if I don't always have the time, money, or energy for them. It doesn't have to be much. Go for walks at night. Take up needle-felting. Paint abstract shit. Write poetry. It doesn't matter much what -- just do something that gets you physically moving, and something that constitutes an act of creating something.
Focus on slowly cutting back here and replacing it with stuff outside. And remember, we're always still here for you.