>Blacks are all low IQ
>One of them becomes a billionaire despite being relatively unknown by whites for over half his career
Blacks are all low IQ
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Literally millions of them in the US, so it's just a numbers game.
The idea they're all low IQ is for (ironically) very low IQ wignats.
The more common belief is that the average IQ is lower, so while there are many black people with high IQ, there are still fewer of them than high IQ people of other races.
I lived in poor parts of Africa for a few years, though, and I don't believe that either. I met lots of very intelligent Africans, and I don't believe IQ tests would reflect their actual intelligence. For one thing, most of them were never formally educated, so asking them to do paper/written tasks is completely foreign to them, and at the very least that would slow them way down on an IQ test.The other thing is, the test is distributed in the official language, which for most of Africa is the colonial language. The problem with this is, most people speak tribal languages way better than the official language (i.e. Fulani instead of French, Igbo instead of English, etc.). Despite these, many of these people manage the water for their villages and can do complex math, speak multiple tribal languages, etc.
That said, while I don't believe IQ tests reflect the actual intelligence of Africans, African-Americans are another story. I recognize that institutional barriers really existed through the 90s, so it's understandable they haven't caught up. I've also known wonderful black people in the US. But now I've lived in a few urban poor black neighborhoods, and some of those people are aggressive, literally sound like they're retarded, have no ambition... I don't have any sympathy for them, and they do seem borderline-retarded.
IQ is a bit of a meme. Having a high IQ doesnt necessarily make you smart and having a low IQ doesn't necessarily make you dumb. All IQ is pretty much is how easy it is for you to learn and grasp concepts. An 80 IQ black guy from the projects can be smarter than a 130 IQ robot just because the black guy puts more work into learning and being successful.
The most successful people are not high IQ. People with IQs of 130 or above are too autistic to become billionaires. Most CEOs are slightly under that.
Seeing that amount of cope is seriously ridiculous.
>Hurr durr i'm a worthless piece of shit, but it's only because i'm too smart :^)
Like seriously: How fucking smug can a person be?
I don't think that's what he was saying at all. It's true that the smarter you are, the more retarded and disconnected from other humans you are.
Saying words that sound just like other words is a highly marketable skill.
He does more than rap, user. Most of his money probably comes from his other ventures.
I think you guys are all getting it slightly wrong.
There is a grain of truth to the fact that high IQ people have a hard time connecting with lower IQ people, which is part of why average IQ people lose their virginity earlier than higher IQ people - they can connect on an emotional level easier. However, what's more significant is that emotional intelligence is much more important to success than IQ.
That said, IQ has plateaus in achievement. Once you hit certain plateaus, you can achieve pretty much whatever you want, and I think the highest plateau is 120. An IQ of 120 isn't actually very high at all - it's about 80th percentile, or one in five. Obviously a genius will have an easier time being a theoretical physicist than someone with a 120 IQ, but if the person with a 120 IQ really works at it, they can even do that.
Most successful people do have decent IQs, but few of them are geniuses simply because the higher in IQ you get, the fewer people there are. If there are millions more people with IQs of 120 than 180, that means that there will be thousands more millionaires with 120-ish IQs.
and if Obama had a son he'd look just like you OP
>He does more than rap, user. Most of his money probably comes from his other ventures.
which is why he was relatively unknown by the general public.
No. Obama is Kenyan. Jay Z has West African features, maybe from around Ghana.
Why did this trigger white people so much when Obama said that his hypothetical son would look black?
It bothers me that Obama is considered African American when he's not. He's an American of African descent, yeah. He's black, yeah. but he's not an African American. He's not a descendant of West and Central Africans who were enslaved in America.
Success is a culmination of many factors, and the absolute amount of intelligence doesn't matter the most.
The most important factor is your upbringing and social surrounding. If your parents are academics chances are you'll become one aswell.
Which brings me to my main critique about any argument about intelligence. The assumption that the IQ is a good scale for how smart is a fundamentally flawed one.
Your IQ in tests raises considerably by solving math problems, however not everything can be reduced to math problems - at least not to the human brain.
Different problems are solved with different parts of the brain. Take for instance a genious of making music. He might write hundrets of songs over his life, create entire genres, but according to the IQ evaluation is a stupid person.
If you don't see anything wrong with that go ahead and explain how that shit works. Explain to me how someone being able to juggle numbers arround but lacks any amount of social intelligence is a fundamentally smart person.
Intelligence is not as simple as people try to make it.
I think Iq and connecting to people have little to no correlation, I'm just a socially inept sperg not high Iq and most socially inept people are just inept
Being a social outcast helps with being fine with sitting alone at home and solving math problems which do make your iq raise.
It's not the "smartness" that makes you a sad, lonely person. It's being a smart and lonely person that makes you (potentially) more smart.
Trayvon didn't look like Obama
you don't get bothered when people boil you down to a race rather than a human bean?
The IQ test doesn't measure the kind of intelligence that's needed to be a successful businessman. That's why the test is so inaccurate when measuring intellect. You could be a complete retard regarding what's on the test but a genius in other areas.
I have pretty much given up on academics, due to depression which mainly stems from loneliness and lack of social skills
Well you could try to practice social interaction though. I'm not sure how scarred you are, but you can practice it.
Try greeting cashiers whenever you buy something. Look at them and smile. Wish them a good day when you leave. Also mean it when you do.
It might feel a bit weird, but that way you can practice the basics.
>He used to sell crack to his neighbours
>Made millions about selling crack and pimping sisters
>gets some cracker hedgefund manager to invest his money
Wooo he's such a business savy blackman, so proud
I mean were it as easy as you were making it sound most every black guy, or just everyone in general, would do it. The guy was just some combination of lucky, hard working and talented.
1. Never had to do serious time for selling crack/pimping
2. Invested his money into his music/clothes (I guess?) and it took off
The problem for most street entrepreneurs I would imagine is avoiding getting arrested to follow step number two.
Friendly reminder
Takeover >>> Ether
He sucks balls. Dr. Dre is a better example of a smart black man.
nice low iq post you got there :^)
The issue was a racial issue. And Obama was telling people that the issue impacted him on a personal level because he sees himself in young black boys. Black people and most minorities feel that way. But him saying that mad white people furious for some reason.
all these niggas arguing about IQ, but we know this nigga sold his to Satan lmao.
/cope/ general Jesus
You guys will do anything to make yourself feel smart because you've failed in other aspects of life. It's like you're all 15and is pretty funny
that's my point, O'Bama was race-baiting.
He can't have a son that is any other race? He can't see a child of another race as his? Humans tend to see themselves in other humans.
I tried to sell my soul to Satan a bunch and never got anything
>whites are all "smart but lazy".
>they can do well in school, but have trouble with actual work
so he became rich due to his IQ?
last i checked he became rich because of rapping...
has nothing to do with IQ you LOW IQ SUBHUMAN
He has good business sense. Je has a record label, and I think he was involved with making Tidal.
He started rapping, sure, but that's just part of his success
He wasn't race baiting, he was being honest. Black culture is a lot more close-knit. We call each other brother and sister for a reason. He said Trayvon could be his son to drive home the point that the president is still black and is aware of the issues that black people face. When he said that, he was talking to black people. White people seem like they call anything race baiting.
White people dont have the same sense of community that black people do, so imagine a kid got shot in a neighborhood that the president grew up in. There's an emotional attachment to that neighborhood and the people there, so he might be especially impacted by it.
He's not saying no other neighborhood in America is important, he's acknowledging that a kid got killed in the same streets he grew up playing on.
When you grow up and identify with a culture that believes that all members of said culture are relatives, you'll respond as if a relative got unjustly murdered.
what if someone was half black and half white? what happens when blacks have an albino baby? is there a certain point in the life of a person with vitiligo where they are no longer seen as a relative?
I'm genuinely interested in "black culture" especially how they view their albino children.
Half black/white people are still considered black, so are albinos. So if this happened to a mixed or albino child, Obama likely would've responded in the same way. Older black people tend to see black children as their kids, even if they're not.
Not him but that would depend on the culture, like I know some places in Africa people with vitiligo and albanism are targeted for their body parts which are believed to cure HIV/AIDS.
In the US I am sure someone with vitiligo or an albino black person would be bullied due to their appearance, but this would not be the case for a half white or person who appears to be white. A black person with a lighter skin texture is generally gonna be seen as more attractive or special, especially if they have an eye color that is not brown.
>A black person with a lighter skin texture is generally gonna be seen as more attractive or special, especially if they have an eye color that is not brown
That's only really true for girls.
It's true for niggas as well, you got brehs out here busting down billionaires because they look white
>A black person with a lighter skin texture is generally gonna be seen as more attractive or special, especially if they have an eye color that is not brown.
people are naturally attracted to lighter skin
olive colored skin is ideal and the color you get when you mix all of the races
I think with black people it is elevated perhaps more than any other race besides Indian people and their caste system, lol black people treat light skin/dark skin like two different races.
He's a special case and he's only famous because he was in prison. Even still, no black girls is gonna turn a guy down for being dark skinned. A lot of black women actually prefer dark skinned guys because it's associated with masculinity.
I don't think that's actually true. In some East African societies, dark skin was considered to be more regal and beautiful. Black people's light skin fetish has more to do with slavery and the fact that light skin=good life for a really long time.
Well yeah obviously he's a special case, but you realize he got famous because he is a black dude with striking white features right?
>he's only famous because he was in prison
So where are all of the regular black guys getting modeling contracts and billionaire girlfriends because of their unique features? Black guys are the number one demographic in jail but rarely scouted there
I don't doubt some women like dark skinned men but it's definitely coping to think they're not attracted to the same features everybody else generally is.
>dark skin was considered to be more regal and beautiful
source? I'm genuinely interested because there were light and dark skin blacks before slavery
Yeah, that isn't how IQ works. Whoever told you that lied.
I'll have to look for it. It's something I saw many years ago.
Yeah there were dark and light skinned blacks before slavery but that didn't really matter to a lot of Africans, since a black person with different colored skin usually meant that they were from a different tribe or ethnic group. This idea that light skin is the natural standard of beauty everywhere isn't true. You can even see it now. Brown skin is becoming the preferred skin tone among American women.
How does IQ work then, big brain?
>Olive skin is becoming the preferred skin tone among women.
The standard in western culture used to be pale.
Whites sure as hell don't do that, look how quick you fuckers get triggered when a non-white character is the lead in a movie or game.
>>Blacks are all low IQ
Said no one ever.
it wasn't the color, it was the meaning behind it.
pale skinned people were cleaner therefore healthier
it wasn't superficial
look at how quick blacks get upset at a gangbanger getting killed by a light skinned person but didn't bat an eye when a child was shot in that gangbanger's crossfire.
black people don't care about black people, they only care about white people
Kek, this kills me. At my high school whenever someone would go to prison over something, even as awful as an assault or murder, somehow there were dozens of shirts printed out talking about free my nigga but God damn does black life become immensely valuable when taken by a nonblack person.
I still wouldn't credit him.
he was basically a biggie pp sucker, even Nas called him out on that.
not only that, when he does do business, he's kinda just being a coon.
>Le NFL IS EVIL, they hate black people
>Recently just did business with the NFL.
if you check social media, a lot of niggas are starting to see his hypocrisy.
The brightest member of the black race in Africa is 180 IQ
There are people that believe that all West Africans are stupid, retarded.
They see a mentally retarded black man, and they immediately say "all blacks are this way."
>Rapping has nothing to do with IQ
But IQ has everything to do with how well you can pick words to rhyme.
A rapper with a higher IQ = better rapper
Why do you think Eminem is so popular?
He's excellent
The highest recorded IQ in the US is 195, and the highest IQ in the world is 210 (in South Korea). But when you get to IQs that high, the differences in scores aren't very meaningful because the differences in reaction time and performance are so minute they might be meaningless.
He does much more than rap user. Real estate, music services, record labels, etc. Also not just any retard can be a Jay Z level rapper. It's not as easy as you think. I dislike jay z because he's a snake but no one can say he's not smart.
>highest recorded IQ in US is 195
Chris Langan scored 210
Nathan Leopold scored 210
210 IQ is the white cut-off.
There's an East Asian professor in south korea that scored 215 IQ.
I was referring to Langan, who at one point scored 195. The Korean doctor I mentioned had 210, I believe. 210 is certainly not a common score.
>but you realize he got famous because he is a black dude with striking white features right?
It wasn't only his white features, it was his bone structure. His bone structure isn't uniquely European.
>I don't doubt some women like dark skinned men but it's definitely coping to think they're not attracted to the same features everybody else generally is
It's not cope it's fact. I'm light skinned myself. Black girls in general are more attracted to dark skinned men.
And people really underestimate how much colonization has to do with dating preferences.
>look at how quick blacks get upset at a gangbanger getting killed by a light skinned person but didn't bat an eye when a child was shot in that gangbanger's crossfire
Trayvon wasn't a gang member and black people have whole marches over gang violence. I'm assuming you're that psycho who pretends to be black and types a bunch of gibberish when flustered.
Eminem is popular because he rapped about shit that was relatable to white people.
Fuck off, Ether was miles better
But IQ changes depending on how you feel when you take the test.
Langan is probably 210 IQ. His pupils have dilated so much that they're on another pupil cycle.
210 isn't a common score, true, but I believe that it's near the end of human intelligence.
250-300 IQ is fraudulent.
But Eminem is intelligent.
IQ about 15-20 above average IQ of 110
Ether was fucking trash, fuck off. Common's diss at Ice Cube is underrated.
>I'm assuming you're that psycho who pretends to be black and types a bunch of gibberish when flustered.
wtf? do all black people have schizophrenia? I wasn't talking about Trayvon. I spend a lot of time online, but ive never seen any anti-gang violence viral trend. for blacks I'm assuming its either an out of sight out of mind thing or they like the street cred it gives them. since blacks are a collective and everything..
I totally agree that the crazy high scores are fraudulent. My point is that even the scores in the 195-210 range are questionable and don't mean much, not because geniuses like Langan are lying or anything like that, but rather because when you get to that extreme of a score, the score stops meaning much, for reasons I tried to explain. The score is really most meaningful for showing who deviates from average intelligence at a basic level - i.e. who's gifted (120 to 150), and who's mentally challenged or retarded (80 to
He has a unique, but primarily white appearance. If he was just black he would just be another inmate, peep the lack of black male models coming out of prison compared to the lack of black men incarcerated.
>Black girls in general are more attracted to dark skinned men.
One part cope because you're light skinned and unattractive, this does not mean light skinned men are unattractive just that you are unattractive. You being on r9k has about as much to do with race and attractiveness as any white person being on here, it does not mean white people are not considered the most attractive generally it just means that is one ugly ass white dude.
One part truth, of all the women in the world black women are most likely to date black men. People always talk about this like black women are any more "loyal" to their race, but I think in truth dark skin black men and women are considered the least attractive among people of all races and are most likely to wind up together. I think if dark skinned women were considered to be as attractive as asian women then you would have dark skin men discussing the negative stereotypes regarding them the way asian men do, but not many people want black women.
So I do agree with you colonialism has shaped race and dating in that regard, but I disagree as far as saying dark skin men are considered very attractive or that Meeks would have been noticed if he was dark
The average IQ is supposed to be 100, and they adjust it every few years to keep it that way. There's evidence to show that the average might actually be 103, but it's definitely not 110.
>Blacks are all low IQ
There's no evidence of that. It's certainly not what The Bell Curve claims.
Many iq tests are nonverbal.
But it's true that education influence iq, but only very early education, up to age of 4 or 5.
>I spend a lot of time online
You probably spend all of your time looking at things that confirm your ideas. Get off of ImRight.com and actually do a quick google search.
Anti gun violence protests in black neighborhoods, as well as anti gun violence messages in black music and movies, are incredibly common.
Bull shit, those messages may very well exist but they are nowhere near as prevalent as the negative imagery. Even the article you chose for this exercise is four years old, there are certainly no currently existing "viral trends" against violence on black social media communities.
> career
In nigger music. He has some gold fingers though.
>but they are nowhere near as prevalent as the negative imagery
So? The media pushes the negative imagery. That's not the fault of the average black person. That's the fault of all of the white people who love trap music.
>Even the article you chose for this exercise is four years old
And? I did a google search and clicked on one of the first things that popped up to show you how easy you could find what you were looking for. But you choose not to because that doesn't go along with your bias.
>One part cope because you're light skinned and unattractive, this does not mean light skinned men are unattractive just that you are unattractive
I never said light skinned men were unattractive. I said that black women prefer dark skinned men. Stop talking about all of the other women in the world, we're talking about black women. They prefer dark skinned men. Jeremy Meeks' rise to fame was brought on by more than just black women. He appeals to all races, which is why he stood out.
>You probably spend all of your time looking at things that confirm your ideas
except I'm not you. if I was I would have read the part where I said viral trends and I would have made the association with millennials who probably aren't exposed to those anti-gang violence protests considering they live in cities with significantly less gang violence, the burbs, and college towns.
I'm not the person you were initially arguing with I just think it is comical to act as though black people are rallying against violence en mass rather than partaking directly in the consumption of media that promotes it. It was white people who started violent rap music, after all.
It was totally white people who made YNW Melly go viral mid incarceration allowing his crimes to legitimize his lyrics and image, white people tend to be on the cutting edge of what is fresh in the hip hop game after all. Lol yall niggas are pitiful/obtuse, you think Joakim Noah saying "What's good Chicago stop shooting each other?" at the end of Barbershop is like the equivalent of an entire years worth of rap music
When were we only talking about black women?
> A black person with a lighter skin texture is generally gonna be seen as more attractive or special, especially if they have an eye color that is not brown.
So at some point you're trying to change the goal post to be specifically about what black women like, and I have to go along with it because..? When I referenced the billionaire dating Jeremy Meeks you thought I was talking about a sister?
>I did a google search and clicked on one of the first things that popped up to show you how easy you could find what you were looking for.
If the first thing you clicked on was 5 years old then there probably isn't a whole lot of stuff like that on the internet?
>It was white people who started violent rap music, after all.
what? are you joking, explain
Violent rap music predates white people's interest in the genre, user is arguing that it is not black peoples fault that most rap music glorifies violence, illicit drug use, promiscuity, etc. and rather it is white peoples fault since they create a strong demand for the music. As if left to their own devices niggas are just going to protest against violence all God damn day
The biggest consumers of gangster rap has always been white people. We've known this since the 80s, when 2 Live Crew got banned in Florida because white kids started buying it. They're the ones that kept the gangster rap subgenre alive for so long. They ate NWA right the fuck up, which motivated actual gangsters to begin rapping.
When rap was still a black thing, most of it was party songs about being cool and having bitches.
>Violent rap music predates white people's interest in the genre
Only by a year or two. NWA came out in 89. By 1990, white kids were in love with them
he made a bunch of money being a rapper and then he hired a bunch of money men that know how to make his money work for him by investing it in other areas. you think he knew anything about real estate when he was writing rap songs lmao, of course not
He still raps and he raps about real estate. Jay Z was always a dirty business man, even when he sold drugs. He shot is brother over cocaine. He fucked over Damon Dash (owner of Roc A Fella Records) because Jay Z wanted to be a businessman like him. He helped bring a sports arena to the ghetto in New York, driving his own people out of their neighborhoods. Jay Z is smart as hell and if he were a white guy from a privileged background, he'd be way more successful.
>pale skinned people were cleaner therefore healthier
pale skin showed that you weren't some peasant that had to work outside in the sun and get tan
In the last century being tan became more attractive since it showed you could afford to go on vacations
Black kids are listening to the same shit, when you talk about purchasing something you are always going to have white people at the forefront of legally obtaining things that they see value in. The difference being the black kids look at the music as though it were Gospel, thus creating the need for the so called viral anti-violence protest in the first place
no, it was a cleanliness thing.
cleanliness is next to godliness, that's what whites were attracted to: health
wealth is superficial
He's black, his wife's black, his daughters are black, and if he had a son then the boy would be Taiwanese because robot logic
yes, because they could have adopted
Iq tests seem to mainly evaluate observation and puzzle solving ability which to me doesnt really correlate to writing a good melody
>108 iq person whos a respected musician in his local scene
Maybe it could just be the autism
It's 110 IQ if the test taker does exercise
>Tfw blackerino
>Got 107 in iq test
>Let the laziness take over me and just wrote anything on the math questions
Am I doomed fellas ?