Going to McDonald's. Do you guys want anything?
Going to McDonald's. Do you guys want anything?
a smol gf female (female)
smol fry n a nilly shake pls
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda. Thanks user.
No thanks buddy!
I just ate one of these.
Just 2 McDoubles and a large fry. Let me know what it came up to and I'll pay u back. Or just treat you to food another time
I'm right here are you sure you don't want anything
I can't eat fast food for two months user you know that stop asking reeee!!!
i want a wrap pls
just ordered it
Ill have 2 number 9....
pumpkin creme pie
is she OK?
here ya go fren
for me it would be the mcchicken washed down with fresh orange juice
aktu taktu borgar takk fyrir
can u drop by my dealers house and pick up a few bags of H? give him some cash and ill pay u back tomorow, i promise
Some meth from the guy behind mcd
oh thank you user
No thanks. Just sauteed up a basil shrimp picatta in linguine. I'm good until tomorrow.
a weapon that will kill all trannies
Get me
3 mcchickens. Its what i usually get.
having a date tomorrow. Can you guys boost my confidence or something? I'm feeling like ill end up fucking things up as always
what happened to Jace's deagle?