>boyfriend cheated on me again
i've had three boyfriends and all three have cheated on me thats it r9k im ugly as fuck and i dont believe anyone who tries to tell me different anymore
>boyfriend cheated on me again
i've had three boyfriends and all three have cheated on me thats it r9k im ugly as fuck and i dont believe anyone who tries to tell me different anymore
What kind of guys are you going for here?
I'm sorry to hear that OP :(
I know that feel. My last gf did that and it sucks, but things will get better.
maybe youre actually pretty but your pussy sucks
biological woman?
Also remember that 90% of robots are sick and need electroconvulsive therapy, so I wouldn't take everything said here to heart lol
Sorry to hear it, user. Getting cheated on really taints the soul. It has been two years and I still can't get over it.
Don't take it personal, sex for men means nothing.
Are ugly people more likely to be cheated on than pretty people? Ugliness should make it harder to get into a relationship, but it seems to me that ugliness would not make you more likely to be cheated on. I'm guessing the primary factor in cheating is the loyalty of your partners.
Maybe something in your dating process selects for disproportionately disloyal partners?
You could be ugly and still get a nice bf you're just retarded and can't pick a bf.
and I'm supposed to feel sorry for you why? at least you've had relationships, if you were a man instead you would've rotted alone for your whole life
i dont go for guys but if i talk to a guy long enough i might get feelings
in time so here goes another week of crying
or both
it really fucking scars you
>means nothing
>ended our relationship over nothing
thats great thanks
well i am dating men
its better to not date than get cheated on and you will try to convince me its not but you wont know until it happens
Men will cheat on their gf's for one and one reason only, and that is if they aren't getting enough sexual attention from you. Men need sex as much as you roasties need money.
>well i am dating men
lol good joke, but not all men are disloyal. Maybe you use tinder? I imagine tinder men are disproportionately disloyal, since a lot of guys on there are looking for hookups. Or maybe you meet guys through a friend, and that friend happens to know a lot of sleazy guys. Idk, maybe you just got really unlucky, but I think you should sincerely look at how you go about finding guys to date.
>its better to not date than get cheated on and you will try to convince me its not but you wont know until it happens
I really don't see how that's true though. at least you've had periods of happiness and a sense of companionship. now imagine never feeling that in your whole life.
Did you talk to him, did he give you a reason why he wasn't loyal to you?
Was he sorry?
Tell me something about the cheating bf. Occupation, class, age, hobbies.
Wanna find out if there's fault on your part or if you just picked some asshat as bf
>its better to not date than get cheated on
Lol sure, thats why you got into consecutive relationships after each one of them cheated on you, if thats true then why not just stay single and save yourself the trouble? Brain-dead roastie lol no wonder they cheated on you.
dont worry im not gonna be dating for a long time i need to stop making it a priority
because if you get cheated on you just wasted all that time unless you literally dont care about a serious long lasting relationship
he had been doing it for a long time and i found out because his mom told me he was always with another girl. he told me he was sorry and that it was because i wasnt giving him enough attention. we are both 22 and he works at a clothing store. he plays basketball and hes a dick.
because its not healthy to assume someone will cheat on you
>handsome guy didnt settle for just op
he did the right thing
>because if you get cheated on you just wasted all that time unless you literally dont care about a serious long lasting relationship
but at least you know you're able to form relationships, you just happened to have not found the right person yet
whereas when you've never had a relationship you question whether you'll ever be able to do it
keep looking, I've been with my boyfriend for 7 years now
props to his mom, you should keep her as a friend.
Aw that sucks. Giving attention to your significant other is important tho. Can't really judge if he had a point or if that's just a standard apology.
Men need love and attention too you know...
But as I said, I don't know either of you so I can't really judge the situation. Cheating never solves any problems so... yeah that sucks.
Think of it this way.
It's good that you learned it and stopped being with that person. You aren't wasting anymore time on that degenerate since he isn't worth your time, and if you didn't know about the cheating, you would be spending time with someone who doesn't even value you. Remove the memory of that person from your life and try to start again, eventually you will meet someone who isn't that bad. Besides, if you try to get to know someone, and they end up being your friends, you can know that they are people that care about you for who you really are, and not for your looks. It's better than looking good and having fake friends that hang out with you for your status.
>its not healthy to assume someone will cheat on you
Its logical. It happened twice so why wouldn't it happen a third time? I guess you couldn't think clear because your roast beef pussy was tingling too much
>still obsessed by my ex ONLINE boyfriend from months ago
>try to hit him up but he has a new egf now
>sobbing and panic attacks everyday cause of it
worst most pathetic feeling... can you actually imagine this being your life. be thankful youre not me
men are trash desu
take the yuri pill
Imagine never being able to get a relationship or ex in the first place and being doomed to soul-deteriorating loneliness untill the day you an hero.
i stg i'd have rather been "single" forever than to be in so much pain and literally suicidal over some simp i met on the internet. it wasn't worth it at all
I agree user. roasties who have had boyfriends literally can't comprehend what it's like to never have received anyone's attention ever
anyone can get an online girlfriend. if it's so hard just catfish someone . i don't reocmmend it at all though
>I have a boyfriend
>i've had three boyfriends
>anyone can get an online girlfriend
not for me, I literally don't know how to keep anyone's interest
>just catfish someone
seems pointless to me because it wouldn't solve my problem at all of wanting someone to be interested in me. because they wouldn't be interested in me, just the fake persona I made
>he plays basketball and hes a dick.
So, Chad had options and you finally figured it out.
> I'm a completely average uninteresting vapid whore, why won't Chad marry me and be faithful for our entire lives?
what's it even worth? you feel amazing for like a few months then you don't have them and you feel BROKEN. and it's pathetic too. i'd rather be alone forever than broken by a fucking internet relationship
I've been cheated on by three girls I "dated" in the past five years, so I feel your pain.
>i'd rather be alone forever
but you have no idea what it's like because you've never experienced being alone forever.
I doubt we're ever gonna convince one another since I have no idea what a relationship is like and you have no idea what being alone forever is like
although just pointing out that I've seen my argument represented more often than yours (sayings like "it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" for example)
Post face OP, only way to tell
>>still obsessed by my ex ONLINE boyfriend from months ago
i'm in the same position even though i got a real life bf after that. i still think about that e-bf every day, felt realer than irl-bf, even though by all accounts i should be ecstatic about an irl guy that treats me this well. my e-bf did some serious lovebombing on me and now i'm too deep in this addiction. how do i even pull myself out of this
Your ugly even to us because your used goods. No good man would ever love you in 10000 years unless he was retarded.
this, it's hilarious watching whores fall apart because they realize they can't have everything they want
>is a degenerate faggot
>date other degenerate faggots
>is surprised degenerate faggots act like degenerate faggots
bro if you're sitting on the bathroom floor with a bloody arm after you had to go home from work crying cause you miss somebody you literally only talked to on fucking discord you would realise it's not worth it. it is far more pathetic than browsing Jow Forums alone
if you have disc i could add you and we could try and help each other? regardless, i really don't know... it's a horrible feeling, and i'd imagine having an irl boyfriend whilst feeling this way is really frustrating too. i think my ex lovebombed me a lot as well
>it is far more pathetic than browsing Jow Forums alone
but my point is that you don't know what being alone forever feels like just as much as I don't know what getting a relationship (and then losing it) feels like so we're never gonna convince one another that we're right
well you don't know that you will be alone forever you're probably in your early twenties
Guys are trash nowadays. As a guy I know that all of us are complete garbage. Go lesbian, trust me, we fucking suck.
I meant forever as up to my point in life right now. someone who's never had a relationship before at all, compared to someone who has had relationships but they just ended
same but it's my fault for being autistic, don't really blame the women for not having the patience
>dates chads/chadlites who obviously are in it for the pump and dump
>wahhhh my boyfriend (player) cheated on me (his sidepiece)
like clockwork, literally all women are whores who would rather be pumped and dumped by chad and then cry about it to her orbiters (randos on r9k) than date and incel (ew hes 5 foot 8? grosss...)
i hope your next boyfriend gives you HPV in your pussy so you can get cervical cancer and die
all three boyfriends didn't cheat cause you're ugly. It's either the type of men you're going for, the situations in which you meet the men that are going for you, or you are too sexually reserved.
well i hadn't had anything before this and i felt pretty content comparatively. honestly im telling you dont do an online relationship. can you at least feel better about your situation knowing maybe it isn't as bad as you think
yeah but I have autism so if I got into a relationship and then it ended I could probably just go back to the way I was
Learn to enjoy it. Just be a cuckquean. Lord knows I wish my gf would do that for me. You'll all be happier for it.
I am in a relationship and honestly it'd be easier to be alone now than before it. All my neediness and a lot of lust died.
>he cheated on you
>he's cheated on you for years
>he cheated on you with multiple women for years
>he cheated on you with multiple obese women for years
i will never be in another relationship as long as i fucking live. there's never been a more humiliating experience i've experienced
What you do when you found out? How did Chad convince you to stay every time?
Guys cheat. Thats what we do. If I was with the most beautiful woman in the world and the second most beautiful woman wanted a discreet fuck, I'm going for it.
i found everything out all at once, and i abandoned him in an apartment he couldnt afford alone
Imagine bitching about your shitty relationship on r9k.
is there anything more glorious than seeing a roastie toastied?
Fuck you, you've tasted the happiness of a relationship and still find the nerve to complain about your "problems", and HERE on top of that. Fuck off to Jow Forums, i'm not giving you any sympathy.
You ungrateful bitch.
At least do something productive and lend your pussy for a better purpose ->
this, I'll never understand why whores think we'll genuinely care about their problems
Its hard to messure your uglyness without pics. Naked plz with vegane !