>it's the potato harvesting season again
I hate being a villager
It's the potato harvesting season again
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Well, I know you're not Latvian. They have no potato.
what do you think that girls butt smells like after picking potatoes all day?
why is everyone clothed
why n one is shoving those vegetable on those girls like in the doujins
I hate not being a villager.
Your Chinese cartoons are not real.
this to be quite honest with you famalam senpai
Sure as hell beats the pavement culture of the rootless urbanite
I wish my families dairy farm was still active :(
I'm LIThuanian
like sweat
you watched too much porn user
it ain't easy anons, here in eastern eu people work their assess off all day and don't earn shit
There are a few nudist communes in the U.S that harvest in the nude.
Here in the neolib far west we work some shitty wageslave job deprived of any tangible meaning for people we have no relation to and usually actively dislike
on top of that we are forced to be happy about the mass importation of shit-skins that displace our people, culture and political self determination and destroy the bargaining power of labor that gave our fathers the middle class
The structures that control our societies want us dead
It's no wonder why 90% of young britfags say their life has no meaning
At least it's fulfilling, better than draining your soul all day on a city job plus you get to be a part of a close knit community.
mama cepu iskeps, zjbs tikros kamietiskos bulves
latvian here, we got potatoes
Was it not economically viable anymore?
nah, you're delusional anons, when you're surrounded by gopniks it's pure hell, they drink every day and even when working to cope with misery, most people here are low IQ retards, trust me on that
you have it far better than me if you live in first world urban area
Is aktually rock. Sekret Police knock on yurt. Take you to gulag for stealing state property rock.
Also kold. Also Dark.
kad mano mama nelabai skanius te moka isvirt :(
how can you speak with a zirgagalva?
pirm reizi get to know we had zirgagalva, so no, not yet
my grandparents had 7 kids and none of the boomers had any interests in taking over the farm
To be far to my father he had 5 sisters and a complete fag for a brother so he ended up having to do much more labor than them as kids and left as soon as he was 18
The rest are very stereotypical entitled boomers
I used to stay in lithuania for 2 years and the soil there is awful even for potatos. i actually kept a sample of the best soil i can find and compare it to the soil that i normally find innawoods in amerimutt states of israel.
I genuinely feel sorry for the people that is forced to stay in that shithole because they're poor.
I've lived in communities ranging from old lumber towns of a couple hundred to bigger cities of a couple hundred thousand and I think this meme of urbanites being smarter needs to die
certainly they are a bit more polished in how they present themselves and try to put on an air of self importance and cool apathy but it amounts to little more than surface level sophistry
I 100% prefer the more honest demeanor of a rooted person over that of a filthy urbanite
also lmao at the idea that urbanites don't cope with drugs
how do i become that? a potato farmer
>how do i become that? a potato farmer
First you grab some cash.
Then you buy land and equipment.
Plant the potatoes.
Now you don't have money anymore.
Wait until the fucking things grow and then pester 3/4 of the people you know to go harvest the damned things.
By now, you are completely broke and have a few tons of potatoes that no one wants.
Congratulations, you're a potato farmer.
my life it's potato