>he thinks cops are the enemy and not the lawmakers/corporations
He thinks cops are the enemy and not the lawmakers/corporations
Other urls found in this thread:
Police are the willing lapdogs of politicians and coporations.
They are our enemy just as much as those rich fatcats controlling them.
Cops are violent, low iq, retards that were molested or bullied growing up.
at the end of the day the police will always side with money over morals
Considering that's who they're employed by your statement doesn't make any sense, fuckwit.
Who thinks so ? The ruling classes are the enemy, and cops are one of the things that makes them the ruling classes.
Have you ever considered what life would be like if you didn't huff glue?
>its the lawmarkers fault
>not also the fault of someone who voluntarily signed up to enforce those laws
Police hate the war on drugs and are very vocal about their desires to stop arresting kids with joints because they would rather be chasing killers
if your boss is evil are you evil automatically? Even if you disregard him as much as you can? Retard?
Brother in law is a cop and uncle is a detective. Most cops are stand-up gents but there's definitely a selction of them that are bullies through-and-through who see being a police officer as the ultimate life fulfillment for a bully. It's a problem but there's no way to tell who's who until they fuck up, unfortunately.
then why the fuck are they cops? Are they retarded?
>most cops are stand-up gents
>that webm
That's an awulf lot of "bad apples"
It's a big country.
>it's a big country
Despite being a "first world" country, the United States' police force exercises a disporportionate amount of aggression and violence towards it's citizens.
In Canada the police didn't even shoot Alex Minassian, the lunatic incel that ran over people with a truck, when he tried to die via suicide by cop but in the US, you will get riddled with bullets for reaching for your wallet.
This should be an interesting thread. Considering I am one
Canada is country of generally good people. Wish I could say the same about the people in the US in the current day. The cops do have to be just a bit on the hardcore side to deal with the kinds of criminals we have here.
>he doesn't think celebrities are the enemy
ehh you'd be supprised. there's not nearly the ammount of "violence" you might think there is. It just gets focused on by the news. The liberal media hates guns and hates authoirty so it's not to hard to understand why they hate police so much and shine a spotlight on every single use of force they can.
I filed two use of force reports last year and didn't have to draw my weapon but once. That was out of over 2,000 calls and traffic stops
You're probably an unironic sociopath, and were severly bullied growing up so you decided to join your local pd to exact revenge on strangers you don't even know exercise power you never had.
There's cases where police use excessive force and violence literally everyday.
Just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it doesnt happen.
>You're probably an unironic sociopath
I don't think I am but i've never been to a therapist or a psychiatrist so I don't really have anything to base it off of
>and were severely bullied growing up
I'd argue most people on this board could share that experience
>you decided to join your local pd to exact revenge on strangers you don't even know exercise power you never had.
you're gona have to explain this one
I've not had a single person in my department have an "excessive" force claim made against them in the past 3 years.
and I defiantly hear about it all the time. when you look into the actual cases alot of the time shit gets left out because it doesn't fit the anti police agenda.
Don't get me wrong. there are some ASSHOLE cops out there who do abuse authority and I can tell you from experience what goes around comes around. I've seen some lives ruined because they did something stupid
>get an anonymous call about a "crazy guy with a gun" in a hotel room
>storm the place like Force Recon doing a raid on the Taliban
>guns blazing, screaming at a dude in his fucking gym shorts
>humiliate and torture him for 5 mins with a game of Simon Says
>his gym shorts fall down and he pulls them back up during
>unload half the magazine into him with your m-4 with the words "you're FUCKED!" written on the dust cover
>try to claim that he was "armed and dangerous"
>the gun he had was a fucking bb gun
>he was an exterminator that killed rats and pigeons with it
>"not guilty"
Cops along with the judges that acquit them of their crimes are everyone's enemy.
>I've not had a single person in my department have an "excessive" force claim made against them in the past 3 years.
Because cops intimidate and harass anyone whoe tries to file a report against their "brothers in blue".
You're all thugs and psychos.
You think people just sign up to be a cop because they like oppressing people? Get the fuck of the sociopath meme. People can become a cop because they want to be the guy who takes out a bank robber or stop a suicide. Just because you cannot comprehend wanting to help your fellow man does not mean everyone else is the same
>Brother in law is a cop and uncle is a detective.
Your brother in law and uncle are probably huge dicks user, I love how people will recognize that a segment of the population (be it cops, niggers, whatever) is prone to certain behavior but the people they know from that group are totally different!
good for you brother. I like cops
this is what confuses me so much. Blacks and liberals hating cops is the norm so why does Jow Forums hate cops?
Here's how/why you become a cop
>join the army
>roll 11b, 88m, 92g, 19d or some shit
>that's it
Like 80% of cops I ever met fell for the military meme
4ch is a left wing website.
Even moot and his admin team are mostly all left leaning.
>fucking weeb cop
state dogs have major insecurity problems, this one in the video for sure, i wonder if he'd do the same to an ms13 member in their area being lonely on his own.
The system that is the problem. That is what produces abusive and corrupt cops, lawmakers and corporations alike. What is needed is integrity and responsibility, in everyone.
on one hand i hate all authority but on the other hand they kill niggers so i'm torn
Great so I have integrity and I am going to be a cop next year. Why does a Hungarian yarn trading website think I am a negative iq rage filled crazyman?
>hating authority
what are you 12?
>left wing website
Why do I feel so let down by this
Fun fact! If you are in a relationship with a police officer, there is a 40% chance that the cop is your enemy because you will have been involved in reported domestic violence
Jesus Christ not a lot of you understand that cops are human blue collar workers just trying to help out. Soldiers are way shittier than cops if you really want to play the
>they signed up to fulfill violent fantasies!
soldiers are way better than cops for the most part, despite many of them signing up to be police after they leave the military. they are almost interchangable, actually...
Literally just put one of those thin blue line stickers in your car. The cops won't fuck with you.
Elaborate on why soldiers are good please
>Plumber gets up, goes to work, and accidentally murders somebody
"Omg! You can't just murder someone! That's against the law. You're in trouble."
>Police officer gets up, goes to work, and accidentally murders somebody
"Have a month off with full pay, you rascal :)"
lol wait hold up. You have to pick one ok do cops accidentally murder people or are they rage filled oppressors trying to kill everybody?
>that pic
Where's the fireman?
both cops and soliders suck.
Soldiers are better than cops though.
they are better than cops because they atleast have a few brain cells to follow their rules of engagement.
I could definitely find instances of both. I was specifically referencing Philando Castile's death which was definitely not murder but fully justified violence brought about by the United States of America.
>same people who don't like cops don't like average citizens having guns
Well only 40% get reported so there's probably more out there
a cop on Jow Forums yikes this is not gonna end up well
Ayy, almost certainly because if you report a cop, you're reporting him to his coworkers. That would, at least, have a chilling effect if not allow the cops to get ahead of the charge and sabotage it.
kind of like how the government investigates itself ?
Yeah, kind of like that. I would argue there's a larger diversity of opinion and stakeholders in the whole goddamn government. That might enable a system of checks and balances (like allowing for 3rd party investigations) that is wholly absent in a police station. Though that's about as far as I would go in my defense of the US government.
Daily reminder that ACAB
>their desires to stop arresting kids with joints
Then why don't they? Who's going to arrest them!
The issue with cops is that many departments across the country are corrupt as shit who also want to larp as special ops without doing even a quarter of the training barring FBI/major SWAT teams, and even if many are (((good apples))) there is still a significant amount who will either lie out their ass to keep themselves or other people in the department from getting rightfully fried or are in it to power trip or because they fell for the 11b meme and want to act like they are in the middle of Fallujah while they never even deployed let alone actually did anything in an active warzone past standing around or an occasional patrol past the wire.
It is retarded for sure.