after 20 years of school I finally have a job. it pays 3700 a week and I get a bonus of 15k. what should I do with the money. I am thinking car but I live in NYC and that seems kind of normie.
Got a job what should i do with the money
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Save up, buy a house in the middle of nowhere, spend rest of your life watching kenyan moving cave paintings all day everyday.
Invest it so that you can live off the returns
seems boring and normie
Doesn't matter. It'll get you into the NEET life if you want.
Save it for now. It's only a matter of time before you sperg out and ruin it, so hold onto as much as you can.
> 3700 a week
Keep working hard user If you are single I would recommend taking vacations as often as possible maybe go to japan find a mistress or any country you prefer with that much money you can have lots of fun stay away from gambling and other stuff thats not good I believe in you, if you ever feel the need to date try dating sims to get the feeling without the drama of real women. and uhhhhh Buy fun shit like VR
OP is Hungarian.
dont really want to neet. im only 25 so i plan on working for the next twenty years. then maybe finding some 20 something and get her to have my babies.
190k a year plus bonus is market salary for a first year associate at large firm
what the fuck is your field? also do you live in an arabian oil rich country?
im a first year associate at a v50 firm
You make in one week what some make in a month and most in 2 or 3 here. What even.
>graduate high school
>go to community college
>transfer to university
>take lsat
>attend t13 law school
>get summer job at oci
>get permanent offer
not really that hard. if you are actually smart you could do it
Might be. Here you need connections for even basic jobs. That's how shitty it is
in the us almost anyone who can get into a t13 law school and not fail out can get biglaw. youd have to really be a sperg
>literally just go to school bro lmao
>its super easy
Wh*te people are scum. So much privilege ITT
Lmao at this blatant nigger. How does it feel to know you will live and die as a shitskin?
im not white thhough
I'm not from the US and never been, if you didn't catch it. Also didn't do law.
oh that sucks. us is the shit
>what should I do with the money
Give it to me! Shit, even just the 700 a week.
Save it user.
I would say buy some property,, but NYC...yeah nah.
i thought about buying a condo but i dont know if housing is gonna crash soon and i need a pretty sizeable down payment
Invest your bonus in link
>mfw I have a PhD and I earn a tenth of OP
>its still 2x the average wage here
Goddamn I hate this yuropoor shithole
what is link
How old are you now op butnoriginalluu
where are you from xD ?
im 25 friendo
what does ITT mean anonn
hey being a shitskin isnt so bad y u so mean
Yea possibly, but not on this planet.
Possibly it's a months wage.
>get job
>make money
>become to tired to do anything but sleep and rest
>can't even enjoy my hobbies anymore because working is exhausting
This shit is why people are NEET. Fuck working your ass off until you're too old and can't physically do the shit you wanted to do.
what if not working means not eating or having a place to live
If you're NEET you pretty much live with parents so you automatically have a place to live and stuff to eat. If you're actually fucked without a job, get a part-time job and enjoy all the government handouts so you can still do what you want.
Chainlink it is a crypto now would probably be a good time to buy in invest and just let it sit
i dont believe in crypto as a commodity because it lacks intrinsic value but is not backed by any world government. id rather buy gold
i have not found this to be the case
only 3700 like a total poorfag lmaoing at you
$3700 a week is almost top 5% in us
buy a farm house in poland or find rich friends and get your dick sucked by randoms at exclusive rich people cocain orgy
3700 a week pretax? Are you a doctor/lawyer? How much debt do you have?
lawyer 6 figs
Keep supporting kike banks then oh and all lawyers should fucking hang
angry eyes
>6 figs in debt
>lives in NYC
>only makes 200k
I mean good job and everything but that doesnt sound terribly comfy
i live in a nice apartment for 3.5k a month living expenses around 1.5 a month throw 4k at loans at the rest i save it. ill be debt free in a few years and my salary increases lock step. In 5 years ill be making over 300k.
you got it made user. pat yourself on the back user for the hard work you put in to get yourself to where you are.
i just gotta ask, how is your daily routine at the office? i might consider switching of becoming a soft dev. since i think an average salary of around 90-100k a year doesn't sound anywhere near my ideal salary of 250k desu.
i get in at 9am and leave around 8-9pm. its not easy work
buy me takeout chicken
3.5k on rent??? Wtf. I make about the same as you as a SWE with no debt and my rent is $1400 with no roommates. I dont get why people want to become lawyers anymore. Doesnt seem worth it if all you want is money
9am to 8-9pm shifts im assuming mon-fri?
thats tough user. you must be exhausted af mentally when you get back home.
in ten years if i make partner i'll be pulling in millions. even if i dont i have great career prospects
sometimes sat 1-5. it depends on workflow.
average salary is 84k, google is 120k. what company pays 200k?
You have to go back you pos
Those arent accurate figures. is a better site. Also its common for salary to be less than half of total comp. most entry level google engineers make about 120k base but an additional 80-100k from stock and bonus. At higher levels tc can be 500k - 1 mil but with almost all of that from stock/bonus and still relatively low base salary.
Buy stuff that will make your work day much better? I really have no idea. I'm poor as fuck and I've never thought about having so much money. I get paid 160 a month because no one wants to give me a job. Even if I suddenly decided to take the path you took I would be too old and it wouldn't pay the same in my country. I'm happy for you user but at the same time this shit made me even more depressed.
secure your financial freedom and aid your network in the same.
where the fuck do you live on 1400 alone, Astoria?
I'm a new grad in NYC making 85k. The people from my school who got jobs at Google are making $120k base + 50k stock. You can easily get to 200k in NYC
So a robot goes on the stand and talks in front of an entire court room and argues? Yeah Idk
I dont live in New York. I live in Northern Va. Kind of a cesspool but cheaper than NY/CA and plenty of jobs.
bureau of labor statistics says 105k median
I'm 25 a new grad and making 190k + 15k bonus so id rather be me
>he thinks being a corporate lawyer is like law and order
Sure but you are a lawyer making 200k thats way more than the median. Pretty sure the median for lawyer is around 100k. For SWEs there is a huge range. No name shit tier company might pay 50k while google pays 200 for the same job with same years of exp.
What if I were to start college how do I do this? What do i major in? What do I do if I live in a shitty small town upstate. How do I get into places in the city?
Tfw I only started making 120k per year at age 28
Silicon Valley fag here.
A lot of my friends without degrees would get jobs, about 20-30 dollars for absolute entry level (an internship). After about 3-6 months at the company, they'd transition into a full blown software engineering job and make around 105k yearly. This is considered a pretty low salary-- this is a small time company + an absolute junior dev position.
A lot of my friends who actually got degrees from shitty schools got 6 figure software engineer jobs before they even finished school-- scouted by companies that do job fairs at the school.
My friends who actually did degrees at prestigious schools/got higher education in CS made a lot more money. Like, a UCB student with good grades doing an internship can be expected to make 55+ an hour. Once you graduate with a Bachelor's, it's an easy 120-160k. For people with master's in Artificial Intelligence related fields, they make a ridiculous amount.
>tfw 26 and going to Brooklyn College
toss me some monies for halal food OP
>go to college
>major in whatever you will get the best grades in
>take the lsat
>score in the 98th percentile
>apply to T13 law school
>get accepted
>pass 1L
>buy a suit
>attend oci
>dont sperg out
>get summer offer
>dont sperg out
>be offered full time employment
>pass bar
nah its still better to be a brainchad who gets into google at age 21/22 right after their bachelor's. by age 25 they're making 250-350k
If I play my cards right in ten years I'll be pulling in 2 million annually
Do you have to stand in front of a whole court and argue? I am doing business stuff and like business but it seems like a gamble I wanna do an e-commerce business
>The typical Google Senior Software Engineer salary is $173,113
only litigators do that and even then a small portion. partners argue in court. i am corporate. mostly work on m&a
thats base only. people have like 170k base + 170k stocks/bonus
Shut up you fucking retard. Moot did it. I SAID WORKING AT GOOGLE MAKES YOU RICH. Now fucking listen to me. I will be earning 3 million dollars in the next 10 years while you sit at home and masturbate in your moms house you little faggot. I am a fucking IT chad destined to make millions
This is solid advice
The biggest money fields for brainlets is probably either being a software engineer or lawyer. If you're poor, get as much government aid as possible and go the community college -> University route and take loans. Just make sure you choose a major that's good money/opportunities that doesn't have that much school time, and it's something you'll enjoy.
Protip: provided you aren't a sub 100 iq retard, discipline is nearly everything. You can be a genius, but if you lack discipline you will fail. Think of knowledge as compounding, and higher intelligence is just a speed multiplier on how quickly you can acquire knowledge and solve problems.
Just remember that you'll be hot shit until you're not, and you'll be truly boned when that day comes. For some people, it comes in HS, others University, others post-grad programs, and others in their job.
sr associates at my firm make 300+ base and over 100k in bonus. partners make millions.
Yeah true. I work for a FAANG... no debt at all because I didnt have to study like a cuck for 10 years just to get a piece of paper, plus the opportunity cost of not earning money all those years. Just lol @ doctors and lawyers tbqh
what % of lawyers becomes partners?
depends on firm. people who dont go into banking and make upper 6 figures sometimes 7. some go inhouse. others run for office/work for gov.
10 years is a long time. I've never seen somebody say something like that actually succeed, because its usually only people who make virtually nothing or have new startups who say stuff like that. In addition, they use such a huge time frame to give themselves more time for whatever they're working on to succeed, but it's unrealistic.
t. seen a billion startups fail
This is like 0.0001% of all lawyers. You have a better chance of becoming a rich Chad as a developer than a lawyer. Most lawyers cuck it out and never break 150k total comp.
So what do you do like paper work or some shit? Do you think.i should do it if I am a depressed retard drug addict or should i just keep going for my business shit solo?
at 190k plus 15k i am already in 93th percentile of household income and im 25 and single.
Be a patent lawyer
paperwork, essentially
So go to school for business and then do law from there? How long is law school after college
you have to have a hard science degree to be a patent lawyer
law school is 3 years and you need an bachelors degree. caliber of school is important. if you dont go to t13 you are fucked
So start in shitty school and then go to a better university? I have like 1.5 years of college done. Is t13 a grade of university?
t13 refers to the top 13 law schools.
Buy me a present
Don't be dumb. Compound interest can be your friend if you think your shit through. Index funds with low expense ratios and don't pull out for 30 yrs. If you're so sophisticated from your degree, multiply (1.06)^30.... That's how much your money TODAY is worth 30 yrs from now. Also compare it to (1.06)^25. Every year costs you. Do it, your kids will thank you when you can afford their education.
Or retire at 70. Your move. Look around at all the old ass janitors. They fucked up. Don't.
If I was paid that much, I would probably try to save (a third of the money would be my absolute minimum, i could easily save way more than that, i'm a cheap motherfucker)
Then I would invest half of what i saved, get as much passive income as I can while still working at my job (and if I don't like my job, I would just find a new one that I actually enjoy)
B I T C O I N buy B I T C O I N