Why aren't you making 6 figures yet, do you really expect a girl to settle for your pathetic wage?
Why aren't you making 6 figures yet, do you really expect a girl to settle for your pathetic wage?
Already do. NEXT!
n-no. leave me alone *bites burger*
Humanity needs a reboot
Written by a one (((Hannah Frishberg))).
Rich man = inequality of pay
Poor man = hurting marriage prospects
In other words, written by a woman holding a job a man could have used to support his family but instead is allowing her to either not need a man or tyoo supplement her husband's already sufficient income.
Women go to to college to become the man they wanted to marry.
I barely make 5, and don't expect anything. Women can fuck themselves, I don't give a damn.
If working hard to make a lot of money is a requirement to get a girl, well, then, I don't want a girl badly enough to do that.
It's a side effect of women going to work. Some women work and also want a providing husband, but these women are already making enough money to finance their own lives, so the next logical step is to look for a man who makes even more money. Men like that are rare, and the men who are willing to marry women who only want money will choose trophy wives over the average women anyway. You can't have your cake and eat it too. These women should lower their expectations or at least accept their place as the breadwinner.
The solipsism is funny.
>"Men Broke and Suicidal - But More Importantly, How Does This Impact Women?"
>women should settle
it is funny lol.
God I fucking hate being male so much. None of your problems matter at all.
Acquiring wealth takes time.
The media simultaneously shames men for not being wealthy enough to meet arbitrary financial standards of marriageability while also increasingly stigmatizing relationships between older men and younger women:
>Each example disgusts me anew in a way that's probably not entirely defensible: I think I might be angrier about these couples than I am about a good many important political issues. I know, I know: Why care that two consenting adults are canoodling when a demagogue is about to take the White House?
>My serial killer fiance may kill me 'but everybody dies one day'
Holy shit. Is this a satire journal by any chance? I just don't have any words for whatever this is....
tfw modern men are broke, entitled, sexist man children
I am. And fortunately I found a woman when I was still in college and not the kind of gold digger that only comes around after I have money.
Some high quality gf material right here
>women are forced to date down
Pretty much everyone makes 6 figures on r9k or is pretty close at least. What are you talking about?
>women get what they wanted yet still lose
finger lickin
They didn't really "lose", their prize just isn't as big. Actually losing as a woman is borderline impossible nowadays.
Well, at least she's totally uggo. But still, what kind of world do we live in where a murder deserves a relationship, but a decent guy with a modest income doesn't.
>Tracey Bottomley
Soon to be unTraceable, at the Bottom of a lake.
I don't expect shit from anybody.
women live in a different universe than me. im tryin here guy
I know several guys making six figures who haven't had a date in 2019.
Women may not want the broke men, but they don't want the non-broke men either.
>women are forced to date brown
I meant she's a filthy kike.
eewwwww poo poo
I make 15k gross a year which equals 3.880,00 dollars. About 320 a month.
Welfare? Thsts like 11$ a day. You'd make more panhandling
Working a shit public job barely above minimum wage.
Im just saving for a gun and some ammo so whatever, joking of course.
i make 210k a year ama
why do so many responsibilities have to be thrust on to men? you can't force men to shower you in cash and to do all sorts of things for you and then get mad when you can't find a guy willing to do that. how fucking entitled can roasties get?
>Date down
>Date brown
Isn't that the same thing?
this x9000. what weird times we live in
Nah fuck that.
I make $26/hr and that already puts me above household income in the US.