Is she demonic?
Is she demonic?
She looks ridiculous. What is this, the early 2000s?
I fucking hate that JoJo and MHA made anime acceptable among nornalfaggots. I'm unironically watching more obscure anime now just so I don't have to assosciate with these scum.
she's a coalburner and deserving of death
shes chibi ! *.*
Litteraly who? You guys keep posting people I never heard about
>Is she demonic?
No but she's got some hot dog legs going on there
There's a name in the photo user. A quick Google search could've told you everything you need to know.
mad cus bad, mad cus jojo good. eat shit
she seems mature as fuck in her interviews
>I fucking hate that JoJo and MHA made anime acceptable among nornalfaggots. I'm unironically watching more obscure anime now just so I don't have to assosciate with this scum.
imagine trying to feel special/superior watching your fag cartoons.
she is doing whatever she can to stay relevant after her mediocre songs lose their 3 day long relevancy
no but this hereby marks the end for Jojo. The fanbase is officially pozzed
He is a joke.
comes straight from a lab, everything is designed so kids like it.
maybe it's sad maybe it's just consequence.
does it even matter
What the hell? JoJo is completely full of asspulls and nonsensical writing, even amoung shounen. The only good part of it is part 7.
Hello, fellow boomer.
>she seems mature as fuck in her interviews
are you serious lmao
It is painful how formulaic her act is.. the industry thinks they are mixing it up if they have a young girl talk about the devil and act like a discount kurt Cobain, but all I see is another teen idol that will burn out after a decade at most. Her music is so bland and alike everything else, so her art will not save her.
jojo fanbase is the gayest thing to exist on this earth and they for whatever reason feel superior to others
That's what I actually like about her.
Reminds me of a simpler time when people still had to sit down in front of a computer to get access to the internet
>jojo fanbase
those are redditor ironic weeb LMAO HENTAI HAHAHA faggots who just discovered what "good" japanese entertainment is
us real Stand users hate them and everything they stand for
>he said as he posted a reddit meme
SBR is the gayest part.
JoJo is relatively popular with blacks, so it makes sense that wiggers would co-opt it.