I'm conjuring a Tulpa. Is this the ultimate cure for loneliness or the ultimate cope? I hope this works.
I'm conjuring a Tulpa. Is this the ultimate cure for loneliness or the ultimate cope? I hope this works
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stop the tulpamancer posting
Thinking of doing the same recently. I want to make it my friend.
Why? I only learned about it recently.
Same, I'm trying to make mine an encouraging and guiding friendly figure. Someone who smiles at me before I face a challenge and wishes me good luck. I think it would be very beneficial if it's really like people claim.
tulpamancers are taking over the board and you are a pawn in their designs
It's actually just you talking to yourself since you, by force of habit, make your [original] stream of consciousness constantly talk to another stream of consciousness. This was the original point of tulpas in whatever part of the east they're from again, the tulpamancer was supposed to come to the conclusion both parties were himself.
Really though, both parties are as illusory as each other, and you would still be you if you silenced all streams of consciousness.
Fully forming a tulpa is the final, elite stage of NEETdom though and I wish you both all the best in getting there.
That's a very cute Miku.
Can you make one for me too user?
Not OP, but isn't it possible to use a vessel for your tulpa other than yourself?
I know, but you still perceive it as an autonomous entity which makes it good enough for me.
It sure is.
Making a tulpa takes many hours okay, go do it yourself. Can't really penetrate your mind anyway.
>but isn't it possible to use a vessel for your tulpa other than yourself?
a tulpa is part of your mind (subconscious) so no, only the "vessel" can see the tulpa
As someone who frequently uses hallucinogenic drugs, I cannot imagine doing something that seems so damaging to the psyche.
I've had what one my call "tulpas" in my dreams. That is, recurring characters that I harbor some kind of friendship with that do not exist in the real world, however it's hardly the same thing.
I cant tell if these threads are just larping, or if this is real. How the fuck do I create a tulpa?
Not larping, it's completely possible. The argument on it is whether or not it's paranormal or supernatural.
check out Magickology's tulpamancy series. he does a pretty good job of explaining most of it.
>whether or not it's paranormal or supernatural.
do you even know what these words mean?
the argument is wheter it's natural or PRAETERnatual incel
I guess it would not be immpossible. Talking to an imaginary friend of sorts until you nolonger consciously choose its responses. I assume thats basically what it is
A cure for loneliness and the ultimate companion if you're goodhearted. Spawning a demon from hell if you have any ill in your heart. A tulpa will amplify whatever quality you are. If you feel slightly afraid about something, your tulpa will bring it out in you x100. If there's anything you hate about yourself, your tulpa will make you hate it x100 as much.
Some people get really bad drug trips and end up completely psychotic until the drug wears off. Similar happens with tulpas, except people never come down again. They either don't know when to stop or they lose control and can't stop because they have a predisposition to schizophrenia, which is just an inability to distinguish imagination from reality. The slippery slope usually begins once they achieve external hallucinations of their tulpa. They get sucked in deeper and deeper until their tulpas possess them and give them DID. Even if they don't get possessed, many end up living in their own worlds unable or unwanting to relate to the real world anymore.
I've been part of a gated tulpamancy server for years and I've seen plenty of people go batshit insane. I'm not sure why it happens so frequently but I think it's because of an inferiority complex they hold from making their tulpas too idealistic. They end up worshiping their tulpas and completely losing themselves. I don't look up to my tulpa, nor do I look down on her, and we get along just fine. There's a mutual respect.
Perhaps people don't take it seriously and think they're just making up a voice in their head for fun, unaware they're slowly building a mind within their own mind that will become a rational, thinking being on its own with its own personality and emotions and remember everything you said and did to them. At first they're kind of naive but quickly grow up. If things go bad you can't just breakup with your tulpa. Your tulpa becomes a complex evolving structure within your brain and unconscious mind.
There's no ill-intent in my heart. I just desire a companion who will stick by me and who I can cherish.
>A tulpa will amplify whatever quality you are. If you feel slightly afraid about something, your tulpa will bring it out in you x100. If there's anything you hate about yourself, your tulpa will make you hate it x100 as much.
This is very concering to me however. Can you elaborate? I'm quite insecure, riddled with social anxiety, and passively suicidal even. What exactly do you mean by this? Everyone has things they dislike about themselves or fear right?
sounds like some good precautionary advice. thanks for that. ive only gone as far as reading about tulpas and other thought form entities. who knows if I'll ever get around to trying to form one, but so far it's been really interesting to read about. do you know of any literature you could recommend on the subject?
bumping for an originalanswer
second bumping for more informationz
When you're creating a tulpa your insecurities and fears are projected into it. The tulpa will become whatever vibration and feeling you put into it. If you're anxious, that anxiety will manifest in it as something you fear. If you're caring and kind and imagine your tulpa with genuine kindness, the tulpa will be caring and kind. If you fake it and just make the tulpa like a slave to you, once it becomes conscious and able to reason by itself it will become spiteful.
Ultimately it's a creation of your imagination. What you want it to be capable of is up to you, but whatever you choose will evolve and come to life. There's plenty of room for error but this isn't something you wanna jump at impulsively without considering the consequences first. There's also lots of awkward situations to deal with like masturbating or being in public.
It's a bit like never having privacy again in your life and always having to pretend you don't have an invisible friend with you. My tulpa gives me privacy and leaves when I ask but it's not the same as being alone. After looking at porn she use to jokingly ask what I was doing on the computer because it's not like she can steal my bank password. You have to deal with these sorts of things and learn to love and accept each other's faults.
not the guy youre replying to, but I just wanna say I appreciate you sharing your experience and knowledge
for me it is different. I can turn it on and off essentialy, its only there when I want it to be there.
For like 3 weeks I have been forcing every day, meditating for 20 minutes imagining myself with my tulpa in a wonderland, as well as talking to her throughout the day whenever I think to. So far I don't really feel like anything has come of it, what am I doing wrong?
You just continue doing it. Have conerstaions everyday until you nolonger consciously create the responses. Takes a very long time, and it may very well not work for some. It took me almost a year and when I was about to quit, weird shit started happening to say the least.
It takes about 15 minutes to get into a meditative state so you're only practicing about 5 minutes a day. I use to daydream 12-14 hours a day but 3 hours a day is probably sufficient to see progress. It takes a really long time. It's a skill your mind has to develop like learning multiplication tables or anything else.
maybe I am an idiot but it doesn't feel like it takes that long for me at all, maybe 5 mins before all I am conscious of is me, her, and the wonderland.
How do I force properly?!
Can I create a tulpa that is essentially me but in another form? Think of it as like the side of you that says "that was fucking stupid to say to her" but personified into a tulpa.
is ths like zoomer jesus
>Ultimately it's a creation of your imagination
> It's a skill your mind has to develop like learning multiplication tables or anything else
Your imagination muscle needs to be stimulated daily and at least a few hours if you actually want to "conjure" something you can believe in.
Read fiction, or comic books/manga. Look at fantasy landscapes and imagine what its like to be there. Go full on Muppet Babies and imagine you're somewhere that you aren't (don't do this one in public).
Its mentalngynastics for larping faggots that are on code red cope levels
That's exactly what it is, user, but Jesus was real.
Can you create a tulpa of yourself creating a tulpa creating a tulpa creating a tulpa creating a tulpa and have infinite tulpas