Does "just go outside bro" even help if you live in the suburbs?
Does "just go outside bro" even help if you live in the suburbs?
suburbs can be pretty based. biking and playing cops and robbers with the neighborhood kids when youre young. trying beer for the first time with your friends when youre 16 and finding it gross but pretending its great. cruising in your friends beater to 711 at midnight for snacks
My version: biking to gas station with Mexican friend at midnight while high with 3 dollars to get dinner. Leave gas station, bikes stolen by two beaners. Ask clerk to see security footage, told to fuck off.
makes me laugh when people say they hate the suburbs. i like living here. i dont live in a shitty one like OPs pic though
>i dont live in a shitty one like OPs pic though
What's the difference between good suburbs and shitty ones?
sounds more dangerous than most suburbs desu i always thought the suburbs had a much nicer image and population
i can see why people would prefer the country or city life. i thin kthe sububs offer a bit of both worlds without going too far out
the good ones look something like this. i live in a place that looks like this
surburbs is not outside
houses are alot farther apart. my parents live in a suburb but they have an acre lot
That's where I do all my outside-goin. It's the back yard but still. Nice fresh air, direct sunlight, green shit, animals, bugs all that outsidey shit is there. It is therapeutic though I run out of stuff to do quicky.
not everything is so identical. the houses are interspersed with forests, community greens, parks, etc. whereas in the OP pic everything is so identical that it looks like it could drive you insane.
American suburbs look so nice. Even your so called shit ones are better than the shit we have in the uk. I will find a pajeeta to marry in America
Honestly that looks cozy, the only thing missing is a fence in the backyards.
I don't know why people are so obsessed with living in small apartments in the middle of a city.
I live in a apartment in the city and yes it was fun for the first few years but now its fucking old and all i want is a house in the suburbs.
Does it help if you live anywhere?
There is none, all suburbs are shit.
t. animal living in densely populated concrete zoo city and drowning in every kind of pollution possible
>cityfags talk about how shitty the suburbs are
>their examples are the shitty suburbs that most resemble a city
haunting image man
Autumntime in the suburbs is so great. Right around the corner too. Cityfags will never know the comfy beauty of it.
This desu. Met all my friends in my neighborhood. Was fun as fuck to live so close we could easily hang out and do stuff.
at least in some parts of uk all you have to do is walk or bike less than a mile and find some kind of scenery.
not necessarily epic countryside either, but it doesnt have to be
No, I live in the suburbs. Shitty insect ridden, depressing, hopeless suburbs with faggots constantly coming over to the house thinking they're welcome. The city is much better. Quality aesthetic, can easily avoid neighbours, no infuriating children running around, easy access to shops, can see it light up at night outside the windows, higher quality of life, better technology. The suburbs are filthy shit living for people who watched too many 50s advertisements.
all that shit only applys if you are a normie though
>insect ridden,
I thought those kind of places existed only in movies and such, didn't know suburbs were really a thing.
Where the hell do you live? That sounds hilarious.
living in the suburbs is the reason why im fucked. You need to be able to drive and every job "nearby' is at least 2 miles (and i have a leg condition)
fuck the suburbs. its the shittiest type of place to live. Even rural is better.
>didn't know suburbs were really a thing.
Because it's the suburbs, which has a much higher density of wildlife.
No it isn't. I fucking hate suburban hell, it's the single most disheartening experience on the planet. It's the dead-end of living. I'm better off being homeless than living in this shitty Victorian Era simulation.
I live in a suburb too though. It's nothing at all like you describe. It's awesome here.
Good for you, you clearly enjoy suburban living. I do not. if I could afford a high-rise apartment in a metropolis I'd already have solved this issue.
why not just beg on the street in a metropolis?
>can easily avoid neighbors
Oh yeah, everyone knows those shitty apartments totally have good walls that block sound.
you still haven't mentioned where you live. I live on Long Island byt the way.
I don't beg, I think it is immoral.
Even a low-end apartment is better than this shit. I have headphones. Either way I'm dealing with noise from outside, just this time there's no "community" to waste my time.
Northern Ireland.
fugg that looks so comfy. I wish I could do some travelling in europe, I haven't been there in 10 years and I've never been to germany or the UK
Well that's what you get for being from north Ireland. Get fucked.
It will help more than someone living the rural midwest.
>tfw living is post soviet commie block
I'd be fucked if I lived in any suburb in any country, this just happens to be a particularly grueling example.
>tfw living is post soviet commie block
that sounds unironically nice where do you live?