I wonder if today's the day i find my mineirinha(o) into a cute female(not female) that likes autistic shit like magic or old ass movies and would like to watch dr strangelove in a very dark room while laying on each other until one of us fall asleep and the other just follows, then wake up in the morning and have sex because yes, right before going outside for some jogging in the park while we listen to metal and get looked down at by other people because we only wear black and my ass looks great on the clothes
Daily look for my brazilian bfgf
Angry incels with sad lifes and brazilian people that play cachetinha and hate each other edition
Lol. Serious question to all brazilians: why aren't you lurking 55chan right now?
Nojao, vei.
In my personal opinion, 55 is too slow in some boards, everyone is like a basic version of r9k users anyway and can't break anonymity (which can be good or bad i guess)
Que queres, gordo
pls marry me
>the day i find my mineirinha(o) into a cute female(not female)
type this in portuguese so I can help you faggot
it's unreadable
He wants a trap from Minas basically
I wish I could find some qt here in Sao Paulo
the day i find my mineirinha(o) into a cute female(not female)
mineirinha(o)= either mineirinha or mineirinho, female or male
into a cute= Que tenha interesse
a cute female(not female)= what you guys know as a trap
I'm actually the trap from minas lol
They're literally everywhere, Sao paulo is where most of the qts and non-qts hang out at. If you're into shitty dating apps try tinder user, otherwise just look around a bit in retail or college
55chan is fucking cancer, they have thousands of stupid rules like: if you make an orthography mistake you're banned, you can't post your pic(every thread is like that).
Is fullllll of incels if you think Jow Forums has incels you never went to 55chan.
I'm a trap I prefer to stay on /b/ to post my pics and /lgbt/ Jow Forums for funny stuff.
Btw I hate speaking portuguese, Brazilians are fucking retarded I'm luck that my family is german and I'm not a fucking nigger(pardos are niggers)
*every borad is like that
>into a cute= Que tenha interesse
please kill yourself negro
>Btw I hate speaking portuguese, Brazilians are fucking retarded I'm luck that my family is german and I'm not a fucking nigger(pardos are niggers)
Based, i wonder why brazilians are so cancerous in their online communities and basically sound like low iq subhumans, but i guess most of them are pardos/niggers so it's understandable
nah only rio de janeiro brazilians are niggers
>from Minas
Into a* can be read as that, op just mistaked "cute"
Not really, the ammounts of stupidity everywhere in this country is sky high
I'm not her nor know her but she seems to be famous around here?
Most posters in those communities are from the whole southeast and are usually retarded niggers
my mineirinha WHO IS (she is) into something
Because I got a 55 year ban.
Also, 55chan is a cancerous hole filled with cp.
Nigger you're discussing grammar in an autistic forum for suicidal losers, go get your black skin sunburned in copacabana or something
Weren't you a virgin?
Voce escreve como um macaco.
Sadly yes, tt, just like to fantasize alot
As a fellow paulista I can assure Brazil has the best concentration of attractive e-girls. I hanged out with a bunch of them. They are mostly sadly pretty dull but I found interesting non slut women here and there. They mostly hang out on twitter and with League of Legends pro players.
Sai gordo
>into autistic shit
>Likes traps
Manda o zap, aqui eh ruim de conversar.
>My family is german
So is my family italian. But we all know every brazilian is pardo at the slightest. We know at least one of your ancestors, a long time ago, has fucked a nigger or a native. You got to accept that mate. We're the mutt country.
t. carioca favelado de merda eleitor do pt
se mata seu bosta
Are you from the glorious triangulo mineiro, zapman?
It's not my fault your family is full of nigger but mine is only german, I'm completely pale
t. literalmente nunca pisei no rio
Apenas aceite. Vc pode passar como branco mas n eh. Cope harder pardinho
Ok, amigo
Have fun being called mexican by literally every gringo ever
How do I get a cute br bf or gf if I'm from europe?
From the ancient campos das vertentes.
show her/him your possessions
It's pretty easy depending on which part of europe you live in, as they seem to be very common around Jow Forums. Try meetup threads if you're looking here.
Why would you ruin your perfet aryan genes with some jungle monkeys?
FML estou no pico da ponta superior do miner's triangle
t. favelado
kkk lembra do retardado que foi preso pq chamou uma atriz da globo de preta
ele mesmo era preto que nem esse bostinha aqui postando essas merda de pardo
Rapaz, e tanto cope por ser negro!
Ande do meu lado na rua e veja quem a policia para, pardinho
kkkk please come to rio de janeiro
what possessions would be the best? I mostly own military models I built and children card games.
I played kof with a br girl and talked about literature with hein the past, who was german and actually looked white. Brs I talked with also had some of the best personalities I can think of. It's funny how some are the most niggerish people you can ever meet, or actual cute angeltier persons.
Hey user are you from sc? Be my qt trap gf, I also hate portuguese
Posta foto dos pes.
Please be my aryan trap gf.
>i wonder why brazilians are so cancerous in their online communities and basically sound like low iq subhumans
Because we made the fucking mistake of giving easy access to technology to poor people.
Isso e so para quem eu estiver pegando, user!
fuck brazilians
i talked to a br "girl" for 3 months everyday and fell in love before she came out to me as a tranny
s m h
OP nao quer postar foto porque e um traveco de dois metros de altura com mais testosterona que essa board inteira.
Boa tentativa meu negro, mas nao vou te provar nada nem postar meus pezinhos brancos e macios hue
KEK this is why ldrs are retarded
brancos e macios, kek
duas patas tamanho 44, isso sim
>Bait fraca dessas
So pede a fotinha denovo user, quem sabe eu nao fico com pena :')
Posso ver, por favor?
Brazilian people are fun but you wouldn't want to date one unless you are into being cucked
Acho imoral postar fotos minhas em respeito a um possivel futuro parceiro ou parceira user, mas com essa persistencia voce pode conseguir sua qt de pezinhos macios 37 bem facil, keep at it
Based, stay away from them.
Respeito isso, belo e moral.
>com essa persistencia voce pode conseguir sua qt de pezinhos macios 37
Quando esse dia chegar irei lambe-los como se nao houvesse amanha
I don't think that's exclusive to be tranners user