used to be a fatty loser but somehow made it out. what i did work work for everyone but if you want to know what life can be life before and after ama.
Used to be a fatty loser but somehow made it out...
one bump for interest. best of luck to you robots who are trying your best to try and turn things around. life can be very beautiful.
Why does this girl look like an asian version of me
looks like the chick from /soc/ lmao
damn she looks shorter than I thought. She's gotta be what, 4,10? Similar to my wife.
without face its hard tot el desu
close, 5' flat. how tall are you user?
6 ft 3 actually.
It's just the exact same hair cut skin color and body type lol
Looks very close to OP's pic
it's not. OP is korean as is his gf.
just an inch taller than you. the height gap between you and your wife must be nuts haha. have you guys had kids yet?
cool, are you with someone you love user?
wow the hair and clothes are similar but the face is pretty dif
>just an inch taller than you. the height gap between you and your wife must be nuts haha. have you guys had kids yet?
she's actually 4 ft 11 but yeah it's kinda jarring lol. And no but we definitely plan to eventually.
Ok sorry, false alarm
haha i guess the height dif between you and your wife is the same as my gf and i then. i was a bit thrown at first too but have gotten used to it. have you guys talked about if you guys woud like a boy or girl first? or how many kids?
not a problem, thanks user and take care
we live in a pricey part of downtown FL so probably only 1 kid. I want a boy but she wants a girl, she's from the Philippines and all of her siblings are girls.
what was your house hold like? i am the oldest of two brothers so i want two boys but she wants GBG since thats what her household was like lol. honeslty i feel like a lot of that goes out the door once you have your first kid since its such a new thing. hope you and your family are happy and healthy brother, i wish only the best for you and yours
bump again. drikning so im being loose with answers ama anons
How did you make it out?
How bad was it before you made it out?
How do I stop being a fatass?
i just meme self improved. worked out and dieted. this lead to me being more confident and self assured and i made friends in college. one of those friends introduced me to a retail job at a tredny clothing store with lots fo young and qt coworkers and i learned how to properly socialize there. the first few months i was a pariah and didnt get invited out anywhere but once i became more comfortable people started liking me. my coworkers told me they thought i was stupid and slow as fuck but it was all in good fun and we grabbed many drinks outside of work. to stop being a fatass takes more tha me telling you want to do. take alook in the mirror and instead of letting that self hatred take over and consume you and force you into making poor descions, think about what you can do to lose it instead theres no clear answer unfortunately. i stopped because a kid at target told his mom how fat and ugly i was and that was my catalyst.
bump agani. ama anons.
onelat bump fuck me im drnk
one more bump despite saying lat was last.