mr basterd bitch faking fak edition
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holy fackin based
You cunts done with housing, rentboys and racism?
Yeah me too
>310k for this piece of shit
I'm desperate though, I might buy it
Doesn't seem bad for that area desu (definitely worse around), must be a fucking shithole or the basement flat
which anime is this? I know you posted it the other day but I didn't write it down
Not him but you'll find this website very useful
Doubt anyone cares but goodnight lads I can't be staying up late tonight, have good thread
Looks like the top floor flat judging by the window shape in the room pictures. bathroom looks awful. I'm mainly interested because it's near the city centre and I like townhouses
goodnight matey have a comfy sleep
ate a bowl of cheerios with a tiny amount of milk that was left. fucking depressing.
holy fuck is this why you guys shitpost so much? You have to pay that much for that piece of shit?
I feel for you yuropoors sometimes.
I've lived in Islington before, it's a very nice area and well connected.
That bathroom looks absolutely fine by london standards desu, just needs the fixtures updating
Cheers lad, great stuff
yeah whats going on with the side of the bath.
>near city centre
if you dont work there then doesnt matter desu.
Isn't it just as bad in NYC though?
accidentally bought honey mustard flavour Kettle Chips thinking they were cheese flavour, fucking livid
Just made myself another dirty boy but instead of whipping cream in the hot chocolate i used a 2:1 of vanilla ice cream and cornish clotted cream.
Better than NYC, NYC is true shoebox territory and SF which isn't as shoebox but everyone is paying 2000GBP+ a month to share flats because of tech wages
>Steve Austin is on Raw
Work in the morning but can't sleep. Feeling sad as usual
>Breaking Bad season 5
>hank and marie totally 180 on Walt and hate him as soon as they find out he is Heisenberg
Yeah he lied to them, committed several crimes and killed people but he didnt do it to them. Their complete disloyalty to family is really bipolar and psychopathic desu
Fuck Hank and FUCK Marie
Watching a documentary about coach travel in the 50s. Fucking rivetting.
Did you know that "bus" is like "coke" or "hoover" in the sense that it was part of a specific company brand name and then became just what you call them.
>why does a cop have a problem with his brother-in-law being a meth kingpin
Not saying he shouldnt have a problem with it
But it is just immediate instant hatred for him, feels a bit unnatural
Marie feeling that way doesnt make much sense especially
watch ufc instead of that fake shit
Hank isn't blood to them you twat
No I did not lad. It explains why the yanks use the word bus for an entirely different purpose tho
He has still known Walt for like 16+ years though
I meant Walt
I havent watched in a long time but it's not like they were best friends who had grown up together. In their minds a guy they saw for bbqs on the holidays who they thought was a mild mannered teaching turns out to be a master criminal that makes money pumping drugs into the neighbourghood. Hank has probably seen a hundred lives ruined by meth and that would naturally rub off on his wife.
Hank nearly lost his ability to walk because of Walt
So blood is blood, my uncle via marriage can go fuck himself I care about my aunty
Idk man
Family is family innit
He couldnt have foresaw that though, and he did pay for his treatment
Hank should be thanking Walt
what do yanks use it for
I can't sleep too exicted/nervous
Oh you're just playing up being dumb for attention like usual
Taking the piss. If the guy lied about being a drug dealer why should Hank trust him about anything?
Gun fact: red and white wines use the same grapes but in red wines they cant be arsed to peel the skins off making the drink red like the colour of the skins.
>tfw unironically had the looks to be some sort of child/teen actor
>instead of going outside i spent my teen years locked away playing games and watching anime
did i fuck up?
I am not
I get why he doesnt like Walt anymore but the way it is handled in the show is too abrupt and unnatural is all I am saying
You probably wouldnt have made it anyway, pointless beating yourself up about it now
I think it's like a verb for clearing a table, specifically in the context of a restaurant/cafe
Didnt hank like swear to take care of his wife and kid though. sounds like blood to me.
No gonna lie lads I would
True that lad, plus I don't think I have the personality to be famous... being an anxious neet and all
What other things are like that? Vaseline is one I can think of, any more? Love shit like that, the power of branding is compelling
His wife and kids not Walt, because they're blood to his wife, pls stop asking dumb questions about a overrated reddit show
My housemate shagging. Her room is above the front door and that's the loud shaking noise. Literally shagging the house down
>overrated reddit show
what underrated Jow Forums shows do you like?
T. Contrarian bore
Breaking bad is kino
I thought it was short for "omnibus"?
wish I was getting pounded that hard
The Shield, the redditor prefers The Wire because le epic critique of urban politics and policing but The Shield is the better show.
do you have to check what reddit likes before you know if you can enjoy something?
>watching QUEST RED
>signal cut out
fuck that is the only good channel on at this time
Jesus Christ
Could they not pull the bed back away from the wall or something
Fuck off it was a decent show hardly kino, I bet you think Better call Saul was kino too.
It was the GOT of crime drama
He's right The Shield is a better show.
Got was kino for the first 3 seasons.
Nah, bb is easily a 9/10 show. It's very well regarded by critics and incredibly popular. It's the kanye west of tv
It doesnt matter. Being this obsessed with what another site likes is pathetic.
yeah that was the company name
Where are the best places in the country to get plastic surgery?
so what's the official name for a bus? eg hoover is officially a vacuum cleaner
l'm guessing some fancy clinic in London
Why do I feel guilty about not liking stuff that people my age should like? I legitimately have old man interests, but surely if I don't like my age stuff, I shouldn't give a shit?
Peer pressure? What you in to lad?
Psychiatric drugs to some extent.
take the aspergers pill and be unashamed m8
What do you like?
I'm onto working out, drugs and reading.
I couldn't give a toss what the critics think the only critic that matter is me, the show was decent but overrated.
Simple as
The ending was shite too.
Hmmm maybe you care about what I think too much to have such strong feelings about it, typical redditor behaviour.
>inb4 reddit lives rent free
Lighten up
what you excited/nervous about user?
I've had a wank free day.
If I found out my dad was a hard cunt drug lord I would probably be pretty impressed and amazed desu
Dont think I would end up hating him
dunno, buses i guess but you have to understand that bus services predate the actual motor vehicle we call a bus. back in old days a bus was a horse innit.
my first real date its at 6pm so maybe I can stay up a little
better than the other way round lad
literally have done nothing the last few days apart from watch dbz lore youtube videos, play dragon ball xenoverse 2 and shitpost on here a bit.
I'd follow in his footsteps tbqh.
so which came first, stagecoaches or stagecoach?
Correct, good point matey
im a hard cunt drug lord be my bf pwees :C
>ohhhhhhhh pissy
The redditor only cares about what others think the 4channer only cares about what he thinks and that my frens is the nature of the force
You're up late sp its way past bed time
Lads, imagine being born with the name FRANK CRAPPER. Howling lads.
>go to brush my teef
>have a piss while brushing
>do a piss shiver
>spasm sends the toothbrush down my throat
>trigger gag reflex
>throw up into toilet
what's good for a quick wank?
if this post was by chika, hot
PMVs lad
Do you prefer dbz in sub or dub?
When are they gonna make an edgy war crime drama where the main character is Adolf Hitler. I'd legitimately watch that. Call it S T R U G G L E or something like that.
It was not, sorry to disappoint
Man in the High Castle was good till the last season it even has hitler in it and he's a shutin conspiratard
I stopped when they got the Hitler. What happened?
i like both. when i was a wee kiddy wink and first getting into dbz i used to only watch sub (possibly because of dbz games having no english voice actors at the time) but i have grown to be nostalgic for the dub as well.
This is what you get for not pissing in the sink
Tfw used to be so socially avoidant when living in uni halls that I would piss in the sink in my room as a means to avoid possible social interaction
Dont even tell me that some of you anons havent done something similar
not the same though. I want him to be like a main jon snow like character.
if i was there chika i would have offered for you to piss on my face
>working out and drugs
Same, feel like being in good physical nick lets you take lots of gear without getting stuck with all the usual druggie stereotypes
how much do breasts cost there?