>"user, if you take my boi-ginity, I'll take your virginity. Deal?"
"user, if you take my boi-ginity, I'll take your virginity. Deal?"
I hate seeing that shit
straight men can't turn gay
why do you waste so much time with this
>put my 9 inch cock inside him
D-deal but lets shower first ok?
the boi-ginity part?
yeah, divide & conqueror shills are annoying
Fucking asshole remembered to shave only his balls and butt but forgot everything else.
No spread niggas ass with dick and balls visible in the photo
>I'ma destroy your bussy
Yo i aint gay but the niggas bussy clean af
Holy fuck sauce pls OP
if you are a straight male and you wouldnt ravage the shit out of this boy pussy you are weak af
Ballsack area looks like it's been sewn back together
Bumping 4 source of tha image
Uh yeah. That's what taint is. Everyone has that
It's so pretty and clean looking... I wish mine looked like that
user learn to shave and do proper skincare and im sure you could looks cute and clean too
>9 inch cock
post pics
Everyone starts out female in the womb, and then the vagina slowly closes up. That's why all men have that giant fucking scar all the way from the tip to the asshole. Now that's what I call a fun fact.
does this mean we're all trans
Kind of! Men are just women on testosterone. The shaft and the head is just a long fucking clit. But instead of a vagina there's balls and shit. Trans"men" get long fucking clits when they're on T, that's because the vagina is trying to evolve into a penis way too late. So yeah, do with that what you will.
I am straight but if a dude with an ass like that wanted to fuck, I would fuck. Assholes look so tight. It is a good thing that males with nice asses practically dont exist. There is like maybe 3 on the planet
All humans start as a psuedofemale, that line is where the vagina fuses shut. When trannies take female hormones that line becomes dark and thick
Yeah okay cope harder faggot
The fuck is that line, do I have that?
I honestly never heard of or knew I had this scar.
>It is a good thing that males with nice asses practically dont exist. There is like maybe 3 on the planet
lol that's a big cope buddy
there wouldn't be anything gay about putting your dick in that. in fact it's probably straighter than pussy
how do you get this damn smooth?!
They're only becoming more popular. Even traditionally masculine guys are starting to understand that girls like a nice butt on a guy(Not a straight up booty butt, but a nice shapely one). You can't imagine how many of those gym bros with balanced body training regiments are caked out
I shave my shit and can never get it looking that nice
Um he's not lying, why do you think men have nipples?
im not gay but i would fuck his asshole and suck his cock i guess
Shaving leaves stubble, use nair/other hair removing chemicals
It'll do that for you, just be careful around your balls, that shit will burn
Yes all men do. Why are americans so ignorant about their own body?
alright but real talk, why the fuck is every traps asshole more vertical than womens? am i just going insane because womens buttholes look much more circular what the fuck is going on
jimmy neutron boi nigga the soundcloud rapper
>post pics
I c-can send some if you add me on d-discord.
its called the perineal raphe and it is hot
Shit education.
Women almost have no perineum due to the placement of their genitals. Stands to reason hat everything would be kind of cramped down there, hence the rounder, more compact butthole
Time to cum deep inside.
Come on, user, don't be so shy. Big boys should be proud!
>puts penis in butthole
kill yourself faggot
stuttering isnt cute
Its cute when you have a big cock like that
>Big boys should be proud!
My pp feels small.
>kill yourself faggot
N-No u.
No it isnt stop fishing for completely dumb user with a big cock
but user , sodomy isnt moral , i dont like it
whoah, chad move user
>stop fishing for compliments* dumb user with a big cock
I'm not even joking I think I have cock dysmorphia.
why thank you , god bless
There is no straight man who could resist that ass.