Who or what is causing this? Are we fighting an invisible war? This can't be normal and I don't this, social media, internet or any of the usual answers are correct. There is something targeting us maybe it's "da joos" maybe it's polution whatever I want to discuss. Yes this is a conspiracy theory thread. Who do you think is conspiring?
Who or what is causing this? Are we fighting an invisible war? This can't be normal and I don't this, social media...
Paul Joseph Watson is a faggot
Death of God, individualistic culture and hedonism exacerbated by technological saturation. We're more narcissistic than ever and the Internet ironically is a key catalyst, as well as a constant source of cyberbullying, misinformation, Poe's Law, and validation centric interactions fueled by people who idolize celeb culture. Now that literally anyone is online the snowflake mentality is easily shattered by people who are essentially more knowledgeable and skilled than you in every way possible. People's spirits are broken and man-made religion is a meme. The extraordinary complexity of the universe is not a substitute for purpose. This is just one of several factors though. I wrote a thesis on it.
I have $$$no idea$$$
And if I did, I wouldn't say it because people who make, at most, 25k USD/yr would argue with me for hours
What does the floating mask say when you break his boxes?
It's called capitalism friends.
Literally capitalism. Jow Forums calls it "The Jews". Guess who controls capitalism.
Guess who also hands out opiates like candy.
You dont even know the half of it libtard
^^I wonder wh0 could. be behind this...............*
No war -> reduced mortality for men -> more men competing for the same women + 80/20 rule -> high % of the male population rejected and romantically frustrated -> despair -> suicide
The elephant in the room no one dares to talk about. Have sex incel, right?
Commie wagies need to fuck off. Even left leaning economists say that the economy was worse in 2008 than in 2019, but suicides were much less back then. What's up with that? And how come Africans who earn a dollar a day don't do it?
>The economy was worse
Why do you care about how much money rich people are making when the only jobs you can get are shit? 15 years ago you could still find decent paying jobs fairly easily. Now you need "5 years experience" and a Ph.D. to even get an entry level position.
But that's okay, AI has increased productivity, so the market is flourishing. If you don't like it go build houses for rich Jews, commie faggot.
Gee it's almost like social media happened or something
user, could I read your thesis?. Surprisingly I share your opinion on the topic
I speculate it's social media, urbanization, economic decline, drugs, and an expanding "lower class" of men.
Have you ever seen what happens to an overcrowded cage of animals? What do you think is gonna happen when global warming hits and oh shit can't kick the can down the road anymore.
We're all quick to blame a group of people, but I really wonder if there was any way of avoiding these outcomes. We can blame capitalism, but really, what else did we expect to happen from America creating such a weak government and then becoming an industrial powerhouse? Power abhors a vacuum, and the corporations are just stepping in where the government, hobbled by checks and balances, fails to act. The corporations themselves are evil entities, but they seem to be beyond the influences of individual humans; they seek profit almost in spite of their masters, even though they are just legal fictions. The American people find themselves enslaved to legalese demons that are neither alive nor dead, whose incentives have detached from our own and grow more misaligned every year. The monsters appear as waves in the sum of all vectors. If you pull out any individual human the beast seems absent, but traced across a thousand humans you see the visage with excruciating detail. The existence of these poltergeists is only revealed where the movements of money and power trace out the contours of their long fangs and terrible claws...and there's nothing to fight them, because we are all alienated from each other. It's a lot of things that go into this, and the demons seem to find as much strength in government as they do in business; they don't seem to see the same dichotomy between the two that the rest of us do. It's all one ocean. It's a lot of things. Maybe it's everything.
Sure user, raincheck acceptable? I'm disorganized as fuck so I'll have to dig through my trove of flash drives again. Will def post on r9k tho.
I get clowned on for saying this but I honestly believe we won't be truly happy until we go back to living like cavemen.
I don't think it needs to go that far. Just be Amish or some shit.
The scope of your thesis is too large
>And how come Africans who earn a dollar a day don't do it?
They have, to some extant, more control over their immediate lives despite their poverty.
I can't be sad about not having a barn if I don't know what one is user.
The more basic the better.
Lack of vitamin D
Appreciate the honest feedback. I got a B tho so eh worked okay.
I heard of a lot of suicides in communist countries. My own uncle killed himself.
Communism guarantees that pretty much every man not in politics is miserable and poor.
80/20 rule improves society. But you are right. The men who deserve to die to wars and famine now currently have to just kys or stay at home away from anyone
I'm about to go full Diogenes and live in a barrel outside a Walmart.
In what ways was that country communist
Communist government and infrastructure
We need a magocracy.
More people are being treated like garbage by normalcucks, there's no economic opportunity for men (wagecucking doesn't count), and everyone makes fun of us for trying to cope with it. They call us spineless faggots, and tell us to "just get over it."
Fucking stupid.
California made a new law prohibiting teachers from failing students. Does that count?
>plays 80 hours of Minecraft a week
>calls it stupid when anyone expects him to work
How was the government communist?
Would you like to google what communism is, bud?
I'd rather ask you.
>Also plays Minecraft 80hrs a week
>Watches Prageru videos
I don't play Minecraft. Nice try, though.
Take note, comrades. This is the guy who drives robots to suicide. He has blood on his hands too
>plays 90 hours of fortnite every week
>thinks life is hard
If it was capitalism, the suicide rate should have been higher 20 years ago than it is now...since the US was more capitalistic then than now.
There is less and less scope for individual economic activity every year. Anyone who wants to so much as nail two pieces of wood together anywhere in the United States now has to beg 25 boards and commissions for permission. That wasn't true in 1975.
purposeless live.
you gotta have something that wakes up every morning.
>Also does such and such and vice versa
>something that wakes up every morning
Besides wood
I partially agree. It's not specifically the institutions, but how they're run. And we have certain people in the hierarchy, who have no business being in any form of leadership at all. Due to their apathetic or abusive tendencies.
I'm also super interested in your thesis if you could extend the courtesy
Life is easier and more fulfilling now. You have more options and can access so much more information and locations and people. Suicide comes to attention only because of two things: other causes of death are reduced from better medicine and safer environment, and glorification of self harm in culture.
Suicide rate is still very small. 30% of almost nothing is still almost nothing. And it assumes we had just as good reporting of suicides in the past. The meme depression you kids feel now was just as prevalent with kids who are now 30 year old boomers. And the boomers before them too.
True. There should be some form of intervention if an institution gets too abusive with power. Otherwise we'd be back to the days of businesses throwing rats into the sausage machines and selling it with the rest of the livestock meat.
Besides, there's a reason why we have 3 branches of government, and not strict majority rule.
You've played one too many cyoas
I played your mom and gave you that bad attitude
I guess i'll swap my mother for yours, that way I don't have to worry about her getting fucked since she died having you kek.
>kids who are now 30 year old boomers
uhhh buddy im still as depressed as i was at 24
its pointless trying to understand why this is happening because nothing will ever be done about it. we can find the exact cause for all of this and understand what we need to do to solve it, but it will never be fixed because the truth is no one actually gives a fuck about anything other themselves.
The problem with doing anything about that is only partially the committees themselves. The other larger half of the problem are the people who demand safety.
The government gains power in the US not when it acts as a tyrant, but when it acts as a friend. It's Brave New World, not 1984. Wherever we become dependent on some regulation or oversight committee to feel "safe," then we become dependent on government, then government has something to take away when we misbehave, something we have to beg it to change, something that makes us care about it. I think the Constitution largely still works to limit government from intruding unasked into our lives, the trouble is that so many of us are now asking all the time for it to intrude; whether that's "us" as in businesses, communities or individuals.
Education is a great example. The government controls most of the education, directly or indirectly, and everybody depends on the safety of an accredited education. They don't rely on the education, mind you, it's the certificate, because the business that will hire you later relies on the certificate, and you rely on the certificate to evaluate whether you're "educated" or not as well; you're ignorant of what you're ignorant of. But because we all now rely on this public institution that was started with the best intentions, no parent is exempt from the local politics that decide what's in your kid's books and the teacher's mouth. And it works both ways; a lefty in Texas finds creationism in the book, a righty in California finds transexuality in there. Neither is happy. Neither is free.
But how do you convince people to give up safety? And how do you run a political campaign for ruining safety, and asking for your constituents to endure hardship? You'll always lose to someone who just says they don't have to give up anything.
Thats nice. Good for you my guy
The intelligence community started recruiting people based on whether they're hubristically fuckeheaded cunts who think they just magically know what's best for everyone instead of based on whether they're objective and rational.
That's what happened.
Sure take your time. I only have to wait until you post the thesis on Jow Forums right?
You are right about the issue being in the group not in the individual, but i don't think that the institutions are the origin of these problems. I think the root of all of this starts in the media we consume daily, all of the junk they throw to us.
Post thesis, please user.
I'm really interested in it. If you don't want to post it here, I can contact you privately.
Agreed. Can't take OP serious with this loser in his pic.
The answer is simple.
It starts with a J.
And these control opposition fags won't name them for a reason.
Go back to /leftypol/ losers, oh wait you can't lol
>What's driving the despair?
Oy vey... This kind of questioning could lead to some very problematic results.
Did you know that the New England Patriots have picked up star wide reciever, Antonio Brown?
You can catch up on all the new NFL happenings every Sunday and Thursday/Monday nights. It's always exciting!
I could tell you, but I like it and doing so will make it go away.
I think social media and ease of access to sedentary life may play a part. Six months ago or so a storm came through my city with 75 mph winds and knocked out power almost everywhere. I was part of it and for three days I learned to live without most modern technology, save for my phone that I used to keep up tabs with my local news every now and then. The entire time I was trying to find ways to occupy myself so I spent some time outside, drew and read some books while listening to my cd's I remember I had. It felt pretty nice being forced to live away from the internet for a bit. The only downside was that trying to sleep at night was torture because it would get super hot, so I ended up leaving my window open. I was also living on a diet of snacks and McChicken sandwiches.
I reccomend all anons try and live away from the internet for a few days. It really puts things in perspective for you once you realize that the shit on here or any social media site doesn't matter in the long run.
Society has forgotten about young white men. We have no wars to fight anymore. We have no purpose and end up becoming a cog in the miserable machine that is capitalism.
Even dating has become swallowed by capitalism, where companies promise you more tinder matches if you pay them. Meanwhile the women suddenly have the choice to sleep with any guy they want and our society has drifted so far away from traditional relationships. Nowadays many women would rather bang 10 chads instead of find a life partner. Pay attention and you will notice that the single women with children in their 20s are only now looking for a man to support her and Tyrone's child.
So many young men have no place in this society, They are lonely because they can't find a girlfriend. They work a boring job all day while getting yelled at by their managers who are miserable because the higher ups in the food chain are demanding more profits for the company that you have no investment in. Or maybe they are NEETs and feel ashamed because they have been told they should slave away and be miserable.
Young men are becoming less religious and Christ is being forgotten about. So many people are missing out on a community of fellow church goers who know that this life is not what is important. With faith you no longer place value on this planet and look forward to something greater. We no longer see why we should live a good, moral life and obey the things that Jesus Christ taught us, He taught us these things for a reason, but we stopped listening,
gaymers rise up!!! fuck normies!! AAAAAHHHHHh
>The extraordinary complexity of the universe is not a substitute for purpose
For most yes however for astronauts and astrophysicists yes .
the jews are conspiring against us
Fuck you. Go glow on pol. The worst the wageslave kids are gonna do is cause a school shooting. Get moving. If only they got trade degrees or lived in a fair economy where the middle class pay the tax that supports the "impoverished" neets.
The development of advanced civilization has been incredibly rapid compared to an evolutionary timeline and as a result we have become very unsuited for our environment. We evolved to play with sticks and rocks and mud, living in the wild hunting and foraging with small tight-knit communities and low expectations. Biologically we're still neolithic but culturally we're digital and all this suffering stems from our struggle to adapt. We were never meant to live this way and everyone's just doing their best to cope with that. Collectively we're doing a pretty good job but there are still a lot of people finding it difficult. That's why suicide, alcoholism, drug abuse and mental illness. Your inner caveman is desperately trying to shove himself into a box that he doesn't fit into and in many cases failing.
I could go on for an hour. External schedules that are strictly imposed, hypersocialization alongside a detachment from the community, a never ending bombardment of fiction altering our perception and understanding of life. I could go on and on. Take porn addiction for example. The most alluring fantasies that you can possibly imagine, most beautiful and powerfully erotic displays that artists can depict. An infinite supply on demand to make your masturbation ten times sexier than actual sex. That alongside the casual sex culture and romantic dynamic introduced by apps like tinder. Romantic and sexual relationships have become literally perverted, in that they're a mockery of true love and intimacy. We evolved to fall in love with a homely girl from across the way and pump out a load of babies. Now everyone's caked with makeup, the finest fashion and photoshopped images of them at their very best just swiping left or right on a sea of faces.
While the middle class either into nothingness, any discussion is covered by the news about certain rich fast people who couldn't give a shit about us.
The world doesn't want to solve problems, it wants to act like it's solving them.
Failure to participate in society, or be a "normie". Millennials came from post-sexual revolution homes so lots of divorced parents, they don't participate in their communities and of course they hate the idea of any kind of religion. They fail to get wives or girlfriends. As a result, they are all alone.
30% is a dramatic increase what the fuck are you saying user. While suicides are a very small portion of the population they are part of a wider trend. More people are pushed into depression while more of those who are already depressed are being pushed to suicide and we have no reason to think this trend is slowing down, especially with the dramatic changes our society is undergoing.
>assumes we had just as good reporting of suicides in the past
nani the fuck? You can't not report a suicide wtf are you going to do not call the police and just throw the body in a fucking river? Suicides aren't exactly known for being subtle and difficult to determine
human psychology wasn't ready for internet it's still adapting some wont make it
I think you mean l*w cow culture, it fits all the descriptors. but it describes school too
Thanks for that Jow Forums but its true and is the reason there has become this community of incels and alt-right members who eventually end up resorting to violence and shoot some church up. People end up like this because they have no purpose in life and live a life of constant resentment against people who are doing well but they are angry at the wrong people. They should be angry at the system that has resulted in this society. We live in a world where those who do the important, difficult and/or necessary jobs get paid the least so they can make money for the company bosses who don't so shit apart from do cocaine and fuck hookers.
That doesn't sound right. That would mean every third adult offs themselves.
>We live in a world where those who do the important....
We live in a SOCIETY where those who do the important....
33% of some percent, so 1.33 x some percent, not total
please make a disclaimer so we can look it up on the archives if we don't see it, im particularly interested in this: "Now that literally anyone is online the snowflake mentality is easily shattered by people who are essentially more knowledgeable and skilled than you in every way possible."
Doesn't that happen even without the internet? I'm interested on your take and your advisors comment on this.
Unemployment is a neccessary part of the structure of capitalism
Why would you want to be a part of an economic system then assumes and mandates that people need to suffer in order for it to function
lol, Anglos learning that they're nothing special
getting brain damage from pissing my self off
society is just treating young white men as disposable as everyone else recently
Not him but before you were limited by your location. Nowadays it's like everybody can chime in even if they're from fucking Timbuktu
Absolute faggot doomsayers like Paul Joseph Watson who will rant on how grim the world looks and leeching off the fears his grim world produces.
Any year with no social media, high gas prices, less A.I, and lower tuition should be fine.
Young men are more and more miserables, whether it be sexual frustration, unability to find a partner in life, unability to find a job, not live up to boomer's expectations, always finding the easy way out by blaming (most of the time) unexistant and imaginary mental illness or spending time on internet and the many forms of pop culture medias, especially video games.
Its not the source of the problem nore the final outcome, but its something that needs to be worked on.
>and live a life of constant resentment against people who are doing well but they are angry at the wrong people
The thing is that a lot of those people have "done well" by doing fucked up shit that ruins other people's lives, and they've put a hell of a lot of money and effort into creating the very fucked up system you're talking about. We live in a world where people can make billions by purposely destroying functional companies and putting thousands of people out of work in the process. That's not fucking right.
This also results in degeneracy like transgenderism and hyper LGBTQ propaganda, I used to be all for LGBT rights, but they've got literally everything they wanted despite being unable to satiate their hunger for attention, we dont discuss economics anymore, no one understands shit about it anyway except the one playing with it, we dont discuss ecology, none of the important shit other than "women, feminism, PoC and LGBT" matters in today's debates, sometimes gun and war is brought on the table but quickly forgotten.
Again, I used to be all for everyone's right to marriage and acceptance but now that they have it, why the fuck do we keep spending so much time on this ? Seriously ?
I mean most of PoC people have had their rights too like they should have, and most of them except extremists activist or TV channels retards do not want shit like "slavery reparations".
And I say that as a sand nigger born in France/Switzerland, yeah France did horrible shit in Algeria but I honestly do not give a single fuck because my white french friends didnt do that to me, nor did their parents do anything wrong to mine, sure there is everyday racism but we have to move on, show that we dont care, focus on the real stuff, so much energy spent on people's feeling getting hurts is tiring.
>Yes this is a conspiracy theory thread. Who do you think is conspiring?
Why not just read a book or two? It's all out in the open, has been for more than a century.
Liberals want everything to be political everything is reduced to a war and about power, how can you be happy in that sort of system.
Ahaha no. Christianity was never the answer. Christianity is just another form of escapism, a bandaid on your fractured view of society. It blinded peasants during feudal ages and your morron ass is falling for it again. Turning a blind eye towards your problems is even worse than doing nothing, because it distances you that much further from solving them - it drops your acknowledgment of them, the first step of problem solution. As for community, yes it is important - but you could advocate even ponyfagging with the same argument to the same end. Christianity is a fan club.
>read a book lol
Choke on your fucking book you nigger
>but they've got literally everything they wanted despite being unable to satiate their hunger for attention
Wrong. They're not accepted by their families. Who cares about gay marriages and shit if their dad kicked them out of their house and refused to talk to them since.
The Laos heroin epidemic? South American cocaine revealed in the iran-contra shit? The crazy increase of poppy fields in Afghanistan after our invasion? Its all too much of a coincidence for the CIA to not be involved in the US drug problem.
Kys boomer you literally had everything handed to you. Your children and grandchildren hate you btw, that's why they stuck you in a home and left you to rot LMAO
Literally every "war on..." except poverty was conservative started...
33% ?
Like one in three americans dies by suicide ?
That's difficult to believe.
are u stupid? 33% higher than 20 years ago... lern english or basic maths.
I think it's conspiracy theories that promote a sense of helplessness in people, causing them to be eaten from the inside with despair. If you think the Annunaki are using the Jews to annihilate your entire race that's suddenly important to you for some reason and the only way to fight back is a brutal race war that will inevitably be suppressed by alien mind-control technology, you're going to drink a lot more than someone who thinks the world's problems are solvable on some level.