I want to fuck Natalie's mouth
I want to fuck Natalie's mouth
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her transition is amazing truth be told. Modern tech for you people
>her transition is amazing truth be told. Modern tech for you people
looks still like a dude baka
>her transition is amazing
Is it? Is this really the peak tranny? He looks like a dude with a wig.
Are you serious? This has gotta be bait.
Looks like a cis woman to me. Stop watching so much porn.
Hes visibly male. Not to mention his voice instantly clocks him. lmao
>Stop watching so much porn
cried the transfreak, not realizing this whole transfaggotry is just a fetish thing
>Cumbrain thinks everything is about sex
This is why you think I'm a tranny, and why you think trannies are doing it for a fetish.
They LITERALLY take chemical castration pills. Is killing your sex drive a fetish too?
Yes, it is. There are people who cut off their genitals as a fetish, including transfreaks
>They LITERALLY take chemical castration pills. Is killing your sex drive a fetish too?
Oh my sweet summer child.
imagine having that face
Peak tranny is someone like Sarina Valentina
Truth be told, Natalie looks like one of those plain girls you would find in a small town. She does pass with flying colors though
is this before or after ffs
CBT is driven by the male sex drive. Chemical castration kills your sex drive. Show me some chemical castration fetishists.
>She does pass with flying colors though
This motherfucker is built like a fucking defensive tackle.
>she does pass with flying colors though
Dude no. He has a strong jaw line and an obviously male facial structure, not even mentioning his height. I don't even hate trannies, I have a trap that I fuck every now and then, but you'd have to be delusional to think that Natalie passes well.
>strong jaw, height.
Yeah, just look at this horrible specimen.
Makeup really does wonders bruh. Ive seen trannies who actually pass. Blair white for example.
Keep moving the goalpost, you know natalie doesn't pass.
Contrapoints is more attractive than real women, trannies like contra are the 3D version of 2D women, better than real women in every way
mia is peak breadtube tran tbqh
>offering evidence to the contrary is now moving goalposts to cringecels
>He has a strong jaw line and an obviously male facial
It's not that bad, I have seen women with way stronger jaws than that.
shut up paypig, also nick was cancelled by his own audience
I don't give her any money. I just want to fuck her mouth god dammit
>I just want to fuck her mouth god dammit
there's nothing wrong with being gay it's 2019
I know. I'm part of the bisexual master race
shill your favorite tran
bis dont play pretend with castrated faggots
dont mind me just posting an example of a passable tranny
Fucking sissy rat stole my forced meme I spam on mtfg
after hundreds of pics and angles this is the best he got...
Kalindrachan is also hot af
there's plenty videos too, looks still good in motion
He was much hotter pre transition
To make something this convincing, probably thousands.
Also dear god, the tranny shilling is out of control in Jow Forums.
Can't believe how much of a fucking Chad she used to be. A lot of guys would kill for looks like that.
the sad part is she still looks like a chad, but only in the masculine sense
another pic of this fine specimen
they both look decidedly masculine dude. natalie's face is way too long and this person's jaw is way too square.
Oh look, it's that bigot who hates nonbinary folk. Major yikes from me, chud.
Why do I always think of this when I see those pics?
>Why do I always think of this when I see those pics?
because the resemblance is uncanny
Jayde Fogarty is so passable its actually kinda weird