>over 30
>demanding this shit
Why are women like this, robots?
>over 30
>demanding this shit
Why are women like this, robots?
Niggers gonna nig as always.
Women gonna women as always
>Casual enviroment that has nearly zero commitment
>Pay 100-200 dollars on at best ok food in a formal setting, you have to commit
What do her looks have to do with anything?
Because we are, now fuck off and die you useless bot.
>Because we are, now fuck off and die you useless bot.
Then the fuck are you on here for if you're not a bot?
>spend a hundred dollars on dinner
>"oh sorry im not really feeling it thanks though :)"
how can a fat black woman get so entitled?
Makes her demands more ridiculous desu
Ah man here come the generalizations. Aight, the black twitter hoe is a bitch, therefore all women are.
I am weird too but it doesn't mean I have to like any of you irritating morons. Get a fucking job reeee. This is it the reality, get over it.
I work with a woman like this. Bitch has got Beetlejuice Green's head on a grimace body. And constantly demands men...
>Know how to make her happy and not need the hint
>Be a strong masculine figure
>Only eat high end food and will buy her the most expensive meals at a restaurant
>Take care of her and give her unconditional love.
This bitch, at age 38, with two other children, also says that having a "Spare Tire" for the relationship is perfectly fine. Meaning it's alright to have a specific orbiter stashed away in case something happens.
Fuck off norman, also >Get a fucking job reeee.
You're a fucking boomer above all else. Now piss off to Facebook where you belong
Read between the lines. It's not "I don't do coffee dates", it's "I don't do coffee dates with you".
Chadbook users > Jow Forums users, a thousand times over
How is she a bitch? If he does not want to dinner he does not have to ask her. If she is ugly/old and all that then the man will not pursue her. Obviously he sees something in her that you do not and it is his money, not seeing what the issue is if both parties are upfront about what they're going after.
>ask slags for a drink
>ask nice girls to a reasonably priced sushi place
>no daytime dates
>Chadbook users > Jow Forums users, a thousand times over
Only a boomer would say this.
Well it seems this chubby bitch is only after a free meal.
Imagine responding like this to female entitlement. If a mad did the same thing people would be trying to get him fired
wtf how can you tell she's overweight from a headshot alone?
That's a fatass face she's got.