I think I'm gonna give (((online dating))) a try bros. Any advice for bumble? I've ver had a gf. Not looking for sex, I want love god dammit.
I think I'm gonna give (((online dating))) a try bros. Any advice for bumble? I've ver had a gf. Not looking for sex...
Shamelessly bumping my own bread
>Not looking for sex
>Dating app
If youre looking for quality dating, you wont find it on dating apps. Theyre the worst of the worst women. Only worth for fucking
this this this and fucking this, OP dont be a brainlet
Anyone knows a dating app for male virgins? Asking for a friend who's almost reaching wizardhood.
You're more likely to find love in a smoke filled bar than on dating apps.
The girls on dating apps are on them because their ability to discern mates has been destroyed through frequent sex and solidified by their unlimited access to attractive men using their phones.
It's also a huge waste of time. If I go to the bar I can meet ten girls in one night. You can also say something like "I have to go but we should hang out, you said you live near here? Let's go to that diner tomorrow!" and you immediately have a date.
With online dating you spend hours getting ONE date, and there's a huge flake rate since girls don't feel bad about ghosting guys they connected with online.
Online dating can be a decent supplement for dating but it is a terrible replacement for actively going out in public and talking to girls face to face.
>Theyre the worst of the worst women
no, they're just normal women. men on daying apps are fucking gross though. don't even take a good pictures of themselves and expect to get laid
LOL, that's not what dating apps are for. Real love isn't real in today's society.
No woman wants a virgin.
What's he supposed to do then?
>No woman wants a virgin.
No shit, retard. That doesn't mean he (and I) dont want to be with someone anyways.
I really miss the CL personals. Fuck congress. Fucking faggots
Give up. Accept reality or get out of it.
If he isn't in a cuckservative state, he can get a prostitute.
Like I said, accept your fate, hoping for the impossible is bad for your mind.
>accept your fate
I want to do this, but how do I permanently give up hope, without it creeping back every couple of years?
no dont do it
Be attractive
Don't be ugly
Also why would you look for a gf in a hookup app?
Sounds like bumble is off the table. Jfc, I just want a cute artsy gf to marry and have a daughter with. Is that too much to ask for God?
It's easy, just think about it for a moment. Do you really see yourself with a girl within the next decade or so? Do you have the opportunity to even communicate with girls your age. If the answer is no, what makes you think a girl is just gonna come out of nowhere and like you. I don't know your age but certainly as you get into your 20s, girls have already figured out who they are going to date and stick with for the next couple of years until they get off the cock carousel and/or file for divorce. I guess another way of accepting your situation is realizing that even if you had a gf, she isn't going to stay loyal to you for long. You are lucky to avoid that situation and God forbid you even get married.
Art-hoes have more stds than street prostitutes. They also crave big black cocks.
Art hoes don't date betas like in Scott Pilgrim. They won't even fuck their orbiters.
Dating apps are a scam. The distribution is 90% dudes/10% women, and if you want the algorithm to show your profile to a single woman you have to fork out shekels for premium boosts, and even then you'll only get a like/response if you're the top 1% of chads.
Don't bother. It's literally a scheme to wring betas like us.
Tinder, bumble, hinge, coffee meets bagel. Make a profile on each of them (there are guides on how to make an attractive profile online) and cast your net wide. You've got nothing to lose.
>Not looking for sex, I want love god dammit.
This screams clinger. Women can smell a clinger miles away. Calm down and try to have fun talking to people you think are cute. Things will naturally flow from there.
stop trying to drag others down with you. your advice is absolute shit.
other virgin insecure anons ITT:don't listen to this creep. he just want others to be as miserable as he.
if a girl likes you she won't care if you're a virgin.
Great assumption there faggot.
I am trying to save my fellow robots from further despair. It's better to just accept reality as it is and live with it rather than try to change something you can't. It will only get more people to turn on you. Girls consider virginity to be pathetic. It's just like looking for a job, if the employeer sees that you don't have work experience, they will not hire you. You need experience to prove that you are capable of pleasing a woman. That's just the way things are. If a girl states otherwise, she is lying, she will come up with another excuse but the reason will still be the same.
Oh shut up you r/gendercritical.
Getting a prostitute isn't being a cuck? Shut up dickhead.
>believe me guys, two people involved in a relationoship is the same as a corporation checking your CV to hire you.
virgin spotted
So no love then? Got it dirty casual.
I didn't say prostitution was cuckdom. I said it was outlawed in most cuckservative states. I am all for prostitution. The only ones against it are moral conservative fags.
Yeah and? You aren't a virgin right? Did you have sex?
>Virgin Shamer
Exactly you didn't. It is being a cuck you cuckie cumbrain.
Get decent pictures of yourself socialising and enjoying hobbies
Write a decent bio list normie likes and what your short terms goals are
Say things like working full time and studying at this college
It takes weeks to get a few decent matches prepared to be ghosted multiple times
Make small talk for a few days and see if you click then ask them to a bar
This mentality isn't difficult to reach for me, the problem is that every once and a while there's an inevitable contact with someone in some form that gives me the tiniest sliver of hope. I need to know the way to keep that from happening, because it always just leads to depression and self loathing.
I'm 27, by the way. Logically, I know it's too late and it's over.
Not everyone can read people like a book.
Who's being cucked? Prostitution is the oldest job in humanity. Unlike a real relationship, you aren't losing your money's worth. You get what you pay for. There is no loss of property or dignity. You pay a woman for sex and you get it. It's a service. Oh but I am sure if you go through the hardship of trying to impress a girl and obtaining sexual intercourse is significantly cheaper and not going to bite you in the ass later down the line. Keep seething.
I'm 28. I don't always have contact with other people or even girls, but when I do, I don't usually fall in love or get crushes on girls because I know I do not have a chance with them. It doesn't make me feel nervous around them anymore. Just see them as nothing more than animals as harsh as that may sound. They aren't gods or supreme beings. Why view them as such?
if that were true then all men would die virgins. you're awful. just because you're a sad faggot doesn't mean other anons have to be sad faggots like you
its true you fucking nigger. groom yourself and take a good picture at least once,is it really that hard?
I'm the one seething? Hahahahaha top kek.
All my advice for Bumble is outdated if they started letting men message first.
>if that were true then all men would die virgins
The problem isn't the virginity by itself. The problem is virginity past a certain age.
Why don't you actually try actually giving these poor sods advice instead of trying to attack me. Oh wait, nomralfags aren't known for their companionship, it's no wonder you fools keep getting divorced and cucked time after time again. It's no wonder people on this board despise your kind. Why are you even here? Just the fact you are here just proves you are just as pathetic as I am if not more so.
HAHAHA okay whatever you say....seething
I don't even use dating sites kek. Lick my scrotum you mongrel.
I'm not the one making essays on why being a cumbrain is good for society you fuck kek. Have sex.
i'm not a normalfag. just not as delusional as you.
>giving advice
there are hundreds if not thousands of guides about how to score on dating apps. just google it. google how to take a good selfie. if you can't even do that well how do expect to attract someone if you're not willing to put in some effort?
then you don't know the women that use dating apps, retard. shut up you dumb ass moid.
You're the one making assumptions m'lady.
People with sex lives can be cumbrains too. Don't be retarded. You aren't exactly example the arbiter of the normalfags.
>have sex
lmao grow up
All of those advice guides are literally useless. Good looks come with predetermined wealth and genetics. If you don't have anyone of the two, you aren't qualified for the dating game. It used to be that such people could maybe get at least one spouse (marry an ugly woman, settle for less, realistic expectations) but because of our broken system and with the advent of online dating applications, that isn't the case anymore. These guides aren't going to do anything. Least you can do is be honest. How attractive are you to get a girlfriend?
Do you have a good job?
Because otherwise you are just lying to people and giving them false hope. I say things that are the way they are. I don't bullshit.
So a volcel walks in bar with a mgtow and a feminist.
Are you a brainlet? Bumble was created so women could get on a dating app without men saying muh dick. Most girls are not looking for sex on there
It's just another way to virtue signal
>Don't show me your dick chad you perv
>Hey lets meet at my place after dinner. You are paying though
>lick my scrotum
>im not a moid
i see ugly people with partners all the fucking time. of course getting laid is more difficult if you're ugly but not impossible.
even if you're really ugly someone will be attracted to you.
>predetermined wealth and genetics. If you don't have anyone of the two, you aren't qualified for the dating game
you need to stop this way of thinking. my bf is average looking, is a student and has no job. lives with his parents. ive met several of his friends that are in a similar position and are below average yet had multiple gfs or at least one serious relationship
its not all about looks. having a good personality is far more important
>my bf
This is how I know your shitposting at this point. Absolutely pathetic. Lying on the internet gets you nowhere.
you're free to not believe it i guess. i was just trying to help. but if all you want to do is complain about not being chad on Jow Forums, suit yourself
Your view of average, by no means is actually average.
Drop the act already. Nobody believe you. You aren't a woman with a neet boyfriend. You're just a wall of text. At least be honest about yourself. You are dude on the internet pretending to be higher than everyone else.
he's not a chad if that's what you're thinking lol. i'm average myself
never said he was a neet you retard. he's a student.
>You are dude on the internet pretending to be higher than everyone else.
i'm actually just someone trying to help robots. guess i shouldn't even bother
You aren't helping. You are just being a nuisance.
>all women just want chads and hate virgin men
>that's not true, ive seen uggos dating/having gfs all the time
>shut up. you're just larping
ok ... everything that doesn't pander to your twisted worldview is fake according to you. enjoy being a incel though.
geez get up your high horse, if you are a chad on a dating site you are going to get the same treament as if you where a stacy.
dating sites are for delusional whitepills, crazy land whales and 5/10s.
For the love of god, drop the act already. Liars are some of the worst people on earth. You are a snake, spreading false hope and info on the internet. Don't kid yourself.
Dating apps from my experience are horrible.
I've downloaded Tinder, Bumble and Hilly.
I've gotten matches on Tinder, and only got one girls number. But she acted like a ho and just wanted to fuck - I was down for it, but I guess I was showing that I wasn't really down for it deep down and we stopped talking
I have got no responses from Bumble
I have gotten messages and messaged people on Hilly, but nobody wants to continue the conversation. Just a basic "hey, what's up?" or "hello" is mainly what I'm giving people. Some of these women are 25+ and can't be bothered to respond back.
This shit is a waste of money, and I'm close to just saying "what up stupid bitch" but I don't want to fake it to make it.
How old are you user? Don't listen to all the pessimism. I've found great relationships on dating apps and I'm no Chad. You just need some patience.