Where the fuck do you guys hang out in real life? I am yet to meet a girl who has even once been in Jow Forums
Dear fembots
I met a girl off /b/ and a few girls off /soc/. They all put out and were actually pretty funny to hang out with because they were all pretty based.
I think you're beginning to figure things out. There are no girls on here, only """girls""".
How would you even know? I've never met an open robot irl either.
Isn't /soc/ just for sex? I'm not even necessarily talking about getting a fembot gf u just want to be friends with some, I have no respect for my current female friends
Just bring up Jow Forums in general, I made some friends in college I waited a year before mentioning Jow Forums, turns out quite a few of them went on here
>Why yes my companions, I DO browse the incel terrorism national socialist racist misogynistic transgender women worshipping homophobic bigot website known as Jow Forums.
Like I said I waited a year before even mentioning this place
Well, I haven't left my room in over two days. Not sure about other fembots, but I avoid leaving my house as much as I can.
Also this.
Bring up Jow Forums and look at their faces, the ones who smirk are fellow channers.
They know how to have fun.
I go to class. Sometimes I go to the store if I have to pick something up. I go home. You wont find us. Sorry opie );
Why would I hangout with weirdos on Jow Forums unless I wanted a gaping neck wound?
I've met fembots on here but most of them are underaged which is an instant delete from me usually. Tfw no mid 20s - early 30s fembot to get into a loving LDR with
I literally don't know anybody who has been to Jow Forums
some 5 years ago none of these buzzwords existed
i have this "friend" who i know uses /mu/. every time i see him i hate him more. i think he's a legit communist and he uses meme phrases in conversation sometimes. as a joke, I think, but its still fucking shit.
Could you ever fall for a robot?
the two friends i know that use Jow Forums are socially retarded. i dont know what that says about me. i think im pretty good socially.
Wtf why not?
Who else can I meet?
it would be so fun to browse r9k with your gf
have you tried going to random strangers houses and crawling through windows? that's the only way you'll find what you're looking for
>browsing Jow Forums with another person
>Tfw no mid 20s - early 30s fembot to get into a loving LDR with
I've been posting about wanting a 30+ fembot for like 10 years now and nothing.
Come on qt fembots, wanna be my girl(female) e-gf?
You find fembots in the wilderness. They travel in packs.
im browsing Jow Forums with you RIGHT NOW though
I also know someone exactly like that. Initials MC?
I met a girl from /b/ and she broke my heart. I thought we really had something, but she ended up ghosting me.
It is partially my fault, but not really.
I miss her so much and really wish I could have her back, she's my favorite person I ever met.
If you're reading this (I think she's too much of a normie now to even go on Jow Forums), just know that I think about you every night and nothing would mean more to me than to be your friend again.
>Where the fuck do you guys hang out in real life?
I don't, unless you count the occasional venture out to go grocery shopping.
I met one girl off /b/ who was awesome even though she ended up breaking my heart. I hung out with a couple girls from /soc/, but nothing came out of it.
Wanna hang out on discord?
A/S/L/W, let's be Discord shut-ins together.
Im still here, also i hang out at the park a lot with friends.
Do you just loiter or is it structured?
I don't go outside unless I have to and I don't like interacting with people personally
I know around 4 different girls that go on Jow Forums.
Basically just think "If I were trying to get Chad dick to fuck me, where would I go?" Then go places where you assume you could meet Chads, and settle for one of the dozen guys throwing themselves at you.
Fuck off retard you do know what this board is about right?
>mfw there are femanons with my lifestyle and we will never meet
Wht are you doing on this board normie? Proves again that women are sluts and you just come here to larp as a robot.
It was intended to be an original /b/, but it turned into /soc/ for losers.
I know one girl who has admitted to using Jow Forums. She has a long-term bf and may have posted nudes or at least thought about it. I think she has robot-tier hygiene.
it's not fair, you guys!
im ugly and neet
you wouldnt want me anyways
How ugly are you neetette?
Transgender fembot here. I hang out at home; Mum does the shopping. I only leave the house for the occasional appointment or family outing. I'm hard-core NEETing these days and I love it.
Nobody asked you you fucking abomination.