Leftists of Jow Forums, give me one valid reason why I should contribute to a society that has rejected me since day one. Why should I contribute to a collective while still being ostracized in your utopia?
Leftists of Jow Forums...
For one reason you'll never understand. Having a purpose in life and contributing to society in one way or another is part of what fuels the human spirit. Doing nothing simply results in your own personal misery. What's your light at the end of the tunnel? Jack shit.
That doesn't answer the question. You're saying the reason I shouldn't be an individualist. I wasn't given the choice to be an individualist or not, it was forced upon me. I'll reword it in a simple way you might understand.
Why should I give a fuck should I be forced to contribute to a world that doesn't want me being a part of it?
He won't give you an answer because he doesn't have one.
the world doesn't 'want' or 'not want' anyone. You've got a stupid world view. You're born into this social contract whether you like it or not, now fulfill your end of it or just blow your brains out. Fuck I'm tired of this board.
that's exactly why you should become a leftist and demand that you're given free stuff and respect just for being a human
That's what I'm saying, you aren't forced to do shit, but you have to be prepared to face the consequences of doing fuck all. Life isn't fair, and you have to compete and contribute to be wanted. Besides, society inherently rejects everyone until they, as individuals, prove themselves useful. It's what keeps the human race going. If you'd like to be a leech rather than a contributor, that's your own prerogative. I don't know what else to tell you. Live in a state of absolute depression and anguish if you want. Also, saying "your utopia" is very ironic considering that you, in one way or another, contribute from the same society you so angrily deem unworthy of your contribution.
>Having a purpose in life and contributing to society in one way or another is part of what fuels the human spirit.
thats just a trick you are playing on yourself. we used to contribute to our tribe but that had much more meaning to it because we all had very close relationships with our tribe. now its just a bunch of assholes jammed together. i barely even know the names of the people living around me.
>Leftists of Jow Forums, give me one valid reason why I should contribute to a society that has rejected me since day one
But why should I?
You don't have to "contribute" anything, just don't be burden on others and live your life, famicom 64
Leftists are fucking retarded lol
Wrong. Even in large societies, most people form "tribes" with small groups of individuals that they hold close. I.E. friends and family. If you don't have either of those, strive for them. It's not a trick, it's being aware of the fact that you have to work for others and yourself to attain happiness and the ability to handle the curve-balls that life throws at you and those you care about.
>just get friends and family bro
all the stats show that everyone has less and less friends as time goes on because we are living like shit. you can keep denying it if you want
I think you are making the assumption that my end goal is being a neet. Once again I ask, why should the fruits of my labor benefit people who would exile me? Why should there be give with no take?
No, we lose friends over the course of maturity and the movement into adult life, but with that loss, people generally form families as a substitute. Don't use statistics as a cop out for your own life. You have free will, and you have choices, even if they're hard to make.
Define exile. Also, no one is entitled to your labor, it's for your own personal benefit and quality of life. What it comes down to is determining what quality of life is going to make you, as an individual, happy, and then figuring out what level of societal contribution is going to allow you to accomplish said goal.
>No, we lose friends over the course of maturity and the movement into adult life, but with that loss, people generally form families as a substitute. Don't use statistics as a cop out for your own life. You have free will, and you have choices, even if they're hard to make.
>just ignore stats bro
lmao youre a fucking idiot and i can tell you dont have more than 1 friend
>what level of societal contribution is going to allow you to accomplish said goal
Absolutely no contribution would lead to that goal, considering I'm the only one that matters to myself when the rest of the world threw me away. Good to see you yourself admit your ideology will do nothing for the quality of my life and I should continue to vote against your side.
Don't be mad because I'm calling you out on your childish shit. People use statistics to victimize themselves all the time, and those people are generally the losers and dregs of society. I'm not ignoring the "stats", I'm saying that you aren't bound to the statistic you're bitching about. Stop being such a victim.
I still don't understand what you mean when you say that the world threw you away. Be a little more specific. Also, what's your goal?
Not a progressive but i'll bite. If we all contribute and collectivize then we can accomplish far more than a couple of really powerful people who want to keep their current power. Only problem is, communism fails because there's always a hierarchy in nature, and people always co-opt movements to benefit themselves. Real Communism will never be tried since humans are all different and some are greedy as fuck
That's the leftist stance, homie.
In other words: why ought one work and create value for a boss that will just steal your excess labour? Why take part in a culture thats completely vapid and void of humanity? Why pay taxes to fund the genocide and exploitation of the 3rd world via the military?
In fact, why pay for anything? Why not live a life of crime, take what you want, be loyal to only your most trusted compadres?
Fuck capitalism. Do crime, live free, and take the /crookpill/ today.
I can't watch his videos after he showed his face. A dude with pink hair man
Society never rejected you. YOU never made the decision to join society. You owe society nothing and society owes you nothing. If you want what society has to offer you have to make the effort to join it.
Contribute to society so you can prevent your situation from happening over again. If you're ostracized in your life then participate in social outreach programs that prevent early childhood forms of social trauma like bullying and abusive households.
You save someone from ending up in your situation which is your philosophy for why you shouldn't save anyone. It becomes self informed, cyclic, and a microcosm of categorical imperative.
so a guy who has a 4 inch cock shouldnt be concerned how below average his dick is? thats unbelievably stupid
That's a really poor comparison.
What's hard to understand? I'm a loner, I always have been and always will be.
>Also, what's your goal?
To get an answer on why I should give any ounce of my labor or wealth to people who have gone out of their way to exclude me from society.
No amount of government mandated contribution will change human nature.
Center-left here. I'll take a guess that you've faced trauma before. Personally, I wouldn't blame you either way. The whole scenario right now is like Stalin's "Not Bne Step Back" order all over again. And we all know how that worked out, until they scrapped it and came up with a better plan.
>the bootlickers' face when businesses collapse
What part of government mandated did you parse from my reply? Are you literate or talking to a shadow puppet?
This is all self motivated and intrinsic, nobody is forcing you to go out and "do something" which is the whole reason you're sitting here with a dilemma posting about it on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
>tfw when society would rather pretend your contributions don't exist than to acknowledge that you are the one who contributed them
Excuse my ignorance but what does being a leftist have to do with contributing to society? The right does not say that too?
your 4 inch cock is totally fine user!
As Conservative or progressive as you are. The world had a tendency to act as an equal sum game. You don't somehow work for a larger society then, society won't work for you. Since we live in an evolved society there's a certain degree to which you can push against these laws. You can become a welfare freeloader living an austere life with the bare minimums supplied for you. But that life kinda sucks for many reasons. For starters you're literally the bottom of the social hierarchy, so society will return almost nothing to you: no friends, no romance, no respect, etc. Secondly the human condition is as that we are most content when our life is benefiting humanity. This is where concepts of meaning come from- live a life with reasonable contributions to a greater society and you'll earn earn yourself more happiness than any amount of drugs can satisfy.
to get close enough to the big red button as to say fuck all of you
Okay, but no one is forcing you to be a loner. You might think that is the case, but I can assure you it's not. I'm not saying that it's easy to move from loner status to having a ton of people in your life, but it's possible and you have the free will to make that happen. Also, what people in particular have excluded you from society? That statement is too general.
>What's your favorite color? Wednesday is the worst day of the week.
This is about the level of sense you're making homie. Stay mad.
Real leftism is socialism, you might be conflating it with liberalism.
>Why should I contribute to a collective while still being ostracized in your utopia?
Who said you'll have to do that? There is no coercion under anarcho-communism: anyone who wishes to leave the commune will be given the resources needed to establish an independent life away from it.
wrong, thats too simple and lazy why blow out a single man's brains when you could blow out thousands. ps. you are faggot of nigger variety
Not him, but I'd be willing to do that. We need a large Middle Class population to stabilize our economy, so I would do it for the sake of guiding others away from hardship.
But that doesn't mean I'm going to spoon-feed the shekel counters, who are supposed to be coming up with long-term plans of stabilizing society, either. I made that mistake once, and got treated like cannon fodder until I gave out. I'm not doing that shit again.
Someone should make a reverse version where it's Hitler looking exasperated above a group of gay furry nazis
this guy thinks he has friends but the reality is all the people he knows consider him nothing more than an acquaintance lmao
If by shekel counters you mean private interests, then yes I agree, social outreach done by corporations is literally just advertising and tax write offs, at least in Burgerland. There's plenty of public ways of social outreach that you can participate in though. Volunteering at clinics and wards is probably a good bet. Most NEET types try suicide at least once in their teen years and end up in the mental ward. That's a perfect time to make the right impression as a veteran of that social miasma.
I've mentioned before that I sympathize with Gen Z, as a Millennial. I'd prefer to be an advisor or consultant to some of these guys. Or at least a simple word of comfort. That's why I'm stuck here with you guys.
anarchist here, you shouldn't
pick up a gun and kill some bankers/cops, do it
You sound like a bro, user. Good tidings to you, wherever you may be.
I didn't read the rest of the thread but i wish you confy moments user
t bloomer user
Don't contribute, revolt, destroy, and make society anew in one's image. Make sure to abandon the people that are not of one's bloods, that do not have the ideas of success and progress, and make sure the old thoroughly rots as to fertilize the new.
not enough needs more woomfph, like nation crumbling woomfph
>"what's your light at the end of the tunnel?"
>implying anybody has a light at the end of the tunnel
>not enjoying the moment
You're going to die someday, sorry cunt. I'm enjoying myself right now because that's all there ever is.
Because it's called being a grown up son.. stop being a faggot and start being a productive member of society
Contributing to a society that treats you like shit, while also ostracizing you is shit indefensible. It's like being in an abusive relationship. "Oh one day, as long as you keep serving and staying by your abuser, you'll find happiness!", no.
It's to help your fellow neets get some neetbucks.
It doesn't matter how much you contribute to society. What matters is the quality of your life. Refusing to contribute to society may cause paths that would improve your life to close.
>Leftists of Jow Forums, give me one valid reason why I should contribute to a society that has rejected me since day one
Rejected you?
You're shitposting on some type of device society made for you with internet. I assume if you have enough money for it than you at least have food, water, and shelter which society has provided for you to? I imagine you criminal record is clean too and you weren't unjustly punished for anything?
So how were you rejected? It's not like you're living in a bush.
Personally I have extended family that i care about i can't say much for myself . But i want my siblings and some of my cousins to have successful lives even if am doomed to be a loser the rest of my life .