Southern california is truly the most depressing place on earth and no place is as bad as here
Southern california is truly the most depressing place on earth and no place is as bad as here
You ever been to the midwest user? There's nothing but corn here.
Can confirm. Tons of people waste their lives here on MMOs.
Not to mention this is one of the most cucked states due to way more laws and taxes.
what the actual fuck is this shirt?
I believe you
There's actually a lot of people here who want to adopt the California lifestyle and mindset. Personally, I don't like it.
Chino area here. It could be worse.
Blue collar joke. Forklift guys need space to move cargo around, but other people want to walk out in front of them and complain
Shut the fuck up SoCal cuck. You don't even know the horrors of living in NorCal. It combines the worst parts of living in a rural state, and in living in California.
SoCal is great. Have Vietnamese coffee shops to hang out out. Close to TJ for hookers. Great underground rave scene. Great climate. Great cuisine. Great natural scenery. Don't know wtf you're trippin about.
But its beautiful forests that you can explore when southern california is nothing but scorching overpopulated city and desert. In the forest you can survive and connect back to your nature instead of being mentally and physically poisoned by the industrial hyper consumerist capitalism that is turning the world into trash.
>blah blah blah consumerism materialist temporary pleasure.
That will never make you happy. What really matters is having freedom and creative entireprise. Men are meant to build and explore. You cant do that in southern California because theres nothing but city. Video games are the only outlet for this which is why so many are addicted to MMO's. Humans just arent meant to lives in beehive like cities.
>Great underground rave scene. Great climate. Great cuisine. Great natural scenery. Don't know wtf you're trippin about.
God why the fuck are you talking like such a stupid nigger?
The forests are full of Mexican cartels, that you fuckers on the Southern border let in, homeless camps, and are constantly on fire because you divert our water from them down to feed L.A. At least you have decent fucking infrastructure down there. Most of the North State is still on dial up internet for God's sake. It's a damn third world country up here, and no one gives a shit.
Who here /safestcityinAmerica/ here?
You know that we could just do something to the pipeline its quite vulernerable
How come all the people who use r9k in irvine are all normalfags? I posted my face on r9k once and had a shit ton of asians glaring at me in the library there. Is r9k really that popular in Irvine?
Based forklift boomer
There is nothing worse than living in a small town
>no opportunities
>no training
>we have like one school for vocational shit and they have like 5 options
>no jobs here even if you get one
>everyone i know either works in a prison or they go cut trees
>both jobs require the people to work 7 hours away
>everyone i know lives in a hotel Monday-Friday and has to drive 7 hours to work and then is never at home anyways
>saw a dude with a 4 year degree in computers
>he said he got trapped here and was forced to work at Burger King because no jobs and he had had a 100k a year job before he got trapped
>nothing near me at all
>jobs are all 20-40 miles away
>nothing but Burger King shit
>never had parents buy me a car or help me at all
>all i have is a bus that stops in my town twice a day
>closest source of shit is 10 miles away
>would have to bike 10 miles, go to Burger King, work for 5 hours, make 35 dollars, spend 5 of it on lunch, bike back home 10 miles
>cold 8 months out of the year
>from October until may there is 8 feet of snow, whipping cold winds, -30 degrees
>used to have 5 gas stations near me they all went out of business nothing but empty abondoned buildings now
>nothing but 30 miles of fields in between the shit towns out here with just farms and broken down rusty shacks
>nothing but small villages near me literally fucking villages (1-7k pop) and they are all 30-40 miles apart
>everyone here works at Burger King, has 3 kids, or they are junkies mooching
>they all have more money than my parents somehow
Hey are you that stupid fucker who honked at me?
If so i have your liscence plate and address
>my cousin got a 4 year degree
>he ended up working in some fucking hard labor job in a 200 degree steam room
>i have to do a gay job catfishing people to make money
>i am disabled (always tired, sick, anxiety, fainting, bags under my eyes)
>god strikes me down
>god traps me here rips away all opprotunity every time i find a way out god rips it away makes it impossible and then makes my life even worse
>no girls no people nothing to do
>5-7 hours from anything
>only 2 people i know out here are scizophrenic, angry, crazy, rude, mean, and poor alcoholics
>never go on vacation see anything go anywhere
>parents are poor as fuck
>live in broken down shitty shack where everything is a death trap and i risk dying every day i live here
>as soon as i make money god strikes me down rips it away gets me arrested and i get unfairly punished for being black
>every time i try to transfer my shit, find a way to move, or find a way out god rips it away strikes me down rips away more happiness and then makes it impossible
West LA here.
It's a parking lot for the most part, so I'm more or less trapped here, paying for overpriced Japanese food if I want food.
ehh, it's cringe but his work is his life
There's a lot of SoCal and specifically OC bots, I can tell you that much. The privileged assholes.
Don't ruin our reputation of being the Safest City in America user.
Oh please ive changed that i beat the shit out of an off duty police officer and raped her but she didnt even press charges all because of the whole reputation thing lol such cucks
add me, we can talk about it
How is Mexifornia op?
Your bait has evolved into two posts now. But your trademark 'it's god's fault I got arrested' narrative always gives you away. Kudos on expanding your narrative. See you around, 'it's god's fault I got arrested' poster.
And, because I love you so much, I'll bite. Don't commit crimes if you don't want to get arrested.
I didnt do anything to lose my life in a small town god did this
I disagree. I'm surrounded by inbred Hicks because God hates me and trapped me here. I'd love to be in southern California and go to concerts and have friends
it could be worse, you could be in the SF Bay Area. the worst part is, the cost of living here makes it impossible to save enough to leave, so one ends up trapped
Norcal is great. Have Vietnamese coffee shops to hang out out. The Tenderloin for hookers. Great underground rave scene. Great climate. Great cuisine. Great natural scenery. Don't know wtf you're trippin about.
Live at home for 8 months. Be a security guard. Try being trapped in a small town where the places you have to move to cost 8000 a month and there is no jobs
Just living in the midwest fucking sucks, flyover states with flyover people. Living in a big city that's flyover is insult to injury.
You tell 'em user! You're always fun to watch post. So, how exactly did God get you arested? Is today the day you finally reveal what happened?
You niggas need to try living in Florida
I've only ever visited the Midwest, but it seems comfy to me. Sizable houses on decent plots of land, nice parks, cute little mom and pop shops, plus four seasons.
Alternatively, with money and good looks, it would be the best place in the world
wherever you go, there you are OP
it's hell growing up white here
Cali is a commie shithole, but at least you have legal weed. I went on a west coast trip and got an ounce of good shit for $55. I would just get high 24/7 and forget you are living in a refugee ridden garbage dump
Not OP but I've lived in both, four years in Sac and the rest in LA, and both fucking blow.
There's a lot of SoCal outside the cities, man. Mountains, high desert, etc. It's just the social scene, the cost of living, and the general attitude of city people here that sucks.
Maybe that's true in OC or further south, but if you're up in LA proper or the SFV there's a lot less of that shit. Our nightlife is pretty much nothing but full nig ooga booga clubs full of dumb coalburner sluts, rich kid arab/chink clubs full of dumb gold digger sluts, or hipster indie rock trash clubs that are 90% faggots and 10% obese colored hair 3/10 trying to hook up with a 9/10 dude sluts.
Come out to Vegas, robots! Don't get me wrong, you won't succeed here, but the remorseless economic machine upon which we all thrive needs an endless supply of you suckers on which to feed. I don't even mean just the gambling tourists. Cheap, desperate transplants with no local support are as much a part of our survival as the fat, happy baby boomer couple from Des Moines loading up on expired crab legs at the buffet. Come, anons! Be grist for my mill!
>Cali is a commie shithole
Yes, comrade. The worst time was when Premier Schwarzenegger rationed the bread. My babushka was so very hungry. We had no toast for our avocados.
Every CA thread has one guy who listens to too much Infowars chiming in.
It's not full blown commie, but let's not pretend the people in charge and most of the people living in California don't want socialism. There's a reason Cali has been losing thousands of businesses to non-socialist states and has been a net loss in terms of revenue since the early 90's. Your politicians make some new law pretty much every day to screw over local businesses and ventures.
I lived in so cal for most of my life place was fucking terrible moved to nor cal 6 years ago and it is definitely better up here. Still this state sucks where do you live user.
>and has been a net loss in terms of revenue since the early 90's
California has had a budget surplus for quite a few years now, and would have a massive one if it weren't for the fact that a sizeable percentage of California's federal taxes are siphoned off to low-tax red states that don't bring in enough to support themselves.
>Your politicians make some new law pretty much every day to screw over local businesses and ventures
You aren't completely wrong. The state government does try to get away with taxing Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and property in general at obscene rates because they know those people aren't going anywhere.
Warner Bros. isn't going to pick up stakes and move to Chattanooga anytime soon. Kevin Costner will keep paying his six figure property tax and they know it.
Over time this whittles down the population to the obscenely rich, the foolish (people who move to LA "to get into acting"), and the poor people who were born there and do the labor.
There are pockets of middle class people in smaller cities, but they're mostly baby boomer aged. Anyone that wants to own property and/or move from lower to middle class is forced to get the hell out.
A far, far, far different thing from Marxist Communism (when Gavin Newsom seizes Industrial Light and Magic on behalf of the people, maybe I'll change my stance) but it does fuck over a lot of people and make it hard to live here.
>Southern california
That's not how you spell Eastern-Europe.
LA is not Southern California
Fuck this place. It's so sanitized and devoid of any personality.
t. Tustinfag
NorCal sucks ass for the same reason that SoCal sucks ass. The nice areas are prohibitively expensive while the bad areas are still expensive despite being bad.
Where in NorCal are you from?
>It's so sanitized and devoid of any personality.
Dude, like Tustin is any better?