Whats the most insane conspiracy theory that you genuinely believe to be true?
Whats the most insane conspiracy theory that you genuinely believe to be true?
humans aren't destroying the earth
that there are qts on r9k
Chocolate milk comes from genetically modified cows.
Happy merchant people wants everyone dead or cucked
Jews are from space and are behind 90% of the bad things that are destroying the human race and the planet its all in the bible but in a big ass metaphor
Usually things you think the US government did or is doing right now is probably real. God knows how much money they funnel into things that will never see the light of day.
Russians sabotaged the water doors on M/V Estonia to keep the Dead Hand radios and manuals from getting to the CIA.
What evidence for an anti-semetic Bible?
Simulation theory isn't that insane but I'm a pretty boring guy.
JFK was killed by the C.I.A
That's as edgy as I'm willing to get really
That I can get super powers. I'm going for electricity, either that or I become spiderman.
Conspiracy, not Fairy Tale.
Seems unbelievable to most but I think industrial civilization is on it's last legs. In the next 10-15 years we will peak and by 2100 we will back at 1800 levels of tech by 2200 it will be 10,000 B.C. again.
CERN will eventually resurrect the Annunaki, and gods are just codenames for extraterrestrials responsible for the creation of mankind.
That the Simpsons are physically real in this world.
Is the Eternal Recurrence considered a conspiracy theory?
So you're a negro?
when you die you come back to the same shitty life again. There is no reason why. That just how it is.
I don't have evidence to my whole theory
Its just my common sense that makes me stay away from the modern world while im trying to find sense in this whole clown society
Based. There are no girls in here Based to enjoy your free (You)
Those numbers....
Just because it's always black people in anime that get electric powers doesn't mean i'm black. Unlike them i'll be competent and greatful for my abilities.
It's not just anime. It's in all media about black people with super powers. Also, Spider-Man is black now too.
Area 51 is holding our will to live
Black Hispanic no less
i genuinely believe that r9k is 70% female
heh you wish fagggggggg
>conspiring elites that all rule the world together
>jews being a major part of the conspiracies
>leaders chosen from birth, bred on the inside and selected by (((them))) when its time to rule
>trump chosen because he has blind loyalty to israel
>the holocaust and nazi "war crimes" were faked or extremely exaggerated by jews to create destabilization, making the perfect enemy lets general population never question the "victim" jews
>fbi and cia are on jew payroll, fuckers killed terry
I'd also like the idea of being the lizard.
nice try femanon but you arent fooling anyone we can smell your pussy
Free energy technology exists but the government is hiding it because the whole USA world strategy is based on the fictitious notion that the one whose idea made that technology possible is a retard. Acknowledging my genius would make their other positions untenable.
Acknowledging my genius would make their other positions untenable.
I'd say maybe 15-20%
Probably not conspiracy, but I genuinely believe there's something more about our death, we are connected to some shit and so on, there are many stories of dying people seeing dead people out there who know what they saw.
Our existence is undiscovered. Shit, we just realised we have two consciousness in our brains and still don't understand what this means.
the past never happened as this world is a computer simulation/ a room in hell just for you.
>Moon landing was faked so the public wouldn't get disillusioned from the space race, but we have gone to space
>Everyone above a millionaire is heinous criminal with no exceptions, the richest all belong to secret societies that pit the public against each other for profit. Everyone with considerable money either owe their money to pedophile human traffickers or are one themselves. Even the small time rich fags have mob connections. Both Hollywood and Wall street go to the chopping block
Pretty standard.
Apparently if you try DMT with other people you get the same trip.
Nope no pussy here but im fat so a little bit of tits
Based and DMTpilled.
You know who would have outed us if the Moon landing was fake? The Soviets and Ham Radio Operators.
I believe in many stupid shit, but the entire moon-landing-was-filmed "theory" is the most stupid shit I've ever seen.
Ah, I see you too are a man of DESPAIR
Yeah, the "moon was fake" always pisses me off. I can tell generally where a radio signal is coming from in seconds.
It will be if the Queen of England actually dies in October like that user says
The elites controlling the US government for their own gain. Does it count as a conspiracy theory if it's true? Also the black community has been targeted in almost every way imaginable to hold them down and prevent them from being successful in society.
CERN has already discovered time travel, and has teamed up with the forces of ZOG to change everything that threatens their power in the past or in the future.
"Mandela Effect" happens whenever they run tests (mainly to see how much they can get away with).
If they ultimate their research then they will have almost complete control of this timeline, and we're all fucked.
Also, John Titor's story was most likely true. Remember the 1-2% divergence between his timeline and ours? Our timeline is on the way of getting even more fucked up than his. Think of Brave New World.
All the links you need:
Get on my fucking level.
completely. Someone must have discovered it. My question is why they haven't stopped the Holocaust, pearl harbor, 9/11, or other atrocities.
I believe everyone exists but not at the same time. Essentially you are interacting with an NPC version of humanity except they're operating exactly the same as a fully conscious entity would. So there are 7.4 billion universes and timelines active right now, and each one has a designated observer. That's You. You are the only real person according to your perception of consciousness in the universe, even though you're probably an NPC in everyone else's. I call this the Designated Observer theory.
>My question is why they haven't stopped the Holocaust, pearl harbor, 9/11, or other atrocities.
they made those happen.
all false flags
>yea guys I know the jews don't get to go to their so called holy land that is supposedly rightfully there's, I mean there are people already living there so that makes sense
>but oh wait oh no like they just went through some real bad shit, guess we need to give them a place to live. I know, let's give them that holy land they keep going on about
>hey guys I know like, Europe is gay and we had a lot of our boys die in the great war and we didn't really get anything out of it but like don't you think this nazi stuff is totes bad and we should step in? no... oh okay...
>OMG guys you'll never guess what the allies of those nazis did to us! we need to do something, like now
>hey guys, if we had control over the oil in this desert over here we'd, well my friends and I, would be very wealthy. no? that doesn't sound like a good deal for you to fight and die for our investments? yea ur right I dunno what I was thinking lol
>OMG guys you'll never guess what just happened in new york!
so on and so forth.
All of those things are too big, too imprinted in public consciousness to be able to change them without people noticing (at this stage of the project, at least). Hell, mandela effect was about to spill into the mainstream because of an african president the average couch potato doesn't even know about, changes to the soviet union flag, etc, think about what would happen if they changed big events. Mass hysteria would surely follow. At the moment the project is in a very early, sloppy stage of development, when it still can be stopped.
Everyone that isn't the west wants the west dead or cucked. Every nation is watching out for its own self interest. That's the thing you Jow Forums tards don't get. Russia and China have "internet defense force" assets just as much as Israel, and they're doing just as much espionage and meddling (i.e. Russia and the US election).
Jews are just extra sheisty because of their haggling nature and learned how to do business better than most other ethnic groups.
My mind just shattered
Let's say someone did this. Would you stop holocausts or world wars?
Of course not, because there's nothing to regret or fix. All the small pieces lead you to what we have right now. Now imagine stopping the world war and coming back. I'm sure everything will be different or maybe even you shouldn't exist.
You should never change the past, this will break everything you know.
>Designated Observer theory
Holy fucking based.
Yeah, that's me. That's why I was asking if it counts as a "conspiracy theory". I mean it's definitely in the same vein, but I doubt any government or other entity is covering it up like typical conspiracy theories.
During 9/11 the department of defense shot down the plane that was headed for Congress and made up the story that the passengers bravely fought back against the terrorists.
You watched that Kertzegatz video too, huh?
"Whoa," you said, incredulous. "You mean I'm a god?"
"No. Not yet. You're a fetus. You're still growing. Once you've lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born."
"So the whole universe," you said, "it's just..."
"An egg." I answered. "Now it's time for you to move on to your next life."
And I sent you on your way.
Nope, I came up with this years ago. Its nothing idealistic like The Egg, more like each of us is being controlled by an entity within a posthuman civilization and free will can't exist because we're all running on predefined algorithms but the illusion of choice is very real. We're here so they can simulate the feeling of mortality and all it entails. And the players constantly switch until the posthuman civilization can simulate a superior universe or some shit at which point we're properly disposed of. And this could all be occuring within a nanosecond.
>Nope, I came up with this years ago
sure you did
this universe is simulated hell by the basilisk
I'm not lying. It's closer to simulation theory than the egg. More like a hybrid tho.
nazis discovered time travel
that's just called life, bro
Not sure how being the playthings of a posthuman civilization is life as we understand it but alright. There's also the possibility that we're confined to a specific character infinitely and random variables are introduced, but I'm not sure what purpose that would serve.
The church of scientology has a stranglehold on much of the United states government and is basically a real life illuminati.
US airlines flight 93 was actually shot down, but was legitimately hijacked.
>Also, Spider-Man is black now too.
Eh, I'd say it's more like spiderman has a black sidekick. Nobody liked him when he was the only spiderman.
Soviets and US were on the same side this whole time, though. For centuries. Perhaps even longer.
Hermes Trismegistus was either a low-level Deity, or this world's Neo. Plus everything else that implies.
The world's a fucking weird place.
US military has access to anti-gravity, time travel and devastating particle beam weaponry.
Idk if Crowley opened the stargate himself via Amalantrah Working, or if this portal was opened for thousands of years, but Earth's connected with these malevolent "Astral Entities." You can look to whatever sources you want, but they all attest to this ultimately.
Frankly, I don't know how to reconcile myself with this.
Also is there any other bro out there that experiences Sleep Paralysis? I've seen some FUCKED UP SHIT. Goblins, Demon-dogs, and all that.
Is this what Alex Jones was talking about? Elite powers communicating with extradimensional demons and shit?
Effectively, yeah. It sounded strange the first I heard it, but the closer you look at history, the more apparent it becomes.
Plus I suffer very strage visions/dreams from time to time, so I guess a person like me would just naturally jump to these ideas.
Still, it's all entirely feasible, considering many things.
What's this all about? Is it similar to what happened in the Philadelphia Experiment? What's going on?
That a degree of objective morality exists and there is real evil in this world.
that this rock in Australia has magical powers
>The mob killed JFK
>The Saudi government/royal family were complicit in 9/11 and it's very possible that Bush and his administration knew in advance and did nothing because they wanted an excuse for a war and knew it'd be good for his approval numbers
>The Mormons are pretty much everything people say the Jews are, only there's way more direct evidence of it with them, particularly of an organized directed conspiracy. They're also a complete batshit scam cult on the level of Scientology but get away of it by being marginally Christian.
>The US military has functional, combat-ready plasma cannons. Just look up Project MARAUDER.
I honestly believe it that the Holocaust was, for the most part, Soviet propaganda. Explains why most of the doctored images are so poorly done, and why the "gas chambers" have wooden doors and the gas outlets are crudely stabbed into the walls of the rooms. Or why the supposed gas used for this "genocide" is a common pesticide that was invented years prior to the war.
Not saying the Jews didn't use it, (the Soviet government was largely Jewish as it was), only that it came from the Soviets initially.
You aren't wrong, look up nuclear fusion.
Literally unlimited power. Fusion and fission make fuel for each other's reactions.
This could last as long as intelligent life exists to maintain it.
But free power doesn't make the money, the limited oil does. This is why the US fights to keep oil barons under the control of the US dollar.
Did you know that prior to the Iraq war, Iraq decided to use the euro instead of the dollar? Or that Gaddafi's regime in Libya was going to switch to a gold backed currency before he was assassinated by the US-funded rebels (that also became ISIS immediately afterwards)?
I believe the headlines I read every day.
I have one question regarding free energy. If it works why don't nerds set up their own power plants to prove it?
Who are you? I want to know more.
Nuclear material takes a lot of legal shit to obtain because "muh turrists gunna make a atom bomb"
Fusion is another can of worms because you're using non-nuclear material to create nuclear material. Making nuclear material without government approval is generally frowned upon, you can expect kicked doors and shot dogs as a result.
that jews are ruling the world and are responsable of almost all the bullshit this earth has
Gluten is made up and used to increase sales
easy to believe actualli
me vomiting and having migraines for several days after accidentally eating gluten says otherwise
I will wake up tomorrow morning.
The moon landing WAS real, but some of the footage is faked as a backup in case we fucked up on the way to convince the Soviets that we beat them there.
Feline Overlords. Cats have domesticated humans via Toxoplasma gondii
my father has a net worth of a million dollars. does that make him a heinous criminal who rapes kids? no it just makes him a professor who owns two houses. user you are retarded
Most people dont know how unbelievably fast we are burning through resources with how much we consume in "throw away" goods and technology that becomes "outdated". The peak year for oil was 2006 and its starting to get harder and take more resources to get less than we have before and we basically depend on it for fuel and plastic. The same goes for minerals in general. Everywhere I look I see people mindlessly burning through resources and governments who are not willing to properly manage our waste. Soon enough only the rich elite and governments will have access to all the basic comforts we have today. I give it 50 years tops before we start seeing major wars for resource or a massive population reduction.
Who says they ever really left? Im convinced that they are still pulling the strings. Think about it why would any race give up that kind of planet and if their planet was dieing why wouldnt they find a new home here?
Golf rumors.
I just wish I had never heard of it.
I wouldn't even post about it lest you want to be suicided