>teacher assigns you a female partner
>she's visibly upset
Teacher assigns you a female partner
I know that feel man, back in highschool a teacher asking a girl to move seats and sit beside me. She stood up and said "no, I dont want to sit beside user". The entire class started laughing and the teacher was smiling.
FUCK I feel this, I remember this happening in grade 8 on my first fucking day
>”Stacy, I’ll put you with user since he’s new here”
>”ugh can I go with someone different”
I said nothing but words cannot describe how hard that mentally punched me, I would honestly say that was one of the factors of me getting fit
And they wonder why we shoot up a Walmart.
how would you have responded in this situation, Jow Forums?
I don't shoot anyone, I just take it all like a huge pussy and carry it with me for the rest of my life.
This kind of stuff pisses me off so much, even if the teacher sat me with the ugliest most degenerate kid in the class, I would never show outwards disgust, people need to learn fucking common decency and respect, it’s how you avoid getting shot when that same kid blows up one day
My English teacher in high school did assigned seating, then halfway through the semester she'd switch the seats, both times my Junior year it was next to a girl
I had sex with both of them
mirror the reaction, make her seem just as bad.... is what I should have done
it doesnt work that way.
her reaction matters because she is part of the group, no one gives a damn if the incel dislikes her.
lmao this kind of shit would happen all the time to me, but it really didn't phase me since i was the butt of most jokes already.
Now most of my high-school colleagues are all normie-tier stoners and faggots graduating in some shitty college to get a degree they won't use.
you guy'll get used to it don't worry.
Called her out in front of the whole class. You risk coming off as a sperg if you freak out but if you can stay chill enough and smile it off while also directly asking her why she doesn’t want to sit beside you’d gain the upper hand and she’d probably get embarrassed
man i got called a shooter in highschool (at the time i wasnt depressed, still a little confident) because of the way i dressed and looked. i tried to brush it off but years later its still something that i cant get oout of my head
When she stands up, brush blood on here seat and make a scene
>be 28 years old
>go to be 10 or 11pm
>my mind starts reminding me of moments like that
>completely awake at 1am
Look on the bright side you can still read basic human emotions.
She was a popular roastie, nothing I would’ve said would’ve backed me, plus it was grade 8 in HS, those kids are fucking brutal, and overall I had no confidence being like 5’7 and 110lbs
The respect must be internal as well, as it's for you as well as them. That's true stoicism.
I remember when I was in high school there was this big titty girl in the grade above me who was in my chemistry class. She showed up on the first day of the semester and then missed the next week. I asked my teacher if she had been switched out of the class and he laughed and told me she was sick. The next time the teacher did a "random" assigned seating chart he sat me next to the big titty girl and gave me a cheeky wink when no one was looking. Too bad she already fucking football players for the local college and I wasn't cool at all.
This and I'm also a virgin/never had a girlfriend.
next time, kick that bitch right in the clam.
>females jokingly ask you out/say you're cute
lmao. this thread is full of losers. Please get some confidence in yourselves before y'all shoot up a school.
lmaoing @ ur life
>girl rating boys in class
>what am i?
>negative 3
t-thanks, you too
you know what to do
How old are you?
>Part-time student, part-time worker, was going to propose to my girlfriend on our upcoming vacation but stopped getting rostered on for work so feel like a loser atm and I'm postponing
Should've stood up and slapped her right then and there, or at least shout at her. Don't tell me you just sat there quietly like a pussy.
Good posts
The rub here is that if you have the ability to handle a difficult social scenario with that sort of subtle aplomb, she won't mind sitting next to you.
Same here. Several times, actually. It really hurt because all I ever wanted at that time was to make others feel good, but didn’t have the social experience to know how to go about it.
Very true. This is also why getting fit and training martial arts, etc. prevents really having to stick up, even verbally, for yourself. Most people can see it and treat you accordingly. Some days I wish a nigga would, though.
I remember in high school we had a mixed-grade dance class with a professional instructor. There was one mousey looking girl who would dance with everyone but would refuse to touch me or get near me.
I'm still not entirely sure what the fuck her problem was. My leading hypothesis is I looked like a guy who raped her.
when she sits by you throw your arm around the back of her chair and say you're stuck with me babe
Did any of you turn violent and aggressive as a result of these experiences? I've pretty much become the crazy guy that is always starting fights and confronting people at any sign of disrespect after enduring bullying and rejection most of my life. Had to replace introverted autism with belligerent autism in order to have some functional ego and self-worth.
people like us were created only to suffer
It can get better, but you have to work at it very diligently. And the progress is slow.
heh you all know what I'd be doing after school that day
tfw this was me through middle and high school, up until junior year when i finally got into sports, though I never became popular because those early years are all but necessary in building your social circle.
the only path to redemption for us is to absolutely mog every faggot and slut at the reunion both economically and physically.
Hi Sam Hyde
actually based
How the fuck is this fitness related? Get back in the basement you fucking robots.
I bottled all the anger and contemplated suicide for a while, luckly my mom was around and I never did it because I didn't want to be a burden on her. Now I just quietly go about my days of college lifting and studying, all internal anger from years of ridicule channeled into lifts and preparation for the coming wars. On the bright side I am pretty good looking now that I lost all the weight and fixed my hygiene so I can get through most social situations with relative ease and sometimes get invited with the chads, though I don't really enjoy my time with them anyways, I always feel like I don't belong. Like I have frauded into my current lifestyle and deep down I am still that fat kid with body odor and acne.
>get the fat little korean lesbian as partner
flex a 'cep
This got me laughing thanks OP
I want to dick the fat korean lesbian
she looks like sonic the hedgehog with cushings
you dont
i dont remember that ever happening with me but i do remember those classes where they would say to get a partner/groups and i would just pretend to be asleep
No. I became apologetic and self hating. Surely if nobody wants me around, I must be doing something wrong, right?
>didn't have the self awareness in high school (and now it seems) to realize that are a stinky, creepy looking, repulsive mouthbreather that no one wants anything to do with
>1 gril hurt my feelings because she said what everyone else thought
>decide to end your life and a few others
Wew laddy
You're really going to regret this comment when you're older.
>teacher assigns me a female partner for a project
>"oh user, it'll be so cool, we can do it at my house if you want :)"
>do it by myself
All the hot girls that were in my class acted okay towards me, I was smart and got work done fast so no one minded.
Even if they had done this, they're all fat single mothers, while I look and feel better than I ever have.
I'm old enough to not give a fuck what a 16 year old girl thought 10+ years ago also.
Normies can't see what is decent and respectful because they literally have no understanding of the concept/ability to apply it to empirical evidence, A wrong event must happen before for them to notice again, They need an healthy/authoritative person to explain them the situation in the first place.
It's very easy to hate normies but it's necessary to approach every individual in assumption he isn't for staying sane.
>too depressed to even go to class
At least I went to the gym today though
In what shithole do you live in where people are this rude to each other?
>Please get some confidence in yourselves before y'all shoot up a school.
>6th grade
>girls are playing a game where if someone says your name you have to say "I love you"
>crush says "user please don't say my name!"
This broke me.
This is proof that you're A) underage, B) Jow Forums runoff who doesn't actually lift, or both