Why don't you hit on that cute cashier that you see every week?
Why don't you hit on that cute cashier that you see every week?
Who? I don't go outside.
I'd like to still be allowed into the local 7 11
i'm getting mixed signs, idk i'm kinda conflicted about it, what if i'm wrong and she's not really interested in me? then i would probably feel ashamed and have to find a new grocery store for my weekly groceries which would be a pain in the ass considering i can't drive
I can't tell how old she is
I can't talk without spaghetti pouring out of my mouth
Wouldn't that still count as workplace harassment, even if you don't work there?
The customer is aIways right, user.
because im a jobless loser who can't even talk to my own family
because i hate bothering people and they probably deal with enough retards as it is.
that's a teenage boy user, im sorry to have to tell you this
>Wouldn't that still count as workplace harassment, even if you don't work there?
No. It would just be normal harassment.
She probably has a boyfriend or fucks chad every weekend, I do live on a college campus after all
I never see a cute cashier more than once or twice.
Cute girls never last long in retail, they become waitresses and get paid a ridiculous amount of cash to put up with men trying to flirt with them rather than make minimum wage + 25 cents to put up with men trying to flirt with them.
Because girls expect the man to pay for everything, im not rich
Because women complain a lot about getting hit on when they're forced to be nice as part of their job. Also, they hate me
I'm a creepy retard and I don't like making people uncomfortable
how creepy do you have to be to take photos like this
I would prefer not to be banned from my local gas station. Besides, I have no clue on how to approach a woman anyways.
I want to play with her hair
Because if she really is cute she's probably got 30 other guys hitting on her that same day, each of them much more valuable as a partner than I am.
Because, fool, she is not there to be your personal stripper. She is there to ring your groceries up. Do you really think hitting on her while shes busy and stressed out at work is going to work out well for you? If you do, perhaps you should leave the basement more.
I actually had a cashier hit on me one time. She followed me around the store and asked for my number, but she also knew me from another friend.
Nigger I go to the store once a fucking month.
I exclusively use self checkouts and do a supply run only twice a month.
Pretty much exactly what I was gonna say.
This shit almost happened to me yesterday at Best Buy, went there for something they turned out to be out of stock of and the employee girl kept getting uncomfortably close to me and seemed like she was desperately trying to keep a conversation going and stuff.
I don't know if she is being polite to me because she likes me or its just part of her job, I haven't got a chance to see her serve other customers, so idk.
I don't want to risk doing anything cringy cause then I'll have nowhere to shop and I'll starve!
Fuck this girl actually looks like my dream girl those eyes of hatred, loneliness and contempt.
it isn't fair
Cause I don't know how to have a regular conversation and people don't want spaghetti stains from being around me and I always fuck it up.
If one and two don't do the trick, three always does the job, without fail.
It's a trap.
Look at his adams apple. And he looks like a mannequin.
Shes out of my league ive got acne and small body
She's just trying to go about her day. She is nice to you because it is her job to do so.
She can be nice to my dick.
Biological women have Adam apples too dumbass
Proof? Ya didnt think so frick off you heckn idiot
she hits on me even though she has a bf. ive stalked her facebook since my first encounter with her in june.
i wish i had the balls to really pursue her. shes cute and has half of her head shaved and some piercings.
Because she is like 18 while I'm 36 and disgusting.
Haha I did. Ill greentext it for you. Fuck it.
Im 19 now and havent seen her since that day. Still thinking about her most days though.
>be me
>be 15 years old, sophomore year
>do this school program/group thing where, once a month, they take sophomores from different high schools to see stuff around the county and learn how to be good citizens or some shit
>we went to a fire station, a community college, a hospital, etc.
>I see this really cute girl, dark features, shy quiet type, had the cutest half-smile thing she did, idk how to describe it
>we will call her A
>keep telling myself to go up to her and talk to her every single month we meet, but I never do it
>finally I do
>talk to her one time the entire year, just about some bullshit
>she goes to a high school the next town over, like a 30 minute drive from where I live
>never get her number, never see A again
>17 years old, October of senior year
>left my last job at fast food chain because working those late hours got to be too much
>got new job at The UPS Store
>theres 4 locations in the county (lived in the suburbs), all owned by the same couple
>I do this shit for over three months, just part time retail work
>Christmas party at a Japanese restaurant, the kind where they cook in front of you
>I walk in about 10 minutes late
>see a girl about my age, dark hair, simple clothes
>where have I seen her before???
>I sit on the adjacent side of the table, sometimes looking at her, trying to jog my memory
>try to go through the names I remember seeing off the weekly shift documents that the bosses would send us, it listed all the names for all the locations
>remember holy shit thats A
>bosses have us line up from how long weve worked for them, newest hires to oldest
>A and I are next to each other, and since they take pictures and make us play a get to know each other game, I talk to A and she remembers me
>nothing happens that night after that
please continue user orioriori
>think about A every day constantly for the next month
>its just torturing me
>I need an excuse to go talk to her
>mom needs to ship a package to her brother out of state
>I tell her ill do it since I get a discount
>I look at the schedule and see when A is working which location, so I know when to go
>I go to the store shes working that day
>...only shes not there
>fuck it, I get the thing shipped and the girl gets ready to print the receipt and tracking number
>but then A walks in, shes late for work
>she is just like...me!
>get the receipt, A recognizes me, whatever I leave
>a week later or so, my friend T says he has a book to return to Amazon
>he lets me do it since I work that day anyway haha (not really)
>I wait until A is working, and I wait until im like an hour into her shift so she isnt late
>get there
>get inside
>im in line, everything is normal, just a routine Amazon return
>B (a guy) says next
>A is busy with another customer
>go up to the counter, Amazon return, get the receipt
Now what I SHOULDVE done...is left.
But that is not what I did.
>ask B where the bathroom is
>get inside, lock it (its one of those small, one person at a time kind), sit on floor, think about what I would even say or how to talk to A
>flush the toilet, run the sink, and leave the bathroom
>walk past the counter
>go to the retail shelf, stare at it
>what the fuck am I doing. I should just leave.
>grab some sticky notes
>the fucking shelf breaks.
>sticky notes, flash cards, and packages of scotch tape are on the ground now
>store is silent
>I freeze and start picking them up, not daring to turn around
>customer (old black lady) says: you know we can all see you, right?
>I say: I know
>leave the shelf on the ground after failing to pick everything up
>grab two pack of sticky notes
>get in line
>fucking B is ready for me, A isnt
>turn around and say: you can go ahead of me
>wait for A
>shes ready
> I go up to her
2/3 god damn
This makes me feel like I'm playing Yakuza 0
>she has this smile on her face, like she knows Im a fucking retard.
>she scans the sticky notes, I swipe my card, normal sale
>she goes to hand me my receipt
>i dont take it
>I ask her: are you doing anything this weekend?
>she says: mmmm im kinda busy
>like what?
>well its my birthday
>oh..........can I have your number?
>I have a boyfriend.
>I take the receipt
>never see her again
>quit my job a couple months later
>wouldve left that job earlier, but I couldnt find a new one in this country ass fucked up town
>pretty sure everyone heard about it.
>never saw A again after that
Jesus. Typing that out and reliving that just made me realize how bad it really was. I knew it was pretty bad lmao. But holy shit...
I still have one of those sticky notes lmao. I threw the other one in the woods on a rainy night the summer after graduation.
because she's at work you fucking ass. she doesn't want to be hit on at work. i promise you. don't do it faggot
That pic is starting to get pretty old. It's been 5 years since CVS sold cigs.
I hated working there. And things didn't get better for me. I'm currently unemployed. and still living with my parents. IT SUCKS!
It feels....rude to flirt with someone at work. They have an expectation to be nice and obviously, they can't just break off the contact and leave. If they dont reciprocate it'd just be awkward..
This is a girl you kidnap and live in the woods with.
>am new cashier
>decent looking guy comes in
>we get to talking while ringing him up, seems pretty cool
>start seeing him in the store more regularly
>asks for my facebook which i had one at the time
>i add him cause hes alright
>starts coming in daily asking if we can hang out after work, first day i couldn't because i had class, he keeps persisting
>get weirded out by this
>messages me on facebook asking to hang out
>asks me for my number and if i have snapchat and other stuff
>get weirded out, deactivate facebook and quit my job
why are guys like this
Cause the only cute cashier I ever see might be a guy
I have no clue if its a guy or a girl
I dont even have the courage to talk to the qt cashier at my convenient store. She tells me
>the total is $13.77
and I just smile while my vision turns white as I hand her my card
Sometimes she makes jokes like
>wow you already ran out of milk! you must have strong bones
and I am pretty sure I let out the most autistic manic laugh, I wasnt sure what to do. When she asks me
>do you need a bag?
I just shake my head quickly no because I already am having trouble thinking straight, just grab my stuff in my arms and sprint out the door
>tfw oneitis is a cashier and your neet balls are too small to even talk to her in a transactory manner
because women expect us to pursue them with no encouragement, fuck you if you disagree.
Hundreds of guys probably do that to her every week. Besides im not gonna be an asswipe and slow-down the line just cause im thirsty.
Altough it's mostly cause im ugly and autistic and she'd laugh at me while the people in the store all grimace in disgust and contempt. Being subhuman fucking sucks.