>tfw no alt-right intellectual bf to redpill me on my liberal views
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Tfw no alt-right intellectual bf to redpill me on my liberal views
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One day.
One day..
do it yourself dumbass. what, you're so empty-headed and have such a short attention span that you can't listen to anything unless you're drooling over the face of the person doing the talking? fucking hell
This is pretty accurate .
Take it in stride
Why are foids usually left leaning anyway?
Women dont want this, wouldnt waste your hopes.
Dont cry because itll never happen. Cry because...
It's Over.
What is so wrong about wanting a little push from someone else who might have a different output than you? Fuck off.
Because this is a feminist progressive society that has told us lies that we keep on believing about our sexuality.
But, we do. What women realistically wants to be a liberal? I keep on jumping back between very conservative ideals and very liberal ideals. I need to be grounded.
>alt right
Who still calls themselves that? All that means is alternative right and is vague is fuck, just call yourself what you believe in. If you are a fascist say you are a fascist, libertarian say libertarian, even if you need to do that gay thing leftists do by adding word salad garbage like anarcho-transhumanist feminist Marxist Leninist communist, etc. Better than being vague. Still better than social democrats who call themselves socialists but still pretty dumb.
i just want a QT NAT SOC BF GOD DAMMIT!
ugly poc bitch lmao
enjoy trying to fish out an emotionally stunted abusive man child
but i am white idiot. that sounds pretty nice if you ask me.
I have nothing to do with my life,allow me to be thy therapist.
>Describe his looks
>How do you expect to meet him
>Are you a Christian
>How do you fantasyze to meet him
>If he was drafted,what would you do
>Define Nat Soc
>Define cute
>Define Intellectual
I will eat my own ass the day a woman wants to be redpilled in a non-platonic/professional relationship.
whore, that's what you are, a whore, I hope you die alone
Every "alt right" dude I've ever encountered is either a super chad or some pimply nerd that even I could crush. There is no in between.
Why is this?
That's what politics is
>Chad holds views
>betas follow Chad because he's the alpha
>betas kill other betas to spread their Chad's ideology
That's what society is. We came from the tribal structure of Chad and his harem, and one day Chad decided to give up the harem so the betas would be productive, as long as they worked for him. It's been changed and refined over time, but it's still from that same primordial seed, so that's all it will be.
>alt right intellectual bf to redpill the libtards
That would be me I suppose, but liberals generally don't want to be red pilled if they even know what it is and don't usually tolerate someone they know is alt right.... also why not red pill yourself if you are open to the ideas? That's really all it takes
Pick one.
inb4 discord tranny, dilate, libfag, etc.
>nat soc
As if
Bow down before the lord Teddy
>alt right
pick one, and you better be a LARP or your bootlicking for below average male mentality is reaching back-breaking levels
Eww why would you want a delusional pseudo-intellectual bf that probably thinks his peach fuzz makes him a man? Talk about daddy issues
Are you a girl I am pretty active in just about every faction of the alt right I tend to be a bit more of an intellectual but I like the wignats and get along with a lot of the 1.0 people. Only ones I can not stand are the am nats. Bet I could redpill you in a week or less.
This is one of the most blatant bait threads I've seen in a while. Doesn't matter through, retards on this board will respond to anything they feel has a 1% chance of being posted by a woman
lmao ok immer
Is this English what are you saying?
papa pizzagate
Take your meds user I think you must have missed a dose
you're a smart boy for noticing the girl wojak thread on r9k is a bait, well done!
this. the beta hitler only copied the chad Lueger's populist and antisemitic rhetoric and overlayed it with his murderous autism instead of being used purely as political tools
If you really want to be a right winger why aren't you already? What leftist views remain?
Well, my most enduring leftist opinion is that capitalism is a nightmarish hellscape not meant for human occupation.
How can the right wing help with that when it's stuck somewhere between "suck corporate cock" and state capitalism?
A large part of the problem is the increasing corporatization of the west. It's not capitalism, it's because all the companies want you to have 4 degrees to be an unpaid intern.
Its because they've melded with the government to fully control their captive workforce.
It's because they made college, what was once higher learning for more intellectual positions, into nearly a basic necessity to get a job, designed to churn out near the same amount of whatever there is to offer regardless of if it's needed now or not.
It's because they treat humans like a product to be sold, no different in their eyes than a pressure washer or factory machinery.
It's because they destroy and commercialize culture and people, burn the world for a few measly dollars.
Fuck that. Authoritarian ideologies and their lackeys always end up the same no matter what.
Not that user, but what can be done? I'm an anti-corporate libertarian. Politically speaking, who should I support? Power ceded to the state is just as bad as power ceded to corporations and big business.
There are a few different ways, but none are mainstream.
One is to take capitalism as merely a symptom of a deeper problem that is materialism. Materialism being the treatment of material wealth as the sole value instead of race, religion, culture, etc. This is a way of attacking both communism and capitalism as value systems without necessarily condemning commerce.
The second way is to see corporations as merely part of the managerial elite. Since the 1930s society isn't run by owners, but by managers. Managers derive value from the ability to control complexity. Naturally they can also find it necessary to create complexity. The values system of Critical Theory, sometimes called Cultural Marxism, provides an engine of complexity for the benefit of the companies that fit into the managerial sphere. This would explain why globo-homo is just part of a broader system.
>alt right
Pic very related
The problem is thinking that this is is a binary fight of corporate against government. Right versus left. Whatever else.
The truth is that they are all one. The right and left are the same, they merely sow discord among the people so they are more easily subjugated. The corporations and the government are connected, they feed into one another to subjugate the people, both here and abroad through war and conquest.
As radical as it may seem, the only solution is to fight back. Your rights are not guaranteed by a piece of paper, nor by God. They are guaranteed by the fear that should they try taking them from you, that you will fight back with weapons.
Your only side should be the people, for they are the only ones that can help you in turn. Seek the liberation of all from this insidious parasite on our world.
So my advice is to gather your weapons and the tools of war, and lie in wait for the spark to be ignited. If you can't obtain weapons where you live, then you should make them, and hide them away where none would look, like the walls and floorboards of your house, or a container buried in the ground where no one would dig. Look into ways to defend yourself and others from attacks, such as tear gas. The most important thing to remember is that they cannot afford to kill off the people, they are weak and useless without us. We, however, can live without them.
Its YANG GANG baby!
The good thing is that I'm armed. I've got a small collection of weapons and a big stock of ammo.
But what exactly am I supposed to do? I can't just sit around and wait for the proverbial powderkeg to explode and jump in. As much as I believe voting is ultimately useless, it's the only form of power I have. I agree with you, but it's very easy to advocate for the destruction of the system from the comfort of your home with all it's creature comforts. Such a thing requires sacrifice and hard times, and I'm not sure people are willing to suffer through that in the hopes of a better future. I feel like they know this to be true, and keep us placated with bread and circuses. As long as there are new varieties of Oreos coming out and Super Bowls every year, people will stay docile.
Voting is obviously imperfect, but non-negligible. Making yourself independent from the system is the answer to beating globo-homo. While a self-sufficient homestead would be pretty nice being economically, militarily, and morally independent is the key. Then they cannot effectively impose upon you, but rather have to treat you as another power to be reckoned with.
fuck you bitch, im getting me a smoking HOT conservative virgin filipino wife who learned how to be a good wife because apparently it's part of their education
yeah looks like thats what I had to resort to because white women are just useless trash
fuck you white whores you dumb useless bitches hahahahaha I hope you fucking burn!!
You should be finding others who know as you do, and form militias together.
As for the spark, it will come, it is only a matter of how wet the powder is. There have been many sparks, but the people are, as you said, complacent. They will accept slavery because it is easier than the struggle to be free.
You will need to dry the powder when the time arises. Make your necessary preparations, and train your milita in marksmanship. It is possible to take down the entire US power grid through a series of surgical strikes. A few well placed shots at some key parts in the right places will make the whole country go dark. And not only are these too numerous for the military to guard, but they are not guarded anyways.
That is where I would start. Not by creating a spark, for there have been plenty, and there will continue to be plenty. Start by making something that will catch fire. Turn off their distractions. Turn off the bread and circuses.
Filipina's are actually batshit insane. They keep the house clean, but they also are extremely superstitious and are kind of slow.
t. know a guy who married one
damn looks like you can never win
The alt-right is the epitome of midwitism. They're smart enough to realise that echo chambers are bad but dumb enough to think that watching a 3 hour Jordan Peterson video means they're experts on politics and economics.
The "alt-right" usually doesn't have a coherent set of beliefs of their own, when a coherent set of beliefs does exist it's half-baked, and it mostly exists as opposition for other belief systems. Compare the alt-right to something like christian conservatives who while retarded at least have a broad view of how people should handle everything from infertility to warfare to slavery to kingship.
I know exactly one conservative Filipino woman and I hate her because she's a mean relentless gossip who can't mind her own fucking business.
Try lurking
red pill yourself roastie.
>The alt-right is the epitome of midwitism. They're smart enough to realise that echo chambers are bad but dumb enough to think that watching a 3 hour Jordan Peterson video means they're experts on politics and economics.
They're smart enough to realize that echo chambers are bad, then they dig themselves into their own echochambers calling any dissenting opinion shill or cuck.
Alt right is same cancer as incels and far left
>This is a way of attacking both communism and capitalism as value systems without necessarily condemning commerce.
Not the OP, but the problem is that materialism being upheld as the sole value is the inevitable result of having a market-based system. When producers are forced to constantly seek profit as a matter of survival, they're forced to produce at a rate that A) isn't ecologically sustainable, and B) eventually leads to needing to commoditize more and more aspects of society for the sake of creating new products to maintain profits.
You should look into libertarian socialism. It addresses both those issues.
Also forgot to add:
>The second way is to see corporations as merely part of the managerial elite. Since the 1930s society isn't run by owners, but by managers. Managers derive value from the ability to control complexity.
This is a left-wing criticism of capitalism as well. One of Peter Kropotkin's (probably the most influential AnCom philosopher) biggest arguments is that capitalism creates waste by creating an entire category of "middlemen" and "idlers" who profit off of meaningless, unnecessary managerial work.
This too I suppose.
It amazes me the focus on reproduction/cuckoldry. I also wonder what you're supposed to do if you're an infertile alt-right male. Just kill yourself because you're doomed to be a cuckold one way or the other? If you have heritable diseases are you supposed to have a bunch of kids so they can suffer miserably before inevitably dying out in a few generations? If you genuinely enjoy raising kids and are good at it but can't have your own do you just decide not to raise them because virgins on the internet might judge you? The entire philosophy revolves around narcissism.
A well educated person realizes that you end up becoming the common ancestor of all or no humans in the long run and there is a one in billions chance of the former and if it happens it's going to because you had ear cartilage 20% more flexible than the average person and that's going to be the only trait of yours that survives long term. Then comes the end of humanity and the heat death of the universe even if that does happen. Reproduction doesn't give you immorality or permanence. One Nikola Tesla is worth a million chad's. Healthy strong people reproducing is good for the vitality of the species but it doesn't make you any better than say a stud horse.
Also pretending to be an alpha stud when you're just not doesn't make you based it just makes you even more pathetic. Society will always contain people fit to reproduce and people not fit to reproduce and the alt-right is some brainlet populist narcissistic egotistical movement of desperate men who can't accept even the least bit of fucking humility. They have distilled all of men's value down to success at one thing. Yet you see Jow Forums who long before the alt-right even existed admired autist virgins deciding what they really admire is balding 42 year old men who live with their mothers knocking up bar sluts and then evading child support.
you can do nothing but watch this unfold. your powderkeg would almost certainly be manufactured by the top niggas themselves to usher in their desired lovecraftian shit. It will come in "luminous robes of flaming patriotism" like mr. john flynn said.
too bad alt-right is a meme, what you want is someone able to see the retardation on both sides
Do you live in Europe or, more precisely, in western germany by chance?
>ywn find a gf that unironically praises pol pot or ba'athism
doesen't supprise me because i live in a north african shithole.
What country are you from? Libyabot reporting in
Right-wing politics are based on strong authoritarian figures, of course mentally unhinged and disenfranchised young men will flock to it.
I was born and had been a libyabot until the second civil war came around.
Now i'm stuck in southern algeria where life is still kinda shit, i still can't believe those kikes destroyed everything i loved and had.
You clearly don't visit Jow Forums that much.
Hitler was a Chad. Betas never become rulers or are fearless in battle as he was. But he was a unique form of Chad, a volcel, the synthesis of all archetypes. He was partially divine.
>a volcel
no. he was definitely bussy gang. his fellow soldier has this to say about him:
>In 1915 we were billeted in the Le Febre brewery at Fournes. We slept in the hay. Hitler was bedded down at night with Ernst Schmidt, his male whore. We heard a rustling in the hay. Then someone switched on his electric flashlight and growled, TAKE A LOOK AT THOSE TWO NANCY BOYS"- hans mend