Why aren't you trying the Impossible Whopper?
That patty made from legit plants and vegetables, shockingly tastes like an ordinary whopper, and makes you shill for it on a Lebanese Origami board?
Why aren't you trying the Impossible Whopper?
That patty made from legit plants and vegetables, shockingly tastes like an ordinary whopper, and makes you shill for it on a Lebanese Origami board?
Reviewbrah said it doesn't 100% match the taste and it also costs more. I am not paying more money for an inferior imitation.
Because Burger King is hands-down the worst fast food burger joint, even worse than McDonalds.
because burger king is a town away from me and burger king also fucking sucks. now that spicy mc nuggets are back at wendy's, whats the fucking point amiright or am i righter?
because i am pretty sure Report of the Week wasn't too impressed with this offering and i make my exploratory fast food purchasing decisions based 100% on this trustworthy individual's opinions OP
It tastes just like a normal whopper ie it tastes like fucking garbage. If you want something without meat just go to taco bell and get some bean burritos or something.
>distinctly different texture than real meat
>not vegan anyway since mayonnaise still is added
>even more processed than anything you can else you can buy
>costs more
>more calories
>doesn't taste as meaty as a real whopper, most of the taste is carried by vegetables and condiments
I see no nose wrinkling on that cat.
because only eur*peans fall for the climate jew. im not eating plants or bugs fuck you
I would rather go to the local Applebee's, they do a pretty good job down there, the food is always great, and the staff are always so nice
You can pay $6.25 for an impossible whopper or you can get 2 whoppers for $6.47.
Your choice.
onions roots aren't red, heme is hemoglobin, and the white indistinct building that these abominations are made in is directly across the street from planned parenthood.
So keep eating your onions people anons, I'm sure its super good for you.
Don't believe me? google their address and go to streetview, do a 180.
Its literally made from horse
Ill take the impossible whopper because how often can you say "I ate the impossible?"
it tastes like garbage and it costs more than a beef whopper.
The original Whopper was already impossible, you fools. This is clearly a marketing stunt.
Because I'm quite content with my testosterone levels you faggot.
I don't like this meme because it is not funny and I haven't been to Apple bee, I havs only ever been to TGI Friday's and the onion sandwich was microwaved pretty good but was on par with Milhouse regarding memeworthiness, although they handle dead hookers pretty well
i think eventually food companies will convince everyone to have delicious roach and cricket big macs, and no one will bat an eye
no reason to buy something like this unless you cry about dead livestock
This thing tasted awful, dry, bland and was way too expensive. Fuck BK
But ten nuggers for 1.49
Best BK sandwich? Rodeo King and the Original Chicken Sandwhich with cheese, bacon and pickles add ketchup.
This 2bh. The BOGO whopper coupon is too good of a deal.
this. basically we'll all be eating cricket paste and washing it down with onions if globohomo gets their way. just say no to this dystopian shit