Why are people so scared of this movie?
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>Why are people so scared of this movie?
they're dumbasses
From the leaked scenes I've watched thus far, it's way more effective than I thought it would be.
Plus, I wonder if the timing of the movie's release, with the current focus on 'white male rage' and 'lonewolf killers,' might be making some people uncomfortable.
Because they're afraid of mediocre white men taking it seriously and acting out their hatred/anger.
Because of the boogaloos that will ensue and the fact that incels are being cast in an arguably sympathetic light since the government abandoned them. Also I'm pretty sure there's a Trump like character.
Because people are assuming everything related to clowns, nihilism, and males expressing any emotion other than servile passiveness is some kind of coded alt-right message because the world has gone fucking insane
Oh look the media is hyping up another unoriginal movie to make stupid people give a shit about it so they spend their money on tickets and overpriced, unhealthy snacks to shove down their fatass gullets.
Wow, you're the contrarianest of the contrarians and probably an anarcho-something. Lmao congratulations, I guess, fagface.
holy fucking redpilled BASED
Not afraid of the movie, just afraid that white people going to do what they always do. This what happens when we go too long with out a major European War, White people have an instinct to cull themselves like rats that turn to cannibalism in times of overcrowding. I just dont want to get caught in the crossfire
we need the druids back
>White people have an instinct to cull themselves like rats that turn to cannibalism in times of overcrowding
this, white boys are the most hateful people in the entire planet,
i can already feel that the movie will inspire more cringy incel school shooter white boys
oh look another original commentary on society
Gonna show a side of their ignorant bubble they never want to acknowledge
lol fagget
I don't give a fuck about this shit because I'm not a fucking retard. Fuck off my dick about it. My opinions are my own and I'll continue to call you out for what you are.
damn okay holden caulfield we get it youre very smart
Because no one wants to take responsibility.
>Why are society so scared of this movie?
white Males are so cringe,
holy shit,
this is why i date black men.
How much of an incel you have to be to larp as the joker and to get the make up tattoos?
whypypol btfo
How happy is this dude about this movie?
>this is why i date black men.
BASED whore, pole-fags btfo!!
Rachel Miller makes me want to watch this movie purely to upset her. Is she the shill that posted the screencap of this comment as a form of anti-anti-advertising? That makes me not want to watch it, I need someone to tell me what to think
SEETHING medianiggers.
I'm not her, but I do want to see it. I don't think the author of the screen cap has that much self-awareness, women typically are that fucking retarded.
>the movie will inspire more cringy incel school shooter white boys
Most mass shooters aren't white though...
More relevant screencaps. I want to see this movie, but also unironically don't want to get shot up. What do?
>women typically are that fucking retarded
Always a respectable and admirably genuine point to make in these troubled times. I won't pay to see it, but I'll watch it. And if I enjoy it (or at least respect it), I'll shitpost in its glory.
Issues of male isolation and rebellion go way back, and even in cinema there was pic related and movies like 400 Blows. The backlash to this has been a major redpill. To be cliche, there is this annoying narrative going on right now that if you're a straight white guy in America, you're not allowed to feel bad about anything or complain about injustice. Being poor and mentally ill are invalidated. Why? Because the aggrieved liberal pieces of shit who write these articles maybe queer trans women of color or whatever, but they're all privileged and they're all socially well-integrated, so if they don't suffer from poverty then it must not be a real issue.
I used to consider myself very left wing. I still am left-leaning. But now I find myself having to be very fucking specific about where I stand, because I'm not for this bullshit sensitivity freak show. I'm for universal healthcare, a high minimum wage, worker's control/democratized firms, environmental protections, gay marriage and adoption, abortion, all that. But policing language is retarded. Trans people are often mentally ill, and that's okay, but you don't get to change bathrooms until you're completely visually and hormonally transitioned. Drugs destroy communities, drug dealers belong in jail. Child molesters should be executed. Some religions are better and truer than others. There are two genders, and then intersex people who are a combination, but you don't get to make shit up. The market flow of goods is very important, and that doesn't change democratizing the workplace or providing services. Nuclear families are important.
All this shit seems obvious, but now both sides of the political fence have such idiotic positions that it feels like I'm on this little island, where I have to say I'm some traditionalist, socially libertarian, social democratic/syndicalist, but that's bullshit and it seems like all my positions are just common sense.
(sorry for the self-indulgence)
against innocent civilians and not gang members, they are
aint wrong
this, "real" mass shooters are always pasty incel white boys with inferiority complexes. nobody cares if some mexican and black guys shooting eachother over drug money.
> t. user with inferiority complex
>Why is society so afraid of this movie gusY?
Because of YOU motherfuckers! Literally, Jow Forums is the driving force behind the angst of this whole film.
> dis dumb esse tried to steal my drug money so I stabbed the puto
> Niggas around the block killed my homie so we shot up their gang
> mom cut me off from titty milk when I turned nine, so 13 years later I murdered 20 school children
White people perform acts of violence that follow no logic. You predict them. You can't trust them. Ever
No, but seriously! Can we get a Harley Quinn movie? I would unironically enjoy that.
Mass shooters have been a thing long before the incel meme sprang into mainstream consciousness. The highest kill count in American mass shootings belongs to a middle age man with a girlfriend, and loaded with money; that neither friend or family suspected he could such thing, and the FBI have admitted to being unable to figure him out. The second high score in the US belonged to a Muslim suspected of being a repressed homosexual. The third belongs to a Korean guy. The Christchurch guy was a very outgoing and socially successful guy with a girlfriend. And what is arguably the first modern mass shooting was done by a teenage girl.
*You can't predict them*
ikr, there is this one fucking kid at my art class that i swear looks like he is going to shoot up the school, i feel like i should fuckin report his ass... he always mumbling to himself and looking mad but also looks like a weak nerd loser at the same time.
outliers exist, but only a fool would not notice most are white boy incels... profiling exists for a reason.
we should really find a way to stop white incels from hurting any more innocents.
Are betas about to rise up? please say yes, please say yes
Yet those "outliers" did the most damage, had the most impact, and show that mass shootings go beyond certain profiles, and have way to them than the demographics involved.
And also since these are supposed outliers who have done way more damage, it suggests that the main offenders of these crimes (ex.: white incels) can't even manage the bare minimum most of the time.
Literally happened a week ago.
>Ten teenagers were injured Friday night during a shooting at a high school football game in Mobile, Alabama. ... Saturday morning, police arrested Deangelo Parnell 17
66+ mass shooting incidents were done by blacks this year alone.
>They're not real mass shooters
Mass shooting
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A "mass shooting" is an incident involving multiple victims of firearm violence.
The United States' Congressional Research Service acknowledges that there is not a broadly accepted definition and defines a "public mass shooting" as an event where someone selects four or more people and killed them in an indiscriminate manner, echoing the FBI's definition of the term "mass murder". But adding the indiscriminate factor.
its never gonna stop faggot. we are the sons of the forefathers of this country. not all these shit colored mongrels with dark, opaque eyes that i have to share my country with.
Sounds like NatSoc to me there Adolph
Superhero movie that wasn't made by a Jew.
Unironically I hope he does it, and you don't die but get paralysed from your eyebrows down.
>it suggests that the main offenders of these crimes (ex.: white incels) can't even manage the bare minimum most of the time.
white incels nerds suck at shooting guns...
sounds right.
Do other mentally ill loners really feel this much rage? I've never wanted to hurt anybody and I don't blame others for me being the way I am. Life is just unfair and we have to find ways to deal with it or kill ourselves peacefully.
I certainly feel like life and society are ridiculous, but I don't hate everyone else for it. I find the insanity of the world baffling and depressing. My only anger about it is that people are too media-brainwashed and stupid and stuck in ideological rabbit holes to shut the fuck up and listen to each other and make things better without placing undue blame on each other. It's lunacy and hypocrisy drives me to a general sense of misanthropy and so I simply prefer to avoid people and find it extremely taxing to engage in social behavior.
>Do other mentally ill loners really feel this much rage?
The rage is your mind wanting others to feel as you do so that society becomes less awful and you can escape the waking nightmare that is your life. Most people turn that rage into something productive or practice self-hate. It is the minority that is outwardly violent.
It's beyond me how you can not feel unending hate; either towards people, society, or yourself.
Because it trys to paint the school shooter mindset (things go wrong in my life so I am justified in hurting others) in a positive light with an underdog story
Can you actually pin point what you want changed?
i dont think it does that at all. not all films have an intentional message.
>not all films have an intentional message
What. Seriously, what? The entire point of art is to send a message
The only change I want is a world where I can be left alone instead of forced to engage in a world I don't belong.
When you are considered so mentally ill that the government considers you disabled and you qualify for neetbux then you shouldn't be forced to still engage in shit beyond your capabilities. The rates are not survivable unless you have parents who love you.
TL;DR - The only change I want is to be left alone.
>shooting in a theater when TDK came out
you will never catch me in another movie theater again
The entire point of art is to leave an impact of some kind; not always send a message. A lot of art have left profound impacts without meaning to.
you cant leave an impact without a message
Well I disagree with both of you but whatever. I don't think the producers of this film wanted to say anything more than what taxi driver was saying.
Gang driven shootings hit unrelated civilians all the fucking time.
You have no idea what impacts are, then. Even socially unaware autists have known to leave powerful and positive impacts on people, through art or otherwise, without ever realising it. Hell, chronic psychotic Seraphine Louis has left an illustrious body of work still admired, and never once knew it. Even Vivian Maier is roughly in the same boat.
a rather westernised view on art. but whatever.
that ovalfaced vice bitch who loves incels is browsing this thread
We can't just expect society to bend over backwards for mentally ill people when it is of no benefit to them. People like us won't be born at all 100 years due to advances in medical science and eugenics. Haven't you seen Gattaca?
Leaving him alone with enough bucks for food, rent and internet would be a lot cheaper than trying to reinterduce those people into society. It also makes the lives of everyone else better for not having to deal with them.
There is a double standard. We care about the newborn, the elderly, and every other group deemed incapable. Hence why rage is an acceptable response. It's not our place to care about society, we can just sit back and laugh at it.
Can't wait for the shootings. It's going to be comfy to watch the news.
This is the worst shill campaign ever and you're all falling for it like a bunch of brainlets
>look it's Joker from Capeshit #14335834972, he just like me! Le society, I hope Veronica and Chad get shot (but not really though)!
What? Are you trying to imply people form their personality around blockbuster Hollywood movies written by coked up people from a certain ancient land?
I'm doubt anyone has been that delusional before. People here are free thinkers and don't buy into faux-counter culture bullshit.
Guess you didn't read his post retard
is that from the user movie?
and your mom sucked real hard at keeping a husband and raising children
No. Dada.
>Fuck off my dick about it.
It's called Nazism, wehraboo
>gay marriage
>not mentally ill
Yeah, ok.
You're describing my exact views too user, so you're not alone. I remember back in 2007 when I first discovered the internet, these sort of views were common among the left. There was a time when the left were all for free speech.
I find it incredible that there may actually be a super hero movie that is actually worth watching. To think they may actually pull of a semi meaningful film about someone being treated like trash and then turning into a monster.
All these normies whining about are just scared because they know its fucking true. Monsters are not born they are created. It scares the shit out of them because they and their jack ass friends put so many people into the trash and mistreated them or did nothing to help those that were close to them that were. It scares the shit out of them that those people are still alive baring powerful grudges. It scares the shit out of them knowing that now that while they have money careers maybe even a family of their own one of those pieces of trash they discarded so long ago may come and burn their entire world to the ground. Its a valid concern but frankly it really doesn't happen that often. And when it does all I can say is this is the world they chose live with the consequences.
Normies need to understand you cannot ban video games or films or anything else and expect this shit to stop. All they will do is turn a few isolated cells of violence into an entire army of people who want to do nothing more than watch the world burn.
>this seething samefagging racelet
What's wrong buddy whitey cuck you again?
I'm planning on using this movie to finally get a stacy gf. I'll go to the theater with a gun and when the mass shooter starts up ill kill him and be a hero. my only worry is that if the shooter takes too long the movie might speak to me and turn me into one of him.
I head that they fear incels will go and kill people after watching this movie
This. Wh*te """men""" are the new nignogs.
>planing on shooting up a cinema
>choosing opening weekend for the Joker movie
>prep guns and ammo
>get there a bit late everyone is already inside
>open the door to the cinema hall
>everyone is already shoot just one incel is still alive watching the movie
People get emotional over things that don't matter because they've been playing this stupid game their whole life and are still bored and miserable. Just be a neet and be comfy until early death
based and baudrillard-pilled
Whites evolved in the brutal climate of Europe, where resources were scarce and competition was high. Whereas blacks are more likely to punch a person, whites are far more likely to tear people limb from limb.
>muh blacks
Shut the fuck up, if some black dude pulls a drive by on a rival gang that doesn't affect me. If Dave shoots up the target I shop at while I'm there to by toilet paper that fucking affects me. See the difference? See why I'm concerned about one?
Then move back to your nigger country
This, people think that they are incapable of evil and it's just not true. Everyone is
>if some black dude pulls a drive by on a rival gang that doesn't affect me
that's a rare occurrence anyway. mostly it is innocent people. prove me wrong
it doesn't affect you because you live in a white majority area, not a negro majority one
>Accidentally shooting a civilian
>Purposely massacring a bunch of civilians
Lonely men will watch it and get ideas.
>My opinions are my own
No they're not, countless people have said this exact shit. You're not original, originally.
How about a joke OP? What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that treats him like trash?