>at job interview
>get asked how I am as a person, what I do in life
>think for like 5 seconds, say I don't know
that doesn't really affect anything about a produce job, but I felt embarrassed. I told him I'm shy and stuff and I won't really talk if I don't have to, only to costumers that need help and all. but it just made me realize I am more of a loser than I originally thought.
At job interview
maybe being honest will get u hired
Trust me user, the interviewer has no Idea what he's doing as well.
don't worry user I'm in the same boat as you
i think it will, I had one job before, and it helped with this interview, just saying stuff that I never missed work and always did my job. but aah, why did I have to say something so embarrassing.
I hope so, he seemed chill and just asked what he needed to ask, and I answered.
we'll get through it together, fren.
Hey idiot you are supose to lie in interviews
I hope so fren
im too retarded to lie though.
i don't have a special life, it's just better to be honest about it I guess. especially when it's not a job to be CEO for a company or something.
we will, fren.
"heh, what can I say... I'm the most based person I know"
all you had to say was that and you would've gotten the job. what a dumbass
what job was it OP?
but I can't lie. I can exaggerate, sure. but my life is boring. I'm not based, I'm lame.
just produce team member, so really just stocking fruits, veggies, helping costumers, etc. I still plan on applying else where there because $15/hr is better than $7/hr.
i did lot of interviews, you should prepare for some personal questions. its ok to be shy but dropping the spaghetti after being asked a simple question like that is a bad sign expecially if you have to deal with customers every day. usually they ask what are you hobbies, your qualities and your flaws but not much else
If it was a corporate/office job that would be the end of the interview. Only extroverted sociopaths xare usually hired.
>does interviews
I heard the team members here are weird and a lot of people quit.
so maybe having a weirdo that will not quit is a good thing I guess.
>at job interview
>say I like to work
>actually hate to work
based devilish user
I wish I had your skills.
Just lie you massive retard, you're there to work not socialize.
then why would I need to lie about my life? I can work. that's not hard at all.
I cringe at the normalfags who say they love working or that they're hard workers, fuck off you cunts you love money, so stop lying to people and yourself.
I just tell them I'm confident I can do the job.
I've had like 12 jobs over the last ten years. I've loathed most of them. I only just barely tolerated working at a fairly low traffic pizza place (I hated working at domino's), being a lifeguard (at a retirement community), and tutoring.
Im unironically one of the better people at my position at my job
I hate doing it but I might as well get people to tolerate me by working cause my personality is akin to a dead sheep
It's a cope, but some people actually do gain fulfillment from their work.