Nobody told me listening to music loud would ruin my life.
Nobody told me listening to music loud would ruin my life
I'd honestly kill my self too if I got tinnitus
Why didn't he just turn down his music?
By that point it was too late.
>too late to reverse hearing damage
>too late to get a gf now (no experience dilemma)
>too late to get a job (never worked for several years)
>too late to live (no money)
Yes they fucking did you faggot, you just didn't listen.
Anyone else smoke weed and usually always hear a sudden blast of loud static that only intensifies if you focus on it?
I got temporary tinnitus from raping in csgo esea. Scared me so hard I dont wear headphones anymore and only listen to earbuds on 10%. FUCK TINNITUS. Fifty fucking more years of that shit? FUCK THAT. Luckily it went away. Dont fuck yourself guise.
Really? Not one person ever told you you'd go deaf or hurt your ears blaring music at excessive levels?
I feel like this is becoming less about the guy in OP's pic.
He only heard the ringing.
A blash of static that you can focus on? Are you sure you're not a fellow ear-rumbler?
bedroom musician here. I have tinnitus it doesn't bother me too much. I have loud headphones on 4-5 hours a day. it's honestly worth it. getting high as fuck and making loud music is pure euphoria
why are white boys so weak? you would never hear about a black male or Hispanic male killing themselves over shit like this.
I immediately turned my headphones down from 150% to 30%
what type of music did he listen too
How loud do you have to blast music for that to happen
he was a zoomer so probably either mumbling nigger music (if he was a normie) or anime and game sound tracks (if he was a typical white loser zoomer)
ear buds
closed ear
open ear
sound insulating
always have audio low as possible
hmm no seems more like youre fucking projecting
>he was a zoomer
No he wasn't.
A black guy wouldnt get the chance because hed already be killed by a brotha
Am careful not to listen music loudly to protect my hearing. End up developing tinnitus from stress.
Gotten used to it after 6 months tho.
It's not that bad what a fucking pussy
t.have had mild tinnitus for the past 9 years
>developing tinnitus from stress
Is that why I keep getting it despite not using headphones or listening to loud shit? Fucking hell anxiety disorders are a fucking curse.
Crooked and bad teeth hygiene may make it worse. Apparently the nerves are close to the bones of the ear. Clenching your jaw can change the tinnitus intensity.
I listen to music on low volume because it bothers me when its loud
Blood pressure in the ears bro.
I've had tinnitus for as long as I can remember. I don't think I've ever known true silence in my life
>have tinnitus
I don't get it. What's the big deal? It's just a loud whistling. I never got the reason people freak out so much about it because it honestly isn't that bad.
Silence user. Youre just coping. Or youre brain dead, either one.
i have permanent tinitus and hiperacusia, cant use phone or headphones or i get dizzy, cant focus my eyes and feel sick even like throwing out at some points taking weeks to get better, ive gone through some hellish situations that i dont wish anyone to experience, not being able tp even tur my head or I feel like the worst shit
i learned to live with it and im ok
take care of your ears and eyes anons
Back when I was in high school my English teacher would always warn us about the consequences of wearing ear phones with the volume turned up high. I thought it was general common sense. But I guess not. I never listen to music or wear any sort of ear phones so I'm good. Still depressed though.
to add something; if i dont hear sounds close to my ears or very loud i can live a normal life even though i get dizzy a bit easier than normal people
not being able to play fps games with headphones sucks ass bit whatever
>only listen to vinyl rips at 75% volume on my er4xr's
Life's good when you go hifi, low volume. Modern mastering of music being fuckloud probably caused this guy's hearing to deteriorate.
I've had tinnitus as far as I can remember, it isn't a tenth as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
I should have it 10x over, I make trap beats and listen to music loudly as I run.
maybe some people have really high pitched and loud tinitus you cant really know
I hear it is healable now, to a certain degree. Maybe in 3-5 years fully. Patience is a trait of maturity.
Go to Jow Forums
P.S fuck jannies original
>the hearing was told.
keked, good one
I have tinnitus but it's easily drowned out by background noise (by my computer's fan, for instance).
I have tinnitus, I sleep with a fan on for white noise. I can't bear dead silence.
it's over for tinnituscels
Fucking based t. fellow musician who listens to music on too loud
It's annoyign never being able to enjoy the quiet again, but it's really not kill yourself bad
I got it on my left ear from a concert
I have it in both ears, it isn't really as bad as people say. I've had it since I was pretty young. Just a part of life, like a bad knee or something.
Music is insanely overrated. I listen to a few songs a month but other than that I really don't see the appeal. Seems like something underevolved cavemen that have nothing going on in their miserable lives do in order to waste the little amount of time they have on this planet.
I got tinnitus. I have learned to ignore it
You have autism. See a psychologist and be amazed with how all of your struggles suddenly make sense.
Or you're just an ape. I bet you're a cumbrain as well. Gotta stick your peepee in as many wet holes as possible!
It's worse than I thought. Someone get this man some tendies, stat!
Can anyone else hear their own heartbeat? My brother told me that was weird after going on a jogg with him. Shit gets loud as fuck during exercise, and I thought it was normal.
Come again?
>got tinnitus
>was suicidal and panicking for 3 weeks
>someone told me its just in my head and i can ignore it
>start telling myself "It only exists if I pay attention to it" whenever I hear it
>forget about it in a couple minutes
Try that shit zoomie.
my day job consists of operating a CNC machine that cuts aluminum. It's my choice to not wear ear protection but I end my day listening to custom maid 3d2 OST on loop while playing shooter games.
listening to same song on loop for 8+ hours really helps with the mind. only problem is that when I am alone and it is quiet I am not productive! I need loud!
It doesn't have to be that terrible. I have tinnitus and got used to it. It's not suicide material unless it's really, really loud + you're nuts.
But yeah, don't listen to a lot of noise music without any breaks and have earplugs at non-acoustic concerts.
it will just get worse then. You will start getting new tunes in ur ear and soon it will be a whole orchestra of tunes whistles and eeeeeeees
This is genuinely one of my biggest fears.
If I got this I would have to kill myself finally.
I've always blared music with my earphones all my life, I still do it sometimes because I'm an idiot. I'm so scared my ears will start ringing one day even if I stop.
Sometimes I'll just be going about my day and my ear rings for a few seconds out of nowhere.
Fuck man, be careful, not paranoid. There are other, way better things to kill yourself over, too.
I already have a load of other problems anyway including anxiety
Yeah I have that too, the ring for a few seconds every few months. Had it for a decade.
Also used to have tinnitus for a few weeks, but it stopped when I started living healthier. I still get it sometimes when I'm sleep deprived.
Hello OP
yes even as a kid my phone always sent a sceen pop of the dangers of listenign to loud music on headphones
im also part time musician and do live shows where its way louder than any song i eer heard on my headphones
i have tinnitus but i can ignore it
dude who killedhimslef is just a big pussy
Well, the anxiety definitely is showing in your post. If by some bad accident you do get tinnitus, I'll just remind you that you'll get used to it sooner or later (unless you end it all, obviously, but that's dumb, obviously) and it really won't be worth the negative emotional reaction. And if you listen to loud stuff only occasionally, it's very unlikely to happen to you at all (I got it after several days spend basically entirely with earphones in my ears, usually at high volume - I really was kicking the hornet's nest).
Also, I wish you the best in dealing with anxiety and those other problems, whatever they are.
>read this article
>start hearing a ringing noise in my left ear
Is it permanent? I occasionally get a ring in my ear every couple of months, but it only lasts a couple minutes at most, and usually happens when im going about my business not listening to loud noise
>be me
>have tinnitus from age 2
>ear infection was a bitch
Serves him right, music is for brainlets, it makes you dumber
hes right tho you nigs dont live long enough to suffer anything other than poverty and aids
you can tell by his weak half smile that hes an incel, he doesnt get any and if he does it involves him getting fucked in in striped socks and panties
another incel down
Remember user, you do not need an excuse to end your life.
I've had tinnitus since I was around 4-5 years old. It's been with me so long it doesn't even bother me. I have to try to notice it now.
>IT programmer
You should know if you fall for the programming meme, that virtually no employers give you private offices.
MSFT is one of the only.
Open offices--no privacy, constant noise and intteruptions--are now the norm.
You don't even get a cubicle wagiecagie anymore.
only happens when you're a retard and put your phone/PC on max volume when wearing earphones
i don't understand how some people do that shit, i can sometimes hear it clearly from 10 feet away
Yea I can even when i'm not smoking weed
>listens to shitting edm on 80% volume
>wonders why he permanently damages his hearing
IT fags at work
its hell. i cant be in a room without white noise or it feels like my cranium is being hit with a power drill
We've known about tinnitus for decades and decades. This isn't a new thing in any shape or form and there's no reason to constantly post it on every board.
I have had tinnitus since the 3rd grade. I remember a sharp pain that brought me to tears and being brought to the hospital where I was told I was making it up until my parents finally got around to bringing me to an ear doctor where they ran a bunch of tests to tell me what I already knew: I had become partially deaf in my right ear. Tinnitus is not the worst thing in the world, and it is fairly easy to tune out, but I could see why someone would kill themselves if they cannot learn to tune it out.
I was born with tinnitus and didn't know it was abnormal to hear ringing in a silent room until I was 19.
Have it myself. It sucks, but keeping busy helps since it only get unbearable with silence.
It's an incurable condition. Robots need to aware. It'll be the final nail in the coffin for some. If you are alone and aren't busy, you'll be more distracted by it.
Tinnitus is a lot like eye floaters- sucks at first but you get used to it. When I turned 22 I got a bunch of eye floaters at once, so bad I thought I had retinal detachment. Nope. Took a while to get used to and they still bother me in bright rooms.
>tfw no tinnitus because keep music at a reasonable volume
So wait, normal people hear NO ringing at all?
I started hearing a ringing around 13 when I was trying to be cool and listened to my music really load.
Then it got worse when I got a motorcycle without earplugs.
But it's not that bad, don't even notice it most of the time.
Even when I hear it I just think 'that's interesting'.
i didnt know this were a thing, I thought everyone had that ringing in the background when its very quiet
Wait i thought everyone heard mild ringing
That's what everyone's said if i brought it up
I remember being like 10 or 9 with a CD player and my mom warning me, even then, about loud music and hearing damage. Maybe your mom was just dumb or didn't care about you
I had it for almost 5 years but it seemed to slowly dissapear, I havent had problems for a long time now.
lol me mum warned me but I was trying to be cool.
>IT programmer
I think that's why he killed himself. My brother has tinnitus, but cause he's a guitar Chad playing in a loud band.
>rarely listen to music or use headphones
>Still have tinnitus and my vision is garbage
Thanks universe
I have tinnitus and I don't get the complaints. Needing glasses is a way bigger irritation in my life tbqhfam
I had tinnitus after getting high once that was so loud I couldn't sleep. I had a panic attack and was screaming. Thought my life was over.
Now I have tinnitus from staying too long in ships engine rooms for heat but its not bad at all. Often i can focus on it to meditate to sleep. I would kill myself too if i was stuck with the first kind of loud as fuck tinnitus.
Get the fuck over yourself, you sound like an edgy teenager.
I hit my head when I was little and had tinitues my whole life. Shitty excuse to kill yourself.
wait i thought tinnitus was temporary? i had an ear infection once and began to hear electric shocks, birds and ringing for a week. then it stopped once my ear stopped hurting
Guy was almost 30 years old, he probably was older than you, unless you're a boomer, gramps
I have tinnitus and I dont give af
I have tinnitus so bad from blowing shit up as a child that if I want to I can just tune the fuck out of a conversation if I start listening to the ringing. (Full baby driver style)
whenever i would wait in the car when i was a kid and it was dead silent, i'd hear a faint ringing that didn't go away, everyone i asked about it said they got it too, so i think that part is natural, but as i got older and exposed to very loud things i shouldn't have been exposed to, i got real tinnitus, tough luckily very mild so maybe every few days ill get some disorienting ringing for a few seconds
>IT programmer
Lol how does this guy have what I assume is a way higher paying and more fulfilling career and he's still too much of a fucking dummy to protect his hearing?
Titinius is just a dead frequently kind of like a dead pixel on a screen