Do fembots hate being women?
Do fembots hate being women?
Imagine legitimately being born in easy mode and still hating life
No one wants a "driven" woman. No one has ever called a woman a pussy, that's an insult exclusively for weak/soft men.
Everything else is okay
No, I love it. All the special privilege that comes with it, given by men.
Though I am a white first world woman, I'd probably hate it if I was in the third world.
What victim complex having mong made that stupid picture?
I hate being a woman in a nigger family. They believe in the most retarded shit.
ruined my life because they were BOTH crackwhores. I'm in favor of genociding niggers because we obviously have something wrong in our DNA
I absolutely love being a woman but that's because of who I am as a person. I completely understand why some people would feel like they would be happier as the opposite sex though.
no r9k has made me fucking hate being me
easy mode was never a real thing for me being an actual retard with autism and Asperger and so i cant fucking make friends or DO ANYTHING AND ITS TERRIBLE looking like a dog in a small town where everyone knows me and will never date me
r9k has made me fucking hate myself i think of transition to male so badly because i fucking hate being a woman, i just want a penis or a dick so badly i hate this vagina i have and my boobs, i just fucking hate everything
and i hate all the hatred my gender has created for people, woman are some of the most fucking vile creatures on earth and i cry knowing i am one it makes me so upset i wish i was born a male this isnt even a larp i just want to fucking die or become a man
>Polite and accommodating 24/7
The 24/7 part is just meant to give a thin veneer of an unreasonable demand, but there's actually nothing wrong or difficult to being being polite all the time.
>A slut
Nobody ever called a woman a slut simply because she was attractive. That never happened.
>Assertive or driven.
Nobody call assertive women bitches simply because they assertive, it's just that women have no moral compass so when they have power they always use it in an antagonistic way towards others.
Not even going to bother with the last one.
This reads like it was written by a self-hating feminist.
*simply because they're
women have zero problems that are not self imposed
same goes for you
you werent born in a shitty war torn third world shtihole
name one reason why you cant be successful that isnt self imposed
>polite and accomodating 24/7
It depends on the situation. Politeness is generally appreciated by most of society, not seen as being a pushover. The "24/7" part of this makes it especially idiotic because it implies there are no situations in which you should be assertive. There is no need to evaluate the "assertive and/or driven" line because it's redundant. The stupid woman who asked an orbiter to make this chart for her ran out of ideas, so she copied one point with antonyms.
The fact that both of these exist on the chart implies that you may not be sexy (or ugly, as the chart says), but you can still be cute. That seems contradictory. And again, the comment above regarding redundancy still stands here.
Sexiness doesn't imply sluttiness, and plenty of men appreciate sluttiness (but generally, only for getting laid). Sluts own the whole slut thing until they want to be seen as more than a slut. But all they are is a slut. Which is fine, but that's all you are.
And you can still be sexy if you're not cute, meaning you aren't "butch," clearly, the woman (or betafag, perhaps) behind this post has proven that women can be ditzy/stupid regardless of all these physical traits, because they feel a need to sarcastically perpetuate retarded stereotypes that ironically prove themselves true through their own stupidity.
Literally oppression Olympics.
>Your problems are not relevant until ALL personal problem of everyone judged by you to be more cumbersome are solved first.
Effectively meaning only one person deserves sympathy. It's misanthropic and disgusting.
Post tits or get the hell out you actual retard
i didnt see you give one reason why you dont have a problem that wasnt self imposed
fembots do not exist, its impossible for women to be lonely. you should be polite, you will be sexy as long as youre not fat, do NOT be assertive, cute is same as sexy
i'm sorry dude. why do you feel like a dog in your small town?
I'm not the same user retard.
And it also seems like you can't grasp the difference between "big problem" and "problem outside your control". Your mind is too simple and you just have to classify those widely different things as the same.
But I sympathies with you somewhat, because your stupidity is a problem you have which isn't self imposed. Probably. Maybe it is.
Cunt is a better word.
Your name wouldn't happen to be Jessica, would it? I think I know you.
this is so hot to see someone trapped in an attractive body like i am in mine
um no, who the fuck is that, is it some girl you orbited
anyways sorry deleted my post too fucking shaken up that someone might save it
Actually, I would like a driven woman. My mom is like that and its something I admire about her. I wouldnt want to be stuck married to someone lazy because I would feel like they are deadweight on me.
nah, life's easier than for regular spacerobots.
Not him, but from general experience women are forgiven a lot more.
>test day
>have a panic attack and skip test
>college faculty does not believe me despite them having papers from my therapist saying that in fact I have that kind of retardation
>other test day
>some girl has a panic attack
>test rescheduled A MONTH AFTER and is worth the same
>does it for the following test also
>be caught copying an answer in an assignment
>automatically fail the course and have to retake
>hear of this girl who apparently has been caught four times copy-pasting homeworks without consent
>nothing happened
>coding competition
>show project we carefully polished so it works flawlessly before presenting it
>some other really good projects are shown
>all-girl team shows glitchy mess they had to restart about 3 times mid-presentation, and it was more of a concept than a project with lots of code behind
>wins first place
>second place taken by the other only team who had females
I just try to accept life as it is and try to ignore all these things, but it really gets tiring after it affects you IRL. What I don't stand is when they start complaining how men have it better, and generally the men in the room do not agree but they will chant them either way because, well, they are women.