Who has succesfuly cut of ties with their Shitty Abusive Boomer Parents?
They pushed me over the edge I don't want to deal with my parents anymore. Fuck them and fuck their inheritance they can shove it up their ass if they think I am going to put with abuse with that.
I only talk to my parents on a controlled basis to maintain at least cordial relations. But they are a fucking mess that will enevitably become a problem when their money runs out.
my mother threw me out on the streets when i was 18, im 26 now and havent talked to her since then.
her husband left her and now shes all alone KEK
I love my parents, they are really better than I deserve.
Lol based. She doesn't text you happy birthday or wonder how you're doing this whole time? If she actually does that then you're a faggot
Boomers are based. Zoomers like you are all homosexuals.
Haven't talked to my mom since 2015. She sends me money and gifts through my dad and brother to try and make ammends. I just take whatever I'm given and continue ignoring her.
Good shit user, I hope that bitch dies miserable and alone.
I'd love to, but they still keep my dog so there's that. Fuck their narcissistic asses, they failed at raising two kids in a row.
My mom has always been loving towards me, but she is the dumbest most hysterical and angsty bitch you can find which puts me off on women as a whole. I honestly don't know how she made it through life being this stupid. She must have had it totally easy with everyone trying to help her. Not only that but divorcing and ddestroying my dad making over 500k. Now I have to start from scratch and will def have no inheritance.
This boomer bitch is now totally happy going into retirement.
i haven't "cut ties" with them, but i avoid them for long periods of time. they drugged the fuck out of me when i was a kid, leaving me with brain damage and bitch tits, and they never will acknowledge that they fucked up. for years they tried to say it was "because i smoked pot" to which i replied with "is it time traveling marijuana?" after that they just started ignoring me if i brought it up or would change the subject immediately.
My gf's boomer parents have pretty much financially abused her.
Looking to cut contact soon, tired af from my mom gaslighting me and forcing me to be her puppet where she makes all the decisions for me, and as soon as I speak up she threatens me with suicide.
Have one year of university left but goddamn I am exhausted and I'm tempted to pause it and work a shit job then come back just so I can get away from her.
My baby boomer mother wasn't even a good boomer.
She's one of those crazy bitches that demands to see the manager over a price that she believes is wrong (it usually isn't, but if you're stupid and angry enough a manager will usually cave in).
To top it off, she was a hippie when she was younger. So rather than buy a house on five years worth of minimum wage salary she did fuck all in the 70s.
When she finally kicks it I get nothing but some Beatles LPs and memories of psychological abuse. Gee thanks, world. At least I'm in a first world country... for now.
Boomers are literally the cringiest motherfuckers around, that's why they're left to die in shitty retirement homes. Get fucked old faggot, zoom zoom bitch
nope, doesnt call or anything.
cool with me though. she fucked me up.
Luckily for my, my dad's Gen X and my mom's a millennial.
fuck boomers cant wait to be rid of them
They terrorize me for no good reason but i put up with it because it will probably be the most lucrative decision in my life.
They own 3 properties and i have 2 brothers so i should be able to get something out of it once they die. also my dad makes nearly 6 figures
Interacting with them is always a displeasure though
>just get a super high paying job! All you need is a firm handshake...etc
>When she finally kicks it I get nothing but some Beatles LPs
burn them
>5 years worth of minimum wage
really makes you think how fucked we all are when it takes a lifetime to pay off a mortgage now.
Blaming boomers instead of niggers and liberals? Yikes
user, boomers ARE niggers and liberals
The plot thickens so much!