Why do we want to fuck our own mothers? Why is the idea of my mother proverbially holding my hand and teaching me about sex so hot?
Why do we want to fuck our own mothers...
>want to
You haven't already? Missing out bro, no feeling like going home.
Because mothers provide a maternal source of safety and comfort.
It's literally programmed into you, and you got a wire crossed somewhere.
Just masturbate a little less often, dude.
The thought is absolutely repulsive. And I'm not usually one for baseless inhibitions.
I can see how a mother-like older woman initiating you into sex is appealing, but not your actual fucking mother. That is wrong.
The idea of fucking my own mom (who screamed at me constantly growing up) or anyone who looks like her is extremely repulsive to me but a girlfriend with maternal disposition who's supportive and gently domineering is unbelievably attractive
As an addendum to this I have nothing against people who do want to fuck their actual irl mom, but I can't relate. I just want a mommy gf who's nicer than my real mom was.
I don't, in fact my entire sexual preference pretty much boils down to wanting to fuck women who are as unlike my mom as humanly possible.
dude what the fuck this is not normal
Mother is the first, mother is all being. During your formation, what you knew was mother, and that mother is good. Childbirth is painful for the child because it is the involuntary separation from mother. Now you have self and mother. But if you arent mother, then what are you? Wouldnt it just be easier to be part of mother again...? Mother is the first other. It is from mother that we know what our limits are, what we can do, who we are, what not to do, etc. Without mother, the child cannot survive. Father can provide, sure. But he isnt directly connected to child like mother is.
That is why the most common rite of passage is for a boy to leave his home and to leave his mother. To voluntarily separate oneself from mother...it would be unthinkable for child as he was in his early years. But voluntarily leaving mother is proof that he is changed.
This is also why Shinji spent so much time as LCL goo before coming back to his body. He was with Yui again and didnt want to separate himself from mother. Until he does.
Quality post
Go to bed Freud.
I definitely do not want to do that.
My mother is old fat and ugly, and I hate her for being immature and dumb.
Louis rossmann? I love you
Mine is all those things and for some reason i still want her
Great fucking post, fucking great.
Don't eat too much mushrooms anons or you'll learn this the hard way
I don't want to fuck my mother, but I could fuck the mother of someone else.
haha no
it's a concept called oedipus complex, which is basically part of sigmund freud's psychoanalytic theory. it just says that boys during their formative years start to become aware of their sexualities and gratify themselves by exploring their bodies, particularly the genitalia. this then kind of changes their parental dynamics and views the opposite-sex parent as an object which they can direct their sudden rush of libido into, while forming a kind of hatred for the same-sex parent. once this complex goes unresolved at this certain stage, it may lead to fixations or unhealthy defense mechanisms that can be the root of neurosis or other psychological problems.
>once this complex goes unresolved at this certain stage
How is it usually "resolved" in a healthy human being?
I never wanted to fuck my mother. On the other hand one of my female cousins... but then again she is so hot I will be faggot if I didn't.
This x100. I feel nothing for my own mother but a curvy older woman with a maternal personality makes me diamonds
It's not despite the fact that you feel nothing for your name, it's BECAUSE of that. A bad relationship with your mom is likely to make you seek out maternal partners to "fill the void"
Sorry I guess that was misleading, I meant I felt nothing sexual towards my own mom not that I felt nothing towards her at all, my relationship with her is fine
thing is, this kind of complex occurs during the phallic stage, which is the third of five freudian development stages. it starts with boys wanting to fuck their mothers as a result of sudden rush of libido and having aggressive tendencies toward their fathers whom they see as rivals they need to eliminate. this is a manifestation of the id, which is the irrational aspect of personality and operates under the pleasure principle. but the ego, which represents reason, knows that the father remains superior physically that the boy develops anxities and fears. this can only be resolved by defense mechanisms in the next stage, an emotional calm period where children redirect their urges to things like hobbies or schoolwork. if this complex is still present during adulthood, then the children might have received too much or too little gratification in one of these stages and is experiencing what freud calls an 'arrest'. so yeah, if you are a healthy person, you shouldn't be thinking about fucking your mom or whatsoever.
anyway, this is an outdated and almost obsolete psychological theory so there is actually no scientific way whatsoever to test if this is true or not. i'm just basically sharing what i know as a psychology student.
Your actual mother? Or a woman you fantasize is your mother?