jani-user, back at it again.
workting nights alone is a lot like nightwalking. theres no one around, no chatter or people trying to talk to you or get your attention. just a lot of little spaces that ive gotta clean before im done tonight.
the most fun part is looking through supplies in the classrooms. obviously i could get in trouble for doing it, but there are some things lying around in public spaces that ive kept for myself, and lost and found is finder keepers if you don't tell anyone.
talk to me boys. hows your night?
Jani-user, back at it again
god I'd love to be a night janny
gotta start searching craigslist
Sounds based, I would love doing a simple job like that where I'm alone and there's not much pressure really. But for some reason my parents want me to wage slave for muh money so I'm doing welding and your just packed in a factory like sardines and your boss is walking by every five minutes cause he is an upright cunt that trained for 5 years for a job a middle schooler could do
cleaning the hr department, ive seen at least 3 copies of this book in sperate rooms.
normies are truely disgusting.
user isn't that the perfect setting to do drugs and alcohol? How often do you work?
this makes 5
its like theyre trying to brainwash themselves
forgot pic
i dont do drugs. i work 5 days a week, i do jack off an unhealthy amount though.
Where do you jack off?
Absolutely based and janitor pilled
I really respect janitors and go out of my way to be good to them
wherever i can get behind a locked door, which is easy since i have the keys to the whole building. i like to lay down when i jack it, snd reclining chairs are eady enough to find.
The Backrooms has a janitor? Lol
hope you have another comfy shift, jani-user!
lol jesus christ
what are the coolest things you've found
honestly janni night shift doesnt seem that bad.
I always love being consumed in silence and solitude.
I also love sweeping and making places very tidy, I just cant stand smears, messy shits, broken toilets.
What is the job like and hows the pay for a single guy?
nothing interesting. some offices have candy bowls that i can snag something from
i get paid about 14 dollars an hour.
OP's image is CGI. It's a test of ray tracing + some newish spacial mapping technique that I don't remember the name of. Look up Adam Schpalding
Hello janon, I am also a fellow 'janitor'
How much do you make as a janitor?
sorry if you already answered this
he said 14/hr
I just want to do night security at some big ass industrial complex that has lots of machines and also regular stuff like offices and warehouses. I want my patrols to take me both inside and out side with comfy retreats to my security office with banks of camera feeds to watch until the next patrol. I want to feel the cool crisp night air with the subtle city sounds in the back ground. Maybe even have a security dog that patrols with me.
Thats just hr man. As a janny you do more work in a week then they will in a year.
For a easy job like moping floors and taking out trash????
Lucky motherfucker. With a wage like that, I could live comfortably and pay my rent with no stress.
I think people overestimate how much it takes to live a comfy single life alone. 14+/hr is easy, but normie faggots always think it takes a fortune.
>A failure of a man who constantly posts on this board in an attempt to find validation for his poor career choice
Using Jow Forums as a coping mechanism must be the absolute lowest for someone
I make way less than that, but im still able to support myself. Barely. And I work like 60 hr work weeks.
If I made more money, i would work less and have more free time to relax and not want to kms.
Also being a janitor sounds completely comfy and stress free unlike my current job.
>60hr weeks
Kill yourself. I did 40hr weeks doing wageslave retail and had zero energy to enjoy my time off. Janitor pays better and you don't have to deal with people or the general public.
Being you must be an absolute low in itself, newfriend.
>subtle city sounds
i know just what you mean man. theres some train tracks just down the road from here. around 10:30 some nights you can hear the train blowing its horn. sound perfectly comfy.
it's a pretty good gig for what it is, but night shift always pays a bit more than any day job. my rent at the moment is about 400 a month including utilities, because im splitting up a house with a few buddies from college. all of this money is going towards a car and paying off my student loans.
i like Jow Forums, and i enjoy it when people blog post here, it lifts the spirits of the board. i like my job and ive got plenty of free time, so i'd like to be a part of that myself. sorry my post got you so upset.
youve got support here user. do what you have to to get by. if you live in a really expensive area, try looking for a job closer to a big city. i know its not for everyone, but sharing an apartment or house with a room mate or 2 brings rent down a lot. keep strong friend.
wait, you are upset that i have to work 60 hrs to make ends meet?
Not all of us have safety nets like friends and family to mooch off of.
How about you suck my peenus weenus?
Aren't there usually other cleaners and Security guards?