What tf do i say shes a literal 9/10
What tf do i say shes a literal 9/10
ask her why she didn't get her jaw reduced after the sex change
>Im addicted to tinder
That's a 5
I wanna get her pregnant and never call her back
tell her you wanna clap dem cheeks
If you pretend to be a Chad near her constantly you might stand a chance
No, you're just a retard. That is a literal 9
Tell Zara she is a fucking whore and deserves to be spat on.
Oh shit we got a hacker here
>asking Jow Forums how to talk to a grill
post other pictures
that looks to me like a highly cherrypicked good lighting nice makeup selfie, her actual rating floating around 6.5ish
just keep in mind Alpha Male strategies, she will literally be repulsed by you if you say anything about her beauty, a chad already has this in the bag, if she's responding positively invite her and turn it into a nightwalk
Also im like barely 5'7 do i have chance here boys?
>Alpha Male strategies
>Alpha Male strategies
Could you be less of a fag please?
>Her name is Zara
Holly fuck
Give it 24hrs, you'll start a conversation and then its like they throw their phone into a cornfield
fuck off roasties this thread is for real alpha males only
judging from this photo you're european so if you're in a poor european country just pretend you're rich
As an ugly guy I only swipe right on ugly girls.
>real alpha males only
do you know where you are?
Don't shoot up a school, incel
Start by saying hi originally