Hey there robots, it's time to start university again!
Come talk about it!
Are you a returning student? Are you looking forward to starting/going back? What do you study?
Hey there robots, it's time to start university again!
Come talk about it!
Are you a returning student? Are you looking forward to starting/going back? What do you study?
I have my russian exam in a few hours
University is gay
Good luck comrade! Did you study?
Yeah I'm sure it will be a pass
I'm coming back to my Uni in October. Studying Mechanical Engineering and specializing in Aircraft Engineering. Looking forward to it. Where do you study user?
How do i write a literature review. I really don't want to do this shit but it's a mandatory class. Help pls.
That sounds confusing, but I'm sure you'll make a lot of money out of it eventually!
I'm starting a masters in Software Development next week. I did my undergrad in Law, but decided I didn't want to be a lawyer anymore. So now I'm going to be a programmer - I think it will be a nice investment because it's a global thing, whereas law restricted me to work in the country I did my degree in.
I failed my entire first year (2 semester).
Anyone here who also had a very bad start, is in his mid 20s but still graduated after at least 4 years :(
I tried to focus on calc 1 and 2 exclusively and postproned every other exam, but literally failed calc 1 and 2. Now I write both second tries in the third semester and I prepared 2 weeks after I wrote my second semester exams, in my uni you can write your second try in the middle of the semester so I basically prepared 4 months for my exam, did all the exercises on Khan Academy (because I have no friends who could help me, so KA at least shows you if you answered something incorrect) and I STILL feel like I can do jackshit.
For example, I did indifinite integrals last week but still can't answer anything from my mind without looking at the materials.
I don't want to fail despite putting in effort bros.
I also was thinking about programming but decided on this. No idea why. I hope for some money but i do it becouse im in love on aviation. I was lucky to know what i want to do since i was 12 or something. Software development is and will be useful skill for a long timer.
That's nice that you found something you love - I'm sure it makes studying a bit easier too (though studying is still a pain).
I'm in the UK, but have dual Irish-British citizenship, so thankfully will be able to work in any EU country. I'm hoping to maybe move to Sweden once I graduate, if I can find a job - I really like the country from what I read of it (minus the migrants, but that happens in the UK too), am already learning the language and have a Swedish best friend online.
>be shut-in autistic recluse
>take classes online
>one class requires you to upload photos of yourself, face fully visible holding your artwork in progress
what do? should i wear a wig and fake beard or something?
I have autism but why would you need to do this user? it's not like they know you
>professor wants us to write a threat analysis for a given scenario
>the scenario is that of a spy sent by Joshua to observe the city of Jericho
How the fuck am I supposed to write a realistic threat analysis when you give me a scenario that is a couple of verses from the fucking KJV bible and involves literal goddamn magic?
What do their strengths and weaknesses matter when GoD Is On YoUr SiDe?
What a stupid example to pick for this assignment.
I haven't had to write one of these in years, user. Sorry. What is it on? Hopefully some user can help.
I would suggest maybe to just stick to what happens in the passages themselves. Sure, God could just intervene and do whatever but try to not think about that since it doesn't happen. Or mention it as a brief aside.
Hi user!
Im studying biomedical engineering! Its cool we have the same major but different minor desu
because i don't know who in my class is user and might recognize me from old shitposts
>what is it on
Neurological impact of certain plants (like st john wort) in a salubrious medical context.
How much are you retards in debt?
I'm 40,000 GBP in debt, but I don't have to pay anything back until I earn over 21,000 GBP/year, and even then it's only something like 8% of the amount over 21k.
Any of my remaining debt is completely wiped out after 25 years.
Okay you dont count, UK has a more lenient system than non-defaultable, non-revised federal loans like America has that too many idiots take out as if their careers are salvageable.
Yeah, the UK system is a bit cucked but I am thankful I am not in the UK
40k debt is for an undergrad, masters and 3 years of living cost loan btw
thankful I am not in the US, lol*
Damn, i'm happy that here where i live uni is covered by taxes.
I'm in university right now, sitting alone in a corner. Waiting for a chemistry lecture to start in 2 hours. Really hungry but cafeteria food is not good today.
I'm sorry, user. Can't you make any friends in your labs to sit with? :(
>One more year and 3 months of this shit and I never have to step inside the halls of academia again
Thank fuck
starting uni in 2 hours. I'm feeling a little bit stressed
That would be me. I failed out of college, went to CC for a semester, and clawed my way back in. I was stuck in academic probation for a year before I got my GPA to an acceptable level. I graduated with a b.s. in chemistry and my GPA was shit (2.5), but I graduated, and that's what matters. I struggled with math too, and it's funny that you mention calc II because I failed that class twice. The only thing I can say is to keep doing the practice problems and homework that your professor assigns. You also need to be able to do the problems without looking for help. I'm not saying that you shouldn't look up Khan Academy lectures, but they can only help you so much before you have to figure things out yourself.
Are you sure you're not depressed? That will absolutely kill your motivation to succeed. You should definitely see the school counselor/therapist. I'm pretty sure all schools offer one, and I don't think I would have graduated if I didn't see them.
There's light at the end of the tunnel, user.
I don't even want to get out of bed. What is there to do?
I'm too autistic to know how to speak to people and too stupid to make them want to work with me in labs.
I'm sorry user.
Are there no clubs you can join with your interests, e.g gaming or whatever, that would make it easier to make friends to sit with when waiting for class? :(
Academic bump.
I go to a UC
Uni threads don't seem to get as much traffic as they did only a couple of years ago.
I saw some popular ones during summer in exam season, thought maybe with people going back there'd still be interest
>apply for some job at a sandwich shop yesterday morning
>give up application at the 100 page IQ test but get a call a few hours later telling me to come interview
>interview was just the manager telling me to get my food certificate thing so I could immediately start working
I could literally work full time since I have a small workload right now but I'll see how it goes. Don't know what sort of hell I got myself into.
most of them became an hero
i got good grades in undergrad but grad school seems depressing as fuck, maybe i'll kill myself
>In class definitions test
>Write it, comfortably able to do them all with lots of detail
>Some weird report thing
>Able to nut it out and think i get it down
>Marker opens by saying its good
>Both fucking 60%
I don't think i can drag a gpa up from a below average first year
I wish I could get a fucking part time. I never got back anything from my applications.
im just about to go into my second year studying maths user. im not awful i passed reasonably comfortably you can ask me any time if you wanna have it explained a bit differently (im basically dyslexic)
Anybody who calls college "uni" should be shot through the back of the head, same with anybody who calls voice actors "seiyuu."
Don't worry about it too much user they usually try to gradually get you into the swing of things
Honestly one of the main things im looking forward to is putting on my headphones, catching the bus going to a lecture and coming home again without saying a word to anyone maybe. I miss it I feel like I see people all the time at home
Somehow some girl texted me but I'm so bored and have nothing to say to her. I leave her on read for hours at a time and neither of us have anything in common but she texted me first. Just cant get a conversation going and it took about 30 minutes to learn all her likes and personality
Good news friend. In the UK it was boosted to 25k
Water Water Water
Loo Loo Loo
>Calling college the short version of university
Yes that does seem pretty retarded
That's the thing. I got almost all points for the homework but couldn't get the bare minimum to pass for the exam.
oh shit dude yeah. i mean for my exams, particularly calc 1 and 2 (idk if theyre the same where you are) but i just focused on a few topics because we djdnt have to know everything about all the parts. so it was better to concentrate my revision on fewer parts
i literally have no idea what college is or what age range it is.
and college isnt a thing in both countries ive lived in
had enough $$ to pay for the last 3 years, needed a loan for the last year
disbursment is due sep 12 or you get your semester classes dropped
have to come in to financial aid to grovel and make them process it faster because i have both the loans processed but they both only get disbursed past the 23rd. not the 12th
4th week of semester
still have not received a single graded assignment back
semester 1/4th of the way over and have no idea where i stand in the class still
thank you lazy p.o.s. foreign professor and your squad of indian arab TAs
6 fucking TAs and no one can grade a fucking thing.
This is what paying thousands of dollars gets me
What country you from nerd, so we can tell you. The college equivalent in Europe is usually a university of applied sciences, a trade school or a highschool (ironically)
i know the equivalent in uk where i am currently
i think its equal to university
idk about poland tho might be a bit different depending on age
Viva for my master's thesis tomorrow and then I am FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>doing my project with 2 supervisors
>got stuck
>asked for help from both of them since last friday
>still no reply from either
God I hate this project.
>exam tomorrow
>have barely read half the stuff that's in the program
>currently shitposting and fapping
I hate myself and what i have become
>exam tonight
>skipped an afternoon class to study
>reading this thread
I'm skipping basically all class since third year, luckily they aren't interested in it but I'm barely passing
I've already dropped out twice this is my 3rd time in uni so it's go big or go home, aiming for all As
I had three excused absences for my data structures class but i already used all of them by the 3rd week of school because i keep sleeping through my 2 alarms REEEEEEEE
i never had the problem of sleeping through alarms!!!!
its not a huge deal because attendance is only 10% of your grade and there are like 30 lectures a semester but fuckkkk
its at 11am but i cant get myself to fall asleep before 3-4am i suck how do i fix this
In europoorland we don't use them, my state retarded system is from 0 to 30+laude
>only 10%
bro that's an entire letter grade
Not going to class is legit retarded.
Go to bed earlier.
You are fucking up in the dumbest possible way you can fuck up.
>can't get up for 11am
user that's just irredeemable.
Yea! I'm a returner to Uni as a sophomore this year, studying History. Still looking for a subject to devote my studies too though. My county has caught on fire the past 2 fall semesters though so if I smell smoke I'm evacuating south again immediately I won't have that shit.
Maybe you can be the arsonist next time.
True, though I would be sad if my school burnt to the ground along with my dorm and PC.
Any UK anons here happy with their uni? Coventry uni sucks shit desu.
In high school my oneitis lived in a little subdivision called Coventry
didn't go to uni today because i'm a retard and signed up for an oral expression class where they make you sing and embarrass yourself in public lol fuck that
extra credits are nice though, maybe i'll go next week
You should just do it, you might actually experience something.
Imagine allowing yourself to act uncool in public and have a liberating moment instead of just the same old endless ennui of zombie browing the internet. what a radical idea.
TAs are sociopathic. All of them. They are all pathetic losers.
yeah the only problem is i have to see these people every day and if i embarrass myself in front of them i will never live it down
>failed another year
How is it that even though that I know that I need a degree and have even wageslaved in the past, I'm still a retard who can't put the effort to pass?
You're all doing it together so I don't really see how embarrassment or public shame comes into the question. It's a group activity. They actually probably don't care at all.
You know it as a hypothetical. You don't actually know it. You still have delusions.
i have a TA whom i developed a crush on unfortunately
Yeah it's most likely it.
>It will work out bro haha just try again it will be better this time
Every fucking time.
missed my anthropology class
i hate the class so much but i need it to boost my gpa after i failed it
That happened to me once.
I took a piano class and we met alone every day in an old building to practice.
It mostly just was us talking and her listening to me occasionally play.
One day she played one of her performance pieces for the semester for me but I had to shit really bad and nervously excused myself and rushed out of the room.
She thought she did something wrong and was mortified.
Now that I look back on it it's pretty crazy. She was playing me a song 1 on 1 and I literally just got up and left in the middle of it lol.
And of course I could never say that I had to shit so it went unexplained.
i've never been good at public speaking, i mumble and stutter a lot but no one else seems to have these problems
and some of my classmates are just plain cruel i swear to god sometimes it feels like i'm still in middleschool
>Three months for graduation
>Four years and a half of college
>Never signed up for the mandatory internship program
>You are supposed to start your internship after the first year
Well shit, no graduation for me then.
Go to class user. Who cares if they make fun of you. Why should you give a fuck about what they think. Go in, and if they make fun of you, tell them to fuck off.
Well I mean yea it's hard to be good at public speaking when there's nothing at stake.
What book? I love writing English papers and would honestly do it for you if it is 2-3 pages or shorter
T. Went to Dartmouth and majored in English (and computer science)
>Second advanced calculus homework due in three days
OH FUCK OH FUCK, if you had my schedule you would be panicking.
i guess i have to go anyway it's too late to choose a different class so might as well make the most of it
i'll blame you guys if this turns into my social suicide though
I mean even if it's super lame it's not the end of the world. 12 more weeks and you're done with it forever.
I don't think i've ever studied something as disgusting as gynecology and geriatric medicine, nor thought it was possible to hate a course so much after dermatology
Just brapped in the testing chamber
>yes see doctor my 98 y/o vagina is itching and smelling like my anus, what's wrong with it? Mind checking it out
And that's without the obstetric part
but I'm a fag too
Freshman IT and CS reporting in.
liverpool uni seems fine but ive heard a lot of complaints
nah just yanks
Do you guys think its possible to hold a part time job while doing a Masters?
Majoring CS here because I couldnt get any other major last minute.
Im thinking of canceling and studying philosophy