Fembots, do you enjoy giving handjobs and blowjobs?
Fembots, do you enjoy giving handjobs and blowjobs?
I imagine I would
Not really. More into being bent in an uncomfortable position and being jammed into a ball until they're done type of girl.
do you enjoy giving massages and shit? no? no. unless it's necessary
bisexual male user here i have guys come over for after work blowjobs every now and then. i love cock. ive tried to give handjobs but the guys dick always ends up in my mouth
Wow cocks are getting smaller every day seems like
I actually would love to give a cute naked girl a massage. Girl bodies are fun to rub, especially their milkers and brap flaps
>tfw no fembot gf to play with my dick with a big smile on her face
I did with my ex fiance because I loved him. Sex, cocks, blowjobs, and whatever else is not arousing without being crazy in love, but with love, yeah, I love licking the frenulum, twirling my tongue around the head, sucking on the tip, rubbing over his pants or playing with his cock whenever possible and when it isn't capable of being escalated further.
I actually do like giving women massages.
Lol at the LARPers and (lying) femoids. Sex is a fucking chore for femfucks unless it's with dudes who have the Chad 666 qualities (or at least is 'passable' for her absurd CC standards)
So yeah, I don't doubt for a minute that flesh hole cunts would enjoy blowing or handjobs on 'the right guy', but don't ever expect them to give a fuck about your needs otherwise, becaude at their core they are all takers. Literally without fail.
My gf gets really self-conscious that I don't cum from them easy and was so relieved when she finally did for the first time. The last time she did she was very wet and clit orgasmed right away from fingering.
I wish I could cum easily from them but I'm just neurotic.
same. i like making girls squirt too
this board is fucking riddled with normalfags i fucking swear
No, give pussy origiig
Hello daddy uwu, cute emoji face.
Great question! I looove giving big sloppy blowjobs especially when they have immense amounts of cheese! Omg I live for the thick mucus that hides behind that lovely hood you all love to call a foreskin!
retarded troll alert
Sometimes but my fwb has a big dick and he tries to shove it down my throat and it isnt pleasant. I dont have a gag reflex but it gives me a sore throat
Yesss, fulfilling male lust is kinda magical.
What a good girl
Holy fucking shit are you cringe. Please fucking kill yourself.
You realize that it's precisely male libido that just wants the visually hottest woman ever, while women work way way more off emotion?
Physical attraction is pretty much not enough to turn most women on, there's got to be emotional intimacy.
Yeah but the "emotional intimacy" (that everyone always uses as a cop out excuse) is literally nothing other than being 'dominant' , 'masculine' , and 'stable provider' by her judgement... Which is still just as fucking vapid and retard tier.
And don't even go on about male libido. If all men cared about looks that much then there wouldn't be the sex disparity there is now with 98% of femoids getting laid by different dicks twice daily for 20 years.
Get a second fwb with a smaller dick.
...dude no.
Have you ever even talked to a woman? There's some shallow bitches out there, but I don't know a single girl irl who wants a "dominant" man(that shit is usually just toxic overcompensating for personality issues), and masculine.. I mean obviously you want a man, but there's as many girls who prefer more andro dudes as girls who prefer the really masculine ones.
Some day you're going to need to wake up and realize how much of an imaginary, misogyny-based world you've built up inside your head, and just how retarded it is.
You don't know a girl who SAYS she wants that. Women don't say what they want. That's why betas exist. Betas take women at their word.
i love giving my gf massages :(
Yes trust me, I've talked to way too fucking many. And every rejection I've ever experienced has been directly because of my 'opening up', AKA 'emotional intimacy' (what a fucking joke)
Femfucks don't want emotional intimacy if it means anything other than the dude supporting her constantly. As soon as the chips are down for him somehow, or he is no longer providing encouragement, support, or whatever other bullshit she really wants is even briefly unavailable she's already looking for a bigger better deal.
And yeah, lots of femoids associate what you call 'andro' as being masculine, that's literally subjective you fucking self righteous walnut brain faggot.
The way you talk about dominance and masculinity in dating shows that you literally have no idea what any of these ideas actually represent. Fucking neck yourself tonight, please. Or if you're going to lecture some random on r9k then at least don't be a retardo while you're at it.
You know when and why people lie to you? When you can't be trusted due to emotional immaturity or other personality baggage.
I'm a femanon and I have mostly female friends, and yeah I do know girls who say they want that, *I* say I want that, and I do.
Seriously trust me, 90% of the time it's men who bring shit into relationships. They cheat, they lie, they try to limit your autonomy or pressure you into sex. Know why women keep jumping relationships? Because men are dishonest fuckboys only pretending to be decent people.
I've had "chads" just assume I wanted sex because DUH and almost rape me twice. Why would any woman who experienced that(and honestly, most do experience at least some harassment) want to go for a man like that? I want someone I can trust. As do my female friends.
Bingo. She needs you to be stable so that you can handle her stupid problems. If you are unloading on her then she doubts your stability.
If you live in an imaginary world with imaginary evil demon people, why do you even bother interacting with anyone else?
If someone you're in a relationship with won't support you, male or female, you drop them.
Women are way more empathetic statistically. Most men if you're ever depressed or shit will just be passive aggressive towards you, women usually only don't have patience for that after a few relationships with manchildren.
Sounds like you're the problem not the guys. Father figure missing from your life?
Every single date I've been on it was a woman who was trying to cheat on her boyfriend. No they didn't tell me ahead of time. Needless to say I don't hold most women in terribly high regard. If I ever knew one I did regard highly I'd marry her.
Women have been most interested in me when the thought I was violent, wealthy, or just stylish. I remember I tried a few of those applied psychology tricks (basically PUA stuff) and it was like I flipped a switch a deeper level of manipulation. Honestly it weirded me out so I stopped.
The truth is a man who wants sex is the most trustworthy there is. A man who doesn't want sex either wants sex and is too pussy to ask or so fucked up psychologically that he doesn't want to try anymore.
You say you want a man who can respect your boundaries, but I suspect that if a man tried to take it slow you would move on to another. I wouldn't blame you. Life is too short for betas.
>its all mens fault because they have too much baggage
>I can have aaall this obvious baggage but thats okay teehee
If it wasn't for double standards I honestly doubt you'd have any. How fuckin dare you lecture anybody when you're this much of a hypocrite.
You will never be dumped and/or cheated on because you opened up about being molested as a child to a woman. I have seen this happen multiple times, and have experienced this exact scenario myself. Showing any signs of weakness/vulnerability as a man activates something in female brains, and then, dry as a pile of leaves in the fall.
But keep on living in your disingenuous little fantasy, cunt. Have fun.
> You will never be dumped and/or cheated on because you opened up about being molested as a child to a woman
Happened to my friend, her bf dumped her after learning she's been raped in the past. Heard multiple other stories like this in my circle of friends.
People of both genders can be shitbags, but... whatever, I'm done trying to talk to you like to adults. Enjoy your misogyny and subsequent inceldom.
The real world has sociopaths, suckers, and actually decent people. Sociopaths get what they want at any cost. Suckers will do anything for no reward. Decent people aren't sociopaths or suckers.
Suckers think they're decent people, but they're just pathetic. If you don't care about yourself you can't care for others.
I highly doubt that women are more empathetic. I think the vast majority of men and women are terrible. They are however different in how they express this.
Lmao, thanks. I'll die alone on the streets before I put my faith in a flesh flap cunthole ever again. Worst mistake a man can make in 2019, unironically.
He made a smart call. Women who have been abused can't be fixed, but they will work out their issues on you.
Women are retarded. He didn't dump her because of that, she told you that to garner sympathy from you. Are you dumb?
I've been with 2 "fembots" and they both gave me blowjobs and let me deepthroat. One of them didn't like to lick my balls but I made her do it anyways. Other one loved all, now I regret not making her giving me a rim job. As a funny story, one of them drank some beer and got full as hell and then we started making out and she started sucking my dick, and I got on her head and started skull smashing her/her throat. She ended up throwing up on my dick cuz of the beer she drank before. We cleaned up the mess and continued so she finished the job. Came in her mouth and she swallowed. That was hot, not gonna lie.
>ywn be a fembot
>ywn give a hj or bj
why im live
Now I wanna meet some fembots myself. Girls like that are fun.
I love giving massages to a significant other. I love the feeling of knowing that they're being pleasured and relaxed
The first I gave a guy forced me
I do them now to avoid intercourse
So describing a porn scene now substitutes as real life experience?
They must enjoy it on some level, when I was in high school and actually social I had drunk girls aggressively try to blow me in weird situations. The only girl I've been with long term seemed to enjoy it and I got blown more often then I got laid, which is good cause sex is awkward, tiring and I don't actually think pussy actually feels that good
inb4 normie, I haven't touched a woman in 11
years. I just had cool friends in high school
>had drunk girls
everybody does aggressive things in weird situations while drunk, especially teenagers
I've never done this but I often fantasize about it, doing it for someone you love seems veryy arousing. I probably would be awful though because I have small mouth
>I probably would be awful though because I have small mouth
Well I'm the guy for you!
Hmm yeah I guess small dicks wouldn't be that difficult to suck but the problem is, I have to fall in love before I see a guy's dick so it's a roulette for me.
you won't care so much about what his dick looks like. you can throat big ones if you're willing
It's much more complicated than just fugging.
Each person is different and you need to learn to "please" each differently. First you got to perfect your style. It's bit like martial arts.
You have already came.
>you can throat big ones if you're willing
Not really though. What about the teeth?
>tfw i had a girl i met online that would exclusively come over to let me use her throat as a cum dump
>tfw she would repeatedly milk out 5-7 loads each time because she hated sex and had an immense oral fixation
im ruined. sex in general is ruined. you cant go back from this.
your lips will hurt maybe
I love giving beautiful women massages. Any physical intimacy is heaven
You don't know modern women very well.
Its a nice feel to hold a big penis but bjs do nothing for me its just like putting a wet rubbery thing in my mouth.
Why is that vapid? Incels need to stop using this word.
Look at this sterile sociopath
correct use of the word is it not?
and slangniggers need to stop overusing "incel" in any and every situation possible
what? if i had a gf id give her a back massage every day
You told me you wouldn't ever tell anyone. Don't even think about contacting me again.
Because women don't care about connecting with another human on a deep level. That drive is strictly biological for a provider/protector. If men followed their instincts we would have our way with women whenever we wanted. Right now men are the only ones attempting to keep society afloat, women have dropped their responsibility as human beings to fight their innate sexual nature for the betterment of all
I would with a dick that big. Holy shit.