Sometimes I think about those small towns in middle america

Sometimes I think about those small towns in middle america.

I live in the midwest, they're those POPULATION: 205 ones that you pass by on the backroads to some more relevant places. I often ponder about their destiny. I mean, they're going to die out sooner or later, right? Pretty soon only a few old fuckers will be living there because our generation and the future ones are so self-enamored that we view living in populous metropolitan areas as signs of self-worth or self-importance. There's also the lure of more activities and hobbies to partake in out there in the city. I think about those older generations and what pushed them to live there. Maybe they wanted to be farmers? Maybe they wanted to just get away from the city? Maybe they just never left? Whatever their reasoning, I see something admirable in that, how they didn't mind the small town life and we're so infatuated with big cities and "relevancy". I mean, it's fucking obvious with the condescending posts made here about the "flyover states". Sadly I can't say I'm exempt from that.

I don't know why I posted this, thinking about those places and the people living there. Just so isolated and forgotten, it makes me sad. I sometimes think of them as less important or irrelevant, but honestly how much more relevant are they than me? They know people in their communities and probably go to the local bar with their friends. It's more pitiful living in a populous area and having nobody, while others your age are around you are living it up.

I'm not sure of what the purpose of this thread is. I suppose you can post here with reflections of your own.

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I was born and raise In the city and as I have gotten older and became more and more disgusted by our society the idea of moving to a small community where the people there really know and look out for each other seems appealing. Small little house or trailer with a decent size amount of land just big enough to grow your own food, have a couple of chickens for eggs, grow a couple hemp plants, have a way to distill your own beer, and just take a big fucking breath of air that is not overly saturated with car exhaust but instead rich in oxygen from the trees around you god I day dream about it all the time.

>There's also the lure of more activities and hobbies to partake in out there in the city
There aren't.

rural america is definately on its way out.
You are hearing its death rattle right now.

Good riddens, honestly. Grew up in one of those kinds of small towns and it was fucking hell.

If you really think about it the out door activitys you would be able to do in a small town would be better anyway. Going out in a canoe, biking, hiking, climbing, generally exploring your environment, all that good stuff.

it's AGENDA 21 and u've been duped

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What I mean is, if you're talking about a place like NYC, the rent is so high that it's literally just chain stores and bank branches everywhere now, some of which actually operate at a loss (due to the rent) as a form of advertising.
It's a wasteland.

I live in a small town of around 1000 people. I've lived in places like Chicago and Detroit and I vastly prefer it here. I have family here that actually cares about me, I found a decent payinh job relatively easily, the traffic isn't bad, and there's next to violent crime. It's comfy. I can't really make friends here except online because I didn't grow up in communities like these and don't really relate to the people here most of the time, but I couldn't really make friends in the city either

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small cities in rural areas give me a sense of existential dread. Whenever I happen to drive in a countryside and pass by them I feel as if I am in another world, frozen in time, where nothing happens. I can't even describe the feeling they give me.

what you're describing is natural human life as opposed to your jacked up urban manufactured fake existence user
Just human beings living out there lives and able to appreciate the small things, without need for constant stimuli and not larping as if there lives are a tv show

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Everytime I drive back to my hometown to visit my folks, it feels like im going back in time.

Nothing has fucking changed here.
Everything looks like its from the fucking 70's, except for the cars.

It's not that small towns are inherently bad. I'd love to love out in a rural area, away from the cities and all the bullshit that comes with it. It's the complete lack of job opportunities that turns me away from them. I've seen those towns where the biggest employer is the gas station with a Subway attached to it, and quite frankly, that's fucking sad. You're stuck there until you die, because you get paid nothing and you can't afford to move out.

Don't get me wrong, if teleportation devices existed, I'd live in a cabin in the woods with a river nearby. Missoula, MT, looks particularly good to me. But as it stands, it's not feasible.

OP, see this post. Only arrogant pricks look down on "small-town" or "flyover" people unironically, but their lifestyle offers only a few nebulous advantages and urban areas offer several concrete advantages. People don't move to the big city because of their inflated egos, they move for jobs, or for love, or for the chance to eat out more often in better places. I know it's tempting to romanticize small towns, but what you really want is a supportive family, a sense of community, and a sense of purpose and direction. All those things can be found in cities, and they're no easier to come by these days in POP 251 towns.

Sorry ive lived that life and its fucking trash. No decent jobs ever hope you like working at wal mart your entire fucking life. Most the people are hopeless and drinking themselves to death or doing drugs. All the old ghetto life of despair shit moved right to the country. Awful internet and complete shit dining options. Most small towns are not bastions of beauty and nature either. Towns like that are mostly tourist traps that city people mistake for being the norm.

If you live in a town with tons of agriculture shit is often extremely polluted and the county health department is just some program to siphon funds from to give tax breaks to small businesses. The people are just as trash as well with the added benefit that if you have somewhat obscure tastes that you will never be able to discuss them ever.

The country most city people dream of is a fucking illusion of a world that died so fucking long ago hardly even a trace remained even in the 90's. Mostly its just a collection of retirees and people who failed at life real fucking hard. A human waste bin just like the fucking hood in any city with even less of a chance of getting out.

you're still just describring manufactured fake needs programmed into you by the tv user
>make muhney muhney muhney nigguh
>muh ethnic foods n shieeet
>friends and partyyyy xD

are you basketball american?

Source of ur image? Arigatoo

So the wisest thing I could possibly do in your mind is sit down to another meal of boiled hot dogs and potatoes (all I can afford) and then sit alone in my decaying suburban home all night? If I get bored I can walk around the surrounding fields, which all stink of pig shit and industrial runoff. Boy, spiritual enlightenment sure is great.

>the idea of moving to a small community where the people there really know and look out for each other seems appealing
This would be the dream, but I can't imagine it's actually like that in most small towns. Especially if you're moving into one where everyone has known each other for years and you're just a city slicker.

you can grow a garden and raise chikies and stuff, learn to cook
>decaying suburban home
we're talking about small rural towns not suburbs
>If I get bored I can walk around the surrounding fields, which all stink of pig shit and industrial runoff.
as opposed to walking piss filled smog stinking urban alleys? or is it staying inside and watching anime u're after? cause u can do that in the middle of nowhere too

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Don't forgot that are are only two 4.5/10 single women in your town that aren't blood related to you to choose from.

Your just describing an idiotic back to nature moral faggotry people love to spout while on their high horse. There is a reason that humans have been working on building civilization for so long. Your idiotic horse fucking small town values are no better than some fag jerking off over a new mac book or some teen spending all his time playing Minecraft. Morals and interests are relative and frankly fucking arbitrary. Which is why most people do what works for them. So dont preach your inane crap like it means shit to anyone but you.

I am just trying to warn people that if they jump into small town life to be prepared to suffer and have a massive uphill climb trying to escape that shit. Much like how I would caution someone on being a heroine addict. If it still sounds like its worth a shot then have at it. Who knows if you have the right mind set it may even work out. But for the vast majority it will not work out hence why those placed are dying to begin with.

>you can grow a garden and raise chikies and stuff, learn to cook
You can do this stuff in the city too, and being part of a community garden will actually engage in a community instead of leaving you alone with WikiHow and a patch of dirt.

>we're talking about small rural towns not suburbs
Okay, fine then, change that to:
>my decaying ranch home that requires 20 hours/week in maintenance and will never increase in value

>as opposed to walking piss filled smog stinking urban alleys?
You know what alleys have that fields don't? People. People I haven't met. People who could change my life for better or worse. With the field, you know what you're getting no matter what you do to try and change things.

>or is it staying inside and watching anime u're after? cause u can do that in the middle of nowhere too
So my life is exactly the same, but the food is worse, the internet is slower, and the chances of anything improving are vanishingly small, You sure have a way of making this sound great!

>implying I can even get 3s in the city
having no one to compete with would do wonders for me

honestly you sound like a turbonormie fag and should stick to the city yeah

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Ive had chickens before they actually cost money and they stink. Not fucking worth it unless you really love eggs. They are also dumber than a box of rocks and will likely get killed off by a stray dog unless you spend a lot if time and money keeping that coop secure. As far as pets go they are pretty boring.

You sure convinced me that rural living is superior.

>Superiority only valid with diagnosis of schizoid personality disorder.

I dont know man. I grew up in walking distance to Tokyo and shit man I miss going to the middle of nowhere Japan where my family are. I moved around a bit and ended up in this now dystopian shithole called Orlando. Thank god I left that place and now live in literally middle of nowhere farmer town. I make about 60k/yr and my rent and cost of living is extremely cheap and wouldnt have it any other way. Best part is that my job gives me mobility to work in any rural area in the united states.

Yeah I'd like the sauce too.

Depends my man what did you have? I had Light Brahmas and they where actually very gentle and quiet. Now Rhode Island reds are fucking assholes and while they do lay loads of eggs it kinda sucks having to swat them with a stick to feed them.

Country girls are fucking disgusting man. The only attractive ones are taken while still in high school and become available again as single mothers if you are fool enough for that.

If even man. I see more than my share of 14 year old single moms where I live. Granted I live in Mexico 2 but still at least its cheap and that lady across from me makes me good ass mexican food.

the real redpill is nobody is trying to "convince you" since you're not actually a star in your own tv series, just a cookie cutter generic urban dweller mindlessly repeating what the tv says