I think if God really does exist, these offline and online prostitutes must surely be burning in hell when they die, right?
I think if God really does exist, these offline and online prostitutes must surely be burning in hell when they die...
God exists but he/they live on another realm. Theyre always partying, they dont have time to think about mortals except on rare occasions.
so he exists but has put on us mute, you say
we can just forget about him/them then
There is nothing morally wrong with being a prostitute.
It's a pretty low-consciousness thing to do, trading your sexuality for material wealth. I highly doubt that any woman who does that, and does repent of that, has any place in heaven.
ya basically. we can try
heaven doesnt need prostitutes because its a big party. but prostitutes are fallen angels i tell you
God is a family
>only people I personally approve of are allowed into heaven
>because God thinks exactly like I do
>and hates all people I hate
>basically God is my personal hitman
That's pride, one of the seven deadly sins. I'll be seeing you in hell.
>these offline and online prostitutes must surely be burning in hell when they die, right?
I'm just making logical assumptions based on the words of a certain messiah.
It actually should have been:
>and doesn't* repent of that
Now that I look at what I typed.
heaven doesnt need prostitutes because there is no sex only cuddles
If there isnt hookers and blackjack In heaven then I want nothing to do with that faggot place. Why would god create hookers but not accept them in paradise. Also wasnt one of Jesus best friends a hooker. Pretty damn sure they go to heaven
there isnt. its just one big wedding feast
hookers are strictly a mortal thing t b h, idk how life as a hooker will translate into the after party
Well then guess I want to go to hell then hookers blackjack and cocaine sounds a lot more fun to me so maybe if I get on Satans good side now he will reward me with all of those things and more
sounds boring. but i do appreciate escorts
>on the words of a certain messiah.
Are you talking about the same messiah who befriended a prostitute?
you wouldnt go to hell if it didnt have escorts, budd. we go where the pussy goes, and pussy goes to Heaven
I know a place full of gambling and debauchery that you would just love. It's not about any authority "accepting" you, it's about a place your spirit is compatible with. You can't mix oil and water any more than you can put a sinner into paradise.
If God was real, he/she/it is the most sadist and uncaring thing ever. Fucker has the power to stop child and baby rapists, but doesn't. So God would probably invite prostitutes into heaven.
he does but he wont. mortals are the containment realm. he will see us after death.
God gives people the power to commit both good and evil. If they commit good they go to Heaven. If they commit evil they go to Hell. It is as simple as that. He does not need to intervene.
Indeed I am. And repent she did.
hell only has men and trannies
And women who get abortions.
hmmm. hey we'll have to see
>hell only has gay men and trannies
Fixed that for you.
i dont think so t b h.
Either God is all powerful and can stop all the bad in the world or he isn't. If he can, he's an uncaring and sadist fuck.
>If they commit good they go to Heaven. If they commit evil they go to Hell. It is as simple as that.
Translation: "do as I say or my sky-daddy will punish you"
he is uncaring of what goes on here yes
Sounds like a good time sign me up
>hey guys wouldn't it be fun to experience both good AND evil?
>lets leave paradise and go on an adventure
Don't be childish. This is what you wanted. You don't remember, but this was not forced upon you. You made a choice.
Then he isn't all loving as well. Why would anyone follow an uncaring, sadist, and unloving being?
>you made a choice
I made a choice to have baby rapists on Earth? I made a choice to have incurable diseases that affect infants and toddlers? The fuck are you even saying faggot?
On a semi unrelated note do you think if I sold my soul to the devil not like I actually believe in this shit but hypothetically if I sold it in return not for anything of this shit life but for good treatment in hell like hookers blackjack and blow and a nice comfy penthouse above Satans lake of fire would he fuck me over? Like most tales about this we hear people selling their souls for worldly things what if I wanted to set myself up in hell since I am probably going to go there? Makes for a good mind exorcise I guess
>I made a choice to have baby rapists on Earth? I made a choice to have incurable diseases that affect infants and toddlers? The fuck are you even saying faggot?
Literally yes. Until you take responsibility for your choices you cannot leave this place.
hes busy loving his children in Heaven. he doesnt care for mortals.
Everyone has the chance to repent before death, user.
stop posting jesus, hes the worst trick since Lucifer gone rogue
You're clearly a troll or a retard. Which is it?
Miss me with that forced dichotomy, sleepwalker.
>that comic
Haha. It's funny how the author makes the "dumb" character say the smart line, which is "it's metaphorical," before being lampooned again. Christ is everywhere. If the authors of the bible knew modern mathematics they would have expressed the Truth in that form, but alas, they did not. So they used language in the best way they could. Later on you come to have theologians like Aquinas who would use logic to prove their positive positions, as this was a tool of knowledge which was not available back then.
Troll, got it.
I just want you to wake up and remember why you're here. You don't have to be here. You could even help others get out.
God is white, bro
God is everything.
races have different manifestations of his strengths and attributes
God has a tan
Really? I make a comment about how God would be a nigger and it gets deleted & I get a temp ban? Holy shit Jow Forums is now slightly less fucked than reddit. Faggot ass mods on a powertrip in their mom's basement. This is supposed to be Jow Forums, not fucking reddit you retarded ass nigger faggots.
get rekt moot
You got banned for that? Absolutely based. No racism against God allowed.
All of my keks. Every now and then a mod will just fucking snap and sack a guy for the pleasure of it.