I am genuinely curious about this. I posted the thread on /askwomen but try and guess how that went.
I am genuinely curious about this. I posted the thread on /askwomen but try and guess how that went
What a rhetorical question. You obviously got made fun of for being such a retarded autist.
They want freedom. Want to get liberated.
They want to feel sexy but not be creeped on. It's that simple. You don't have to live in a world where you're either a nudist or in a burka, there's a middle ground.
"Our breasts are not sexual objects"
Dumb zoomer Twitter speak nigger typing shit like "af". Stay on Reddit, you belong there.
Let me guess, lilymcgonagall rekt you?
I'll give you the magic phrase "Chad only". They only want _attractive_ men to sexualize them. They want you to die alone in a ditch for them, silly boyim.
You can dress modestly but not be in a burka, though. I think you're overexaggerating just a little bit.
I don't know what you think about this either, but I think it's stupid that women want to feel sexy but not sexualised. They complain about people looking and hitting on them but they also want to look attractive. Which is it?
Why do women censor so much??
Pretty much this. They desire Chad looking at their tits, but if a normal looking guy does it he's a fucking creep incel and they call the police.
Who's Chad and why does he get a free pass?
I'm not sure about other women but when I'm wearing something that shows cleavage it's typically because I can't find a shirt that doesn't. Also, keep in mind that we have to wear an extra layer of fabric on our chests. If you had something similar on your pits you'd probably opt for the male equivalent of tank tops.
An attractive man, dipshit.
Being sexy is a single trait of a person who is otherwise seen as a full human being. Being sexualized is to be seen only as a sexual thing without the need for respect or consideration. With all due respect, do you understand the difference between those two concepts? Also, like said, a lot of the time it's less so women making a conscious decision on what they want other people will think of them that day and more so the fact that half of all women's shirts will inadvertently end up looking sexy on a woman with large boobs.
But how will he know if she finds him attractive?
Well for starters this isnt what people mean by sexualized. Secondly an individual woman is free to choose, and that doesn't really reflect on what women as a whole want. Thirdly, the guys that cant get over cleavage ruin it for the rest of us and creep women out.
"Chad" is not a female thing. This is solely something made up by partially closeted gay men. It's a term or endearment by males for males.
You will know if you are a chad
I'm putting it outside of female words. This should not be hard to understand.
Women want to be sexual property of Chad and not you. It's that simple. They want Chad to fuck them so hard their legs fail. They don't want a beta bitch passive aggressively posting on Reddit.
You won't change how women think nor will you change yourself. You keep trying to argue with logic when this is just animalistic instinct at work. Societal fairness and rules will always come second to human nature.
But all women have different tastes so you can never know if one finds you attractive or not.
what ever makes you sleep better
>But all women have different tastes
lol, no sweety. They all have the same basic attraction. It's only styles on top of already attractive men where they differ.
>have different tastes
I'm sure Blond Chad and Glasses Chad are two completely different people
women are just completely random and fickle, there is no reason for anything they do whatsoever, stop looking for reasoning inside of things that are essentially hollow, you just look stupid to the few with an IQ above 110.
Yeah who knows women better than women? Incels.
Chad is a homosexual term.
>believing self-reporting
fucking lol
Based. Blackpill these incels in denial, user
redditors cant comprehend why someone would post something that wouldn't get upvotes, so they delete it.
>believing people who are afraid of women about women
Ok pal
You mean the people who back up their arguments with actual data instead of roastie hearsay?
Chad is a manifestation of the ideal man as pictured by incels in their homosexual fantasies.
Then you should easily be able to post men that all women find attractive. Go ahead.
It makes sense, incels are pretty much like women.
No matter what is posted, you'd just be a contrarian.
By data you mean internet anecdotes?
Yes exactly. It has zero yo do with women. Just some men fantasizing over other men.
They do have female brains.
There is something inherently creepy in men with their sexualization of a womans breast. All mammals nurse their young, therefore have teats. I think men confuse being held to their mothers breast as a child with sexual interest and it arouses them.
>By data you mean internet anecdotes?
No, I mean data. As in papers
nice """sources""" you have there, incel
Nobody is saying people dont want to have sex with attractive people, retard.
>attractive people
what is even "attractive" since each woman has a different taste?
stop being a incel and get layed lol
Attractive is someone you think looks good.
yes but surely since every woman has different tastes they will more or less find different people "attractive" therefore the chance of success for a random male are more or less equal regardless of any factor except beeeeing oneself
Yes that's what I'm saying. Incels are retards.
quite tragic
I wonder why dumb incels refuse to be themselves and just get layed
Your "science" is sad dude
Where is your data?
Incels choose not to get laid and then cry when they dont get laid.
Attractiveness is much more than just looks.
Where is yours? You have yet to prove women only want attractive people. You're the one who said you had data. You dont.
Not quite as creepy as women having multiple orgasms while breastfeeding their kids.
No, I said they wanted to be slutty only for attractive people.
unless you're naturally flat most women's clothes make it difficult to hide cleavage
the exception is if you wear shirts that go right up to your neck, but I'm too autistic and hate the feeling of things touching my neck.
So it's the (((clothing designers)))?
Because they want to control the positive attention that comes their way within any context.
They want you to recognize them as sexual but "respect them" aka dehumanize yourself as much as possible
honestly yeah. same with like super short shorts (it's really hard to find womens shorts that aren't that short), fucking jews
Am curious, link to thread?
>They want to have their cake and eat it too.
Fixed it for you, dumb shit
originality is hard to come by these days
>They want you to recognize them as sexual but "respect them" aka dehumanize yourself as much as possible
This guy gets it. You're supposed to find them attractive but pretend that you don't (unless you're Chad). It's about getting power over men, and dictating what they're allowed to say and do.
Even the typical answers females give about this topic (breasts are not sexual, it's impossible not to show cleavage, etc) are nothing more than shallow attempts to shift the burden of responsibility on men. You have to realize that women lie about everything, all the time.
yes, they always blame men. I have noticed that
This is remarkably stupid. Good job
They do show them off for sexualization. They like the confidence and seduction. The truth that I don't think even they know is that they want the attention from men they find attractive. You're job as a man is to acknowledge the cleavage but in a confident manner. Never explicitly acknowledge it. Just recognize that she is a female and know that she likes the attention. It's a mating thing. They want to know that you can keep it together, but are also not afraid of showing interest.
That's a poor excuse. Why do you own shirts that only show cleavage? They sell other shirts and they didn't always make shirts like this.
You have to read body language. Women don't speak with their words. They speak in literally every other way. With their posture, hands, mouth, eyes, tone, etc. You need to pay attention to those cues but also be sending out your own constantly for her to react to. I'm kind of an autist too. I just tried learning the meta of conversations and practiced like a game. Now I can pretend to be a social person if needed and date women.
Did In from incel recently change from involuntary to something else? Fucking stupid whore roastie... but I repeat myself
Why wouldn't you want have a cake and not it it.
The most telling thing is when they're forced to answer WHY they wear makeup. They say stuff like "I wear it to feel good about myself" or "I like the way I look in it" and other answers that don't actually investigate WHY they feel good about themselves when they wear it.
The best is when they frame the context of the conversation/statement to "She wears makeup for herself." and its even more blind to the WHY.