What's the most intelligent way to kill myself?
What's the most intelligent way to kill myself?
waiting for old age
choke on a crossword
Jumping from a WTC high building. Just kidding. That's a stupid way to go.
Of a heart attack from cocaine just after a threesome with playboy playmates at 100 years of age
time travel back in time and kill yourself before making this post
Suicide bomb yourself on Iraq. No one would ever notice.
Suicide by police. People will protest police brutality afterwards.
if you mean the way that has the least risk of you surviving and ending up worse than before you started, gun is the best
you only have one life user , Live it as you want
Please think about these words but if you Really want to kill yourself just drink alot of water , I know that's Weird but it's really work , Read about it
Fuck off. You only want to keep people enslabed in our god awful reality. Stop being a selfish statist fag.
Big BOOM at synagogue.
>someone is forcing him to post on Jow Forums and play Minecraft all day
Must be hard
>you only have one life user , Live it as you want
What if i don't want to live it
It's not like i ever asked to be born
Spontaneous combustion is the most legendary way to go out. Try convincing your atoms to completely lose their binds and meltdown.
Nobody asked you to be born either. Why are you attention whoring for your personal first world problems?
>Comes into thread spouting pisswarm normalfag take
>Woah, why are you answering me, attention whore much?
Just fuck off
I came into the thread to call you an attention whoring brat.
Invent a machine to do it for you
Non of have asked to be born , but here we are ,
Stop crying about it like a little bitch, >if you sick of the way you are living your life then change it
, I know that I sound like a fag who reads self help books but think about what I said
>you only want to keep people Enslabed in our awful Reality
That's ture user ,but it's really work tho
There's nothing to think about there, though. Why are you so opposed to suicide as a solution to a problem? You spout that we only have one life to live, but that doesn't matter, because when it's over we won't exist to be upset that our only life is gone. You also say that none of us asked to be born, but the difference is that some of us are okay with the fact that we were born and others aren't, so saying 'here we are' doesn't make a difference. You then proceed to call user a little bitch, which isn't surprising because when people have a differing ideology most people go straight to saying how inferior the other person must be without trying to understand the different point of view.
>If you are sick of the way you are living your life then change it
Or just kill yourself? Clearly changing it is something extremely difficult for suicidal people. Whether that's a mental hangup or a physical matter of fact, the fact that they want to die is a response that they are sick of their life. Going on about 'changing' it is a very 'tunnel vision' self-improvement doctrine where because you like it and since suicide is unthinkable to you, people who want to die are little bitches.
>people who want to die are little bitches
They are, though. Are you saying otherwise?
I've already explained why they aren't. So yes, I am clearly saying otherwise.
>Clearly changing it is something extremely difficult for sucidal people
I agree that some them are like this , but op is clearly wants help or some kind of support , I mean if he Really wants to suicide he will not Write about it here
True, valid point, but OP was asking for the most 'intelligent way' to kill himself. While this could be construed to mean that OP wants someone to talk him out of it in someway, it could also mean that the help he wants by talking about it here is help in terms of helping him to end his life. Although a lot of people who claim they want to kill themselves do talk about it on forums and other such places, looking for someone to talk them out of it or give them sympathy. That is just another behavior of people who are trying to alleviate their suffering in some way, whether calling them little bitches will help them is up for debate.
>call them little bitches
It's not a big deal user I was trying to look Confident
>dude why are you against suicide as a solution
>hasn't killed himself yet
Because clearly you're still hanging on or you would've necked yourself yesterday. Stop being a bitch and pull the trigger. We need less people like you occupying space and more people that have fortitude.
When did I say that I wanted to die?
>suicide is a solution
If it was, any conceivable inconvenience could logically be solved by taking your own life. So why are you holding on? Pull the trigger.
Yes, it could be solved that way. It's a solution. As in, one of many solutions. Furthermore, people don't always go for the solutions that will work; they go for the solutions they want to go for or think will work. Even if everyone could solve all of their problems by killing themselves, their desire to live means that they won't choose that solution.
We'll it's obvious
I live in constant stomach pain thanks to a bowel disease. Sometimes it's so debilitating I can't even stand. I have no energy to go anywhere or do anything because I shit out most of my blood every day and I have to be near a bathroom at all times or I risk shitting my pants (which has happened, in public, multiple times). I can't live the life I want. So I'd rather be dead instead.