just came hre to spam this image
Just came hre to spam this image
Going to a quest to get fome fag to think in some faggy trannie then I'll send this to him. Thanks user.
just came here to spam
fyuck off
source is plebbit /ftmspunished/
execute doctors that enable this
its a female on testosterone
unfortunately for you this is my fetish.
lol, needs to dilate more
I reiterate: Execute doctors that enable this.
Very hot, I wish more fat chicks with nice tits would take testosterone to become really hairy and get big clits.
kinda freaks me out i donut know
Too bad they're so fucked in the head, they're everything I want out of a woman physically.
WTF is that?
A ballgina?
high t original
pretty gay ngl haha
Literally perfect, post more with hairy nipples, forearms and bellies please.
Imagine being the guy who marries that thing. Thanks OP I don't mind dying alone now
this is absolutely reprehensible
wait wtf??? that's a former woman? how did she get a literal penis
>disgusting self debasement and submissiveness
still a woman baka