>Kritzkrieg/Crossbow/Ubersaw (defense)
TF2 thread: list your main, favorite loadouts
No more boomers here, just zoomers who play overwatch and apex?
So it makes me a Boomer since i love TF2?
Fine with me then
>tfw never played tf2 because my computer was too shitty to run decent games
Most of the people here had lots of money when they were kids i feel like the only poorfag
>list your main
don't really have a main but my most three most played classes are spy, soldier and scout.
>favorite loadouts
stock only
>battle engineer
frontier justice
>stock only
Stock everything, even the melees?
Soldier / Pyro
Strange Direct hit, BASE Jumper, genuine ham shank, black Viking braids, the compatriot
Strange Phlogistinator / degreaser, strange manmelter, can't remember my melee, reindoonicorn, roman centurion armor
I'm excited for halloween bros, this is the only time I play anymore
Also I like a bit of scout
Force of nature, strange festive bonk atomic punch, festive holy mackerel, can't even fucking tell you one cosmetic I had
I spent so much fucking money on this game when I was like 14
>zoomers who play
>just zoomers who play
*watch others play
Heavy with stock, dalakoh's, and the KGB
the only non-stock weapon i ever actually use is the escape plan. i still sorta prefer the shovel though. i rarely use melee anyway
>Direct hit
is so much fun
Would always just run all classes with stock, swapping over every few map resets. I'm a simple guy, really should re-download it sometime.
20yo Boomer here. Tf2 is my favorite multiplayer game of all time.
Attack - heavy with minigun plus second banana
Defense - engi with shotgun wrangler and jag
Pyro Engie
>favorite loadout jag widowmaker backburner scorch shot and powerjack
forgot to mention wrangler/capper
who else here /madaboutspells/
i dont wanna brag, im sorry, ill go to the corner now
i love the halloween spells
have a few items with them myself i wish they'd bring them back
Good engies are fun to play with or against.
Whenever I try playing engie, all my stuff gets destroyed immediately.
>Ali Baba's Wee Booties
>Splendid Screen
>Ullapool Caber
>default revolver
>default knife
>default sapper
>default invisibility watch
>festive flare gun
Iron Curtain, Sandvich, Fists of Steel. The ol' standby.
Sometimes I like to use the Natascha for Demoknight fags and Scunts.
Other times I like to hop on 2fort and go melee only with the buffalo steak and beat the shit out of f2ps.
I'm a medic main, my loadouts are the same as OP, I wish medic had some more viable primarys other than the crossbow. My second pick would be soldier, and I like to rocket jump even though I'm fucking garbage at it.
Yeah, medic has good variety with secondaries and melees, but the crossbow is mandatory, unfortunately.
>bring them back for next Halloween
>they reset after, like they were supposed to
>all my money's gone
yeah no thanks