>come on this board knowing full well it's full of angry incels who hate them
Also women:
>get surprised when we're mean to them
Therr are no girls in this board just trannies
It's time to face the truth
I don't really care.
I originally came from /jp/ long time ago after it turned into just boring and monotone grey place. Good times were had.
Weirdly enough robot now is closest to old /jp/ but with less jap stuff and more trannies. I was here even before trannies and during incel era. It was fun. I don't know. You'd have to be female moron or a newbie not to expect people to hate you here.
Aren't those the same thing?
>I'm going to tell women online how nice I am
Also incels:
>since this is anonymous I'm going to be the sperg everyone knows I am and still act surprised when women hate me
Lmao I never said I was nice. I'm a horrible human being.
there are no girls, only larpers and trannys.
I never say that im "nice" i try to be friendly and respectful to everyone
But of course i know almost every girl is fucked up in the head in this modern world
And this is the only place where i can talk about this whole problem because this is the only place where i talk with other human beings
>full of angry incels who hate them
excuse me, since when is that the case?
most of us are not incels, just robots, we don't hate women, we want a special girl in our lives and we love them so much we tend to orbit qts online and we even bow to chinese drawings of girls.
Leave, incel scum. The chan for wizards is awaiting your bitterness.
To any """""girl""""" reading this. Also leave, there are like three girls-only chans, you'd be better there, I think.
we also hate wojakshits and you still come here
you're obviously very disconnected from R9K user. I remember the day R9K reported on Elliot Rodger.
god i miss the times when everybody stuck to their own threads
same user same, i remember when r9k use to be full of keks and at least thought out content. not some shallow husk with a mix of tranny, whiteknights and shills.
>every guy on Jow Forums is evil guys trust me remember elliot????
Not that user but i give up you are just acting like a braindead npc
Very nice and friendly of you.
Sure maybe anonymously you are. We both know you're a suck up bitch to chicks on dating sites
There are girls here, they're just not as obnoxious and attention seeking as the tranny infestation.
>teehee do u know im a girl? haha im a girl
they really are obnoxious
ReadThey are all trannies larping
Incels are more obnoxious than womans will ever be. Incels are basically the scum of Jow Forums to the point where even Jow Forums makes me cringe less than this.
The ones that make a point to say they're a girl are trannies.
Trannies are way more obnoxious than incels could ever be.
nah, women will always be one step ahead in the obnoxious department.
That's what an incel would say in the first place.
Yeah. Mostly. Same applies to men but in different ways. Two sides of the same coin.
Incel is such a new term. It was robots and betas back then. Incel started becoming the mainstream word after that van dude.
i kinda see it like this, if i want to save at least one misguided but maybe redeemable guy, what is the best place to find misguided guys? well, r9k of course.
like, not all of you can be crazy or retarded or sociopaths right?
>I'm the most moral person you'll ever find, the world is black and white, I'm so moral and I have the high horse. I'll teach you how to be a good person.
All "incels" are are a Jow Forums Jow Forums cross breed. It's men at the bottom of society that have chosen to latch onto the en vogue identity politics of today. It's self loathing but with a projection onto the inequality in the dating world.
Robots and betas resented normies and chads, but it's the social view that separates incels
i didn't say that all i'm saying is with some of you the hate isnt really hate but maybe ignorance. not ignorance as in stupid but you just dont know anybetter
women are the niggers of race
>women are the niggers of race
>t. brainlet
nah women are the Jews of gender
and men are the niggers tbf