Is it possible to stay young like this forever? I looked them up one girl is 42 has 500 pictures no surgery and pics without makeup and filters
Is it possible to stay young like this forever...
>rice roasties
in b4
excessive amounts of makeup and plastic surgery
>having lots of one night stands
>smoking/doing drugs
>binge drinking every weekend
those three things are also guaranteed to make a bitch hit the wall early as fuck
Do you really not understand that asian cameras have built in filters and features and she probably looks nothing like this? Besides, the natural old ones are cute anyways. Mommy tier.
But how to do it like them
You are absolutely retarded if you think any of those are not wearing make-up.
i am a asian man , trust me when i say asian woman never Ever EVER post their sf with out photoshop or 360 .
yeah. unironically be dark. fairer skin degrades a lot faster. the women in pic related look absolutely nothing like how they portray themselves to the world. the fact that you bought it means you're an idiot.
Less than 2 minutes on a makeup app. These features are built into most Japanese/Chinese/Taiwanese cameras
zero fucking chance she's 63. prove it.
My best attempt, but yeah, its easy to make yourself look younger in pics.
now that i'm older, the pic on the right doesn't even look appealing at all. younger women just don't really hit like back when i was younger. they look like a fucking cartoon.
I agree. Mommy types are the superior choice.
>Besides, the natural old ones are cute anyways.
natural beauties 10 times out of 10 shit on the ones trying to look like a teenager
it's less about youth to me, more about the absence of imperfections and the albino-tier skin, asians don't have skin like that as far as i can tell.
Half her fucking face is missing in the filter pic. It's not even close to the same person
Yeah, no shit. Thats the whole point.
They look like fish though
Gross and uncanny valley
Based and mommypilled
at a certain age you accept they're women
asians are the most fake of all females, and the reason why some men are attracted to them is because that is where their intuition fails. normal girls are fake too, but he can see through it, therefore by category only a more cunning liar or more skilled fake can trick the man. asians are the least racially loyal females of any demographic, the first incel shooters before trump was elected were all brown asian males. today, several years later, they are all mexican.
From what I've learned from my pops yeah it is. He still looks in his 30s since he is pretty active.
But since I'm half Japanese I probably won't age until I'm about 60. But from what I've learned from thots in odaiba is that diet, physical exercise, and makeup and skincare routine is the key. I would know I do all of the above and works well for me.
That one is shit. Use beautyplus.
My attempt with a makeup app, rather than that spooky shit
My man they all have EXTREME gangnam-face, whatchu mean they haven't had plastic surgery?
I have an great aunt who is pushing 80. She looks 45. Apparently, according to my mother, that's a common thing for southern Portuguese women.