Has anyone ever tried to redpill chads, and tell them that by fucking whores all the time, they're making things worse?
Has anyone ever tried to redpill chads, and tell them that by fucking whores all the time, they're making things worse?
they don't care, they're the ones getting pussy. they will never wake up from a dream so sweet to them
How are they making things worse if life is getting much better? Incels will still be brain damaged even if chad has less sex. Robots who are truly red pilled know that going gay is the answer.
It IS pretty sweet
let me level with you my dude. regardless of whether we are banging these sluts or not, you would still face the blunt end of social justice.
We should've kept burning you sodomites.
exactly. incels will always be a minority, and an invalid one at that. a ghost population, with invalid needs, wants, and demands. if everyone thinks society is fine as it is (and normies wholly drink that kool-aid) things will never change. not for incels at least
And incels do literally nothing to garner any kind of sympathy, what with the hateful attitudes and mass shootings.
Guys quick everyone divorce yourself from intelligent assessment
Don't let this guy get the drop on you by being stupid first.
How am I making things worse? Explain.
Who are you talking to? Are you the legendary white knight for incels?
Chads redpill themselves once their looks and daddy's money decline and they find themselves surrounded by disgusting post-wall roasties while young thots are no longer interested in them.
>young thots not interested in Chad
Yeah it must be hard being chad at age 70 after 55 years of happiness
Try mid 30s.
Try 72, final offer
i agree. this is a completely social problem. and in fact, the mass shootings (committed by guys with no connections to anyone else) can only be done by warped incels. Incels have negative attitudes yes. I'm not saying they deserve any sympathy, because thats up to your own moral compass. What i'm saying is that no matter what we do, incels will still be around, slowly going more insane as time passes. Ignore them all you want, ban all the guns if you want. Plucking out the flowers will not remove the weed
user, it's a fact that incels are spiteful, cruel, and hate the world as much as they hate themselves. Anyone who's ever been around one can feel the pathetic chihuahua malice radiating off them like body odor
I've never understood the incel mindset.
All women are shallow contemptible whores without merit
My life is meaningless until I get sex
You're describing a juxtaposition of something that is learned against something that is felt.
>tfw agree with a lot of points incels make but still think they are complete faggots who watched too many disney movies and shitty sitcoms from the 80s/90s
>Robots who are truly red pilled know that going gay is the answer.
that's lowering your standards too far. gays are usually more grating and insufferable than women if you aren't actually gay. the solution is settling for what you can get. cast a wide net.
Sad to say but this is true. You guys are pathetic.