Would you date a girl who wears makeup?
Would you date a girl who wears makeup?
shes cuter on the left
I wouldn't date a girl who doesn't wear makeup, unless she's the 1% that actually looks good without it
>dating girls for their grease patterns
>I wouldn't date a girl who doesn't wear makeup
11/10 alpha male CHAD answer right here
>Would you date a girl who wears makeup?
Left - fembot mode
>When she hangs around beta incels in class and pretends to be a shy introvert
Right - Stacy mode enabled
>When she's heading to Chad's place to get face fucked and plastered with a massive 10 spurt load
>all but 1% women are too ugly to date without drawings on their faces
>chad answer
good point. absolutely all women should be required to wear makeup. its entire purpose is to make them look good for men
Is that picture supposed to make some kind of point? She's uggo with or without make up
A lie is stilI a lie.
she only looks better with makeup because she looks 14 without it
My takes on make-up depends on the reasons behind it. Make-up can be a way of self-expression just like clothing. In the same way, it could be just vanity.
But still I wouldn't date. I'm not interested in dating in general.
yes and I currently do
but I find her sexy without makeup
and sometimes she does it all up in a super ethot trashy way when we fuck
she looks better without it, but seeing as im also self conscious about my looks who tf am i to judge if they try to look better. The real truth is there is no makeup to make an ugly personality pretty.
Way cuter on the left just looks like an alcoholic slag on the right
>super ethot trashy way
i find that genuinely off-putting. when other anons say they find that gross i'm assuming it's because they're insecure or they associate it with her being unpure or something psychological like that but i just find it unattractive.
well I love it, but just for fucking... I don't wanna take her out side like that... too many douchebags hit on her already and when you look like a whore the lineup of douchebags gets long and more brown
i also love her natural look, she's a cutie and makeup is a tool.
A little make-up is fine, and even appreciated. But caking yourself every morning is a no. You should still look like yourself with makeup on. Not like OPs pic were they look like two different people.
It's not that important that it would make me not date someone.
If you're fooled by the right, especially that half ass job of covering the upper lip in lipstick to make the lips look bigger, you get what you deserve.
No she doesn't. Makeup pic looks way better. That being said, she does look fine without makeup tho.
She looks so damn cute without makeup, holy shit. Look at that cute face.
So you think that holding out for the 1% that would never, ever date you is the better move?
The makeup is disgusting. You can see the layers of slop on her face. Her skin tone and texture doesn't match her neck or chest. Makeup should never be noticeable.
All the girl on the left needs is a smile.
I hate to break it to you but you are already dating a whore.
No definitely not, it's disgusting
She looks 14 without it and that is exactly why Jow Forums prefers her without it.
Left is date
Right is one night stand
Heavy makeup on right
Left is far better than right, not even close
To be honest the only thing this girl would have to do to raise her cutie score, with the least makeup possible, is just mascara and she'd be very close in terms of looks to the right. That's literally it, just make her droopy eyes pop a bit.
>tfw my ex dumped me because I couldnt draw on instagram thot eyebrows properly
Anti makeup guys are annoying, but pro thot makeup guys are worse.
yeah, but she's MY WHORE
keep being jealous faggot
Unlike your goofy ass, I've actually dated women. Your fantasies were just another day to me.
almost all women wear makeup to some degree
i wouldn't date a woman who wears extremely heavy makeup all the time or someone who looks drastically different without makeup
As in past tense. That uggo in hs that left you doesn't count.
I'd fuck her with or without makeup. it's nice to have both because it's kind of like you get to fuck 2 different girls.
I would love to date one of those girls who does all kinds of sophisticated make up styles, like the kind of make up where the girl looks completely different. that way it's like you get to fuck a bunch of different girls in one
>using the wrong social capital
female detected
unironically this, she looks more tired but also younger on left, on right you can still see the zits, they're just plastered over instead of red
I'm certain even a loser like you knows that the word 'women' is plural. I can tell you haw many I had relationships with or how many I had sex with but I have no idea how many I've locked lips with. Don't even remember who my first kiss came from.
Again, your impossible fantasies are just everyday shittings for most people.
Seriously though, you've gotta try laoganma. It will change the way you enjoy food forever and it will keep you in touch with your roots.
Lmao fuck off ad-shill. And once again you DATED women (lie). You're alone now and that's how it's going to be. You should just take the easy way out.
Shit, more than dated, chump. Nearly asked one chick to marry me. I'm alone now because I have to be but it's not something I complain about as it doesn't bother me. Hell, last time I was forced to get back out into the world (had to stay in another country for 3 months) I hooked up 5 girls in that time. It's an unavoidable part of real life.There's a difference between volcel and incel, incel.
As for taking the easy way out, there's a better way. That way is laoganma spicy chili crisp. One of your ancestors deep fired red peppers and fermented basedbeans and came up with this awesome fucking condiment. If you cook, you gotta start using this shit in your creations. It really is the bomb.
Get a load of this larping loser
>i dated 5million wemen
I dated two women. 5 million is pretty close though.
she's hideous. the 1000 cock stare is what kills it
>my whore
No such thing, thats cope. If shes a whore for you then she has been a whore in the past too, and she will be an even bigger whore for any dude with better looks/status. In short, shes a whore, period.
>Shit, more than dated, chump. There was even handholding.
>Nearly asked a girl to marry me but I punked out, also she would have rejected me anyway.
>I'm alone and sexless but it totally doesn't bother me.
>buy the chilli
All that projection and you still won't try your peoples' cuisine? You have to try it so we can talk about how good it is.
That's pretty average for a 17 year old
lol sure buddy
I guess i'll just go fuck my hot whore girlfriend
oh what a terrible existence, if only I had listened to the incels of Jow Forums
oh god save me from my amazing life of hot sex