Came home just in time to make the new thread edition
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Has anyone ever laughed at Frasier? For a sitcom it has a remarkable lack of comedy.
you're too much of a pleb to understand it's sophisticated humour.
it funi to laff at poshos
I don't want to start an argument, but I do quite a lot. I have the whole boxset on DVD, a Christmas gift from myself last year. I find it exceptionally cosy.
>make pizza recently
>still a small amount of dough ready to use
>go to use it
>dad ate it along with my nice expensive cheese
>eats raw dough
>then eats cheese
>probably squeezes tomato puree into his mouth
>lets it all combine and cook in his stomach
Your dad is a gigachad.
don't know what to do lads.
going to get stoned and see if anything springs to mind
Watch little baby cartoons you little baby bimbo boy bitch.
nah, they wind yer mum up. need her in a good mood for when we go upstairs
>watching some godawful film about some teenagers and hacking or something
>the computer guy is literally on Jow Forums on /vip/
Time to stop watching this. Film is called 'Assassination Nation' and I already pray that we never get any closer to America, their anti-culture will destroy us lads.
>>eats raw dough
>>then eats cheese
>>probably squeezes tomato puree into his mouth
>>lets it all combine and cook in his stomach
when you live out in nature you start to open your senses and feel and hear things you would never expect to notice. You have birds in the brush and know exactly how many and where they are. You stretch out of your head and exist with everything else. We spend our lives shutting out the radios and the cars and all the people watching and we close off and flee into our minds and become mad. Mad little baby bimbo boy bitches that need drugs to enjoy anything.
haha good 1 SCVgay
just jelly you can't handle the fun stuff anymore eh.
>now cold enough to warrant putting the heating on
>putting the heating on
Naw mate.
Entomb thineself in many blankets for maximum comf
>not doing both
Top comfy if you canny handle the cold
Any lads seen Vagrant Holiday on the youtube? It'd pretty kino desu, lad wandering around foreign countries for a month while sleeping in bushes.
Quite incredible that some people in this thread would rather have a chafing raw burning arsehole than pay out of their own means for some nice soft bog roll that is kind to the skin.
Not directed at any particular user in this thread who knows who they are.
oi i spent 2.25 on a four pack of andrex
I buy the cheapest and don't notice any difference from the more expensive brands I've tried
>they took our Tim away
>they took Tim away
Youre used to the dogshite bog roll. Try it the other way round though mate.
Will you do it or are you wanting us to go watch the videos
I want to start a band. A real proper punk band because, I know it sounds cringey lads, but I'm the most punk person I know. My friends are in a band getting places and they're 'punk' and say how they hate the radio stations.
Now they're playing on BBC. Anyway what I'm trying to say is, in the words of Holden Cauldfield, they're all fucking phonies
Why didn't SCEA help Tim before it was too late?
Why did he get his knob out instead of going to help Tim?
SCEA is a man big on ideas but short on action
What is their band called, i'll judge them. Punks are faggots who couldn't learn an instrument properly and seethe about it.
Everyone is punk until it's time to sell out.
Don't bother telling us the name of your, whoops I mean their, band as we already know they're shite.
Watch the videos lad, there's only 4. Wouldn't mind doing it myself desu. Not in a foreign country but around the UK like.
What does punk even mean?
Never understood it desu
Just popped out a tonsil stone with a cotton bud and it got lodged in my throat and I gagged like fuck and threw it up
Wish there were an easy, online way of looking up what words mean.
But as there isn't, we simply have to move on.
You're a wee minger, thanks for sharing. Any pictures of the tonsil stone?
>Why yes, I will be going on a company paid trip overnight to Weston-Super-Mare tomorrow, how could you tell?
>I know it sounds cringey lads, but I'm the most punk person I know.
Who shat themselves at school as a kid?
how are you a punk lad? ever been arrested? been in a fight? do drugs?
fuck off shitty ya cont
SP did no doubt
I put the phone down on several paki taxi companies today, eventually a white voice answered the phone but unfortunately they sent a paki driver
Fascinating Shippy, absolutely fascinating.
Why am I not surprised that was not an original post?
I don't buy anything new because I don't like giving to Corp, don't use any form of transport that is private. Pirate everything because the studios can get fucked if they think they'll see a penny for me. I spoil my ballot and I'm toxically critical and sceptical of everything.
I also do drugs
what do you eat lad? isn't all consumable items you buy new and most likely made by corps
>Chika doesnt understand something
Colour me shocked
user you're a libertarian
Seems to me that most of the personalities here are low IQ mongs, Im sure Shippy will chime in with some noncence about his IQ but he also claims he isnt autistic and thats obviously not true.
Kosovo getting dabbed on tonight in Southampton
You just sound like an entitled child desu, love how you shun the private sector but not the public. Not very anarchical.
I am high IQ but gullible
Trust me...
>high IQ
Sorry Chika lad I find that very unlikely, youre not top mong, but youre a contender
Was bored so went to see the games I downloaded over the years. Found The Sims 4 and made a CHAD character. First thing I'm about to do is chat up my neighbours wife and steal her haha.
He's a 'Geek' so it makes it all that more pleasurable.
I outwit anons on a daily basis though
I am above average by britfeel standards
Currently chatting up Geek's underage daughter waheyy.
I shop in places like Iceland, when I do. Although food wise its inescapable, I choose to shop at places that aren't for middle class. (plus I was raised on Iceland food, probably why I'm fucked)
No I'm not. I don't think you know that is
Entitled? How? The public sector is complex. On the one hand I'd rather support things intended for all people, but I don't like complying with the state. I would have mentioned this earlier but omitted it.
Just been rejected by his underage daughter.
>tea's here
>got 2 cold beers
>got heating on
comfy levels are rising
Give us an example of a clever bit of outwitting that you did recently then lad. Just have a hard time believing that someone who wasted the last few weeks trying to get platinum on RDR2 is high IQ
>in the words of Holden Cauldfield, they're all fucking phonies
what you've invented here lad is "hippy socialism"
it's not punk unless you regularly do violence
Too many examples of people saying retarded stuff and ol Chika has to prove them wrong
bus vs bus drive-by combat game. players can drive the bus, or stand inside the bus and shoot out the window at the opposing bus
Call it what you want.
Punk does not intrinsically mean violent. Like I've mentioned I don't follow all laws. I buy and use drugs, I pirate etc. I won't go into more depth in that incase this is monitored (you never know - I'm watching you big bro)
You know, punk rock died when the first kid said, "Punk's not dead."
you could rob food lad, when was the last time you was arrested and what for?
>I buy and use drugs, I pirate etc.
so every normie that goes clubbing and streams movies is punk?
i used to wokr with someone fro kosovo and she was a CUNT
fuck you mary and your """country"""
Now not to be mean but Im pretty certain you were mocked for taking things to literally and your response was to seethe about chavs and norfs, doesnt sound like high IQ to me lad...
Aight so raport is going better lads, current situation is pic related.
Only buzz kill is the fact the mother is sat in the bedroom as I try to shag her underage daughter.
She's asian too somehow.
that's just south slavs in general though
he asked for an example, you're just repeating an unsubstantiated claim like saying twice makes it true
Pre conceived notions of punk are paradoxically not punk. What use would I be in a jail cell? I don't want to be arrested - plus I'm very claustrophobic
I dont care to continue this argument because they never seem to end
What does this mean? Another personality? What's Kosovo got to do with soton?
Come on Chika lad, an intelligent man would present a strong rebuttal
what use are you outside a jail cell? it seems like all you do is drugs and shop at iceland
do germans hate us?
well isn't that convenient
if you're just going to abandon your position at the slightest challenge then maybe don't bother at all
you don't have to be high IQ to understand that
Oi I also play guitar as I said
you might have to finger blast the mum when the daughter goes to the toilet.
Not in the slightest, they feel a bit sorry for us because our standard of living is lower
Chika lad you have made a poor show of proving your intelligence, have bumped you up a tier in the new mong list. Shame you seem to have returned to noncey avatar posts too, thought we bullied that out of you
There is no argument
I say one thing, anons say the exact opposite
What is the point
and that is, in your words, "outwitting anons" and "proving them wrong"?
I can see why you deflected, you're terrible at this.
Bloody hell lad dont cry. I only asked for an example of you outwitting someone, and you respond by giving a crash course in mong posting
>I am terrible at pointless never ending arguments for the sake of having them with people who dont know me and I dont know them
Oh fuck. Gutted
some top banter in britfeel today
>Chika making a tit out of himself after claiming to be high IQ
Fuck sake lad, you give them all the ammo they need
Shippy is a mong too but he isn't on Chika's mong level
right, so when you win you're an intellect but when you lose it was pointless from the start
I'd just stop talking if I were you, but you're not smart enough to even do that...
The other day Shippy was saying being fit and healthy is a "meme." Dozy Greg living up to his school nickname there
Basically, I'm in love with Sophia Bush
thats cause he is a fat speccy bastard
No, only being autistic about nutrition. Having lots of carbs isnt even a big deal as long as you get enough exercise to make use of it
Tbh I am not the one who starts arguments
Other people start them for no reason
You were being told not to stuff your fat gut with discounted sub-greggs tier pastries and cheap frozen shite every day you dozy twat.
>if I don't win then I'm not playing
>he started it
you are at the level of toddler right now